Avoiding an explosion

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

ready to explode

Sometimes events during the day can make you feel like you want to explode. It could be a toxic person that continues to push your buttons or problems that continue to build up it’s a wonder you’re sane at all.  In times like these we need steps to insure that one act of anger doesn’t destroy all the good work(s) that we’ve done in the past. Here are some helpful tips.

(1) MINOR TREMORS- Don’t bottle all your emotions but let them seep out little but little during the day. Make sure each tremor is a separate event that doesn’t build on another.

(2) BREAK-TIME- Take a break it will get done and everyone deserves a few minutes to reflect. If you can’t sneak out go to the bathroom and read a book, listen to music or just mediate.

(3) LAUGH ABOUT IT- Find a way to laugh about what’s going on even in your head. It’s crazy how a little humor can lighten things up.

(4) MAYBE TEST- Realize that this just is a difficult moment and maybe you’re being tested from G-D above. You’ve got through hard moments like this and you will get through this.

(5) PRAY- Ask G-D for guidance and support during this difficult time. Pledge that in return you will try to be a better person in someway. It’s amazing how a little pray can go a long way.

Burn out- How to battle on.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health, Philosophy, Solutions - 4 Comments

burned out

It is terrible to feel burned out, this is a time when you lose all sense of drive. You feel like you’re trapped because you’re needed in a position but truly don’t receive the credit that is due. Work keeps piling up and up and feel like you don’t have a chance to breath. All you hear is blame and yet you still feel guilty if you walk away.  Responsibilities also prevent you from walking away like paying the mortgage, car payments, and college education. How can you get over this slide?

(1) Breath- Take a moment to reflect and realize that you’re tough and have got through many difficult times in the past. You’ll get through this but at a reasonable pace. No person should expect more of you then you can physically or mental due so just do your best and leave the rest to G-D.

(2) Give yourself one full day off a week to reflect on anything but the work you do. If G-D could make the world in six days surely you deserve a break.

(3) After work give yourself some down time with your favorite T.V show, music, book or even cloud watching.

(4) Demand that not only your misfires are noticed but your successes. That could be clapping in front of others when you succeed or rewarding yourself with a large coffee and donut. You deserve it!

(5) Create something new at work. It doesn’t have to be big but it has to be original like you. This could be accomplished bit by bit over-time or be a small creation that you can reflect on when it’s getting a bit too hot.


How to keep succeeding

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

Dominoes. 2 jpg

They say you’re only as good as your next success. Which means that the world may forget your successes in the past and only look what is presently on the table. As we get older in life it gets harder to top the last success but let’s start at the beginning for a moment.

As a toddler almost every word or even movement was greeted with great exhilaration.  Yet as we get older that stick figure painting doesn’t get you the same recognition (unless you are in a hospital). That group of Lego’s must become bigger and bigger just to gain the same recognition we got from our previous stick figure.  Then just like a group of dominoes  there are times when everything appears to fall down. How can we keep succeeding in our world that expects us to top our last accomplishment. We must take control.

(1) Recognize within ourselves the small accomplishments we achieve each day. It could be writing a different point of view, cleaning a room, or finished that chapter from a long lost book.

(2) Tell loving friends or family your experiences.

(3) Give yourself a little reward for your accomplishment ( go out for dessert, call a friend, watch a few more minutes of the boob tube)

(4) Plan your objectives for the next day and when you accomplish it repeat steps 1-3.

(5) At the same time have al long term more difficult goal which can be broken up in baby steps each day. Once a month or so reward yourself as you keep progressing toward that goal.   Keep a list of the successes you’ve achieved and reflect back on them with pride even if the ultimate goal becomes to distant for you to achieve.


Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Solutions - No Comments

Occupytea party

You might believe that “Occupy Wall Street” and “The Tea Party” have nothing in common but they both are grassroots anti-establishment movements that should have a spot in the public square. When people with unique perspectives on the world don’t have an avenue to express those points of view we all lose out because a good idea can come from anyone.  We also know when you shut off open discourse then those who’s voices are being shut might attempt violence actions to get their point across.  Therefore  I believe it’s essential to have a location in all states where people with minority view points can share their philosophy in a peaceful way with fellow citizens.  These sanctuaries would also include avant garde art forms, independent business ventures, unconventional foods and faiths that aren’t normally represented in the public square.

(1) The state or locality would donate a space where those who feel disenfranchised could have either a storefront or booth to discuss their point of view and/or sell merchandise promoting that view point.  Each spot would be of equal size and location would be picked on a lottery type system.

(2) After an election cycle those of the losing parties would be in charge of who is allowed to be part of this community with equally footing for various points of view.  Their would be a token fee for the booths

(3) All participants in this sanctuary must not be involved in fomenting any violence against any other individual in this sanctuary or the community at large  and also must form a neighborhood watch to insure all points of view are freely and peacefully discussed.


Boycott Thanksgiving?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, personal, Philosophy, Solutions, Uncategorized - 3 Comments

turkeyboycott 2

Thanksgiving is one time of the year all Americans from various faiths can eat dinner with family and friends, while  thanking G-D for the bounties and freedom that we continue to enjoy in this precious land. I’m a proud capitalist but I believe it’s important for all American’s (except those needed in public safety) to have an opportunity to take a moment with friends and/or family to enjoy this truly special day. Therefore I will not shop on “Thanksgiving” (except for the emergency Cranberry Sauce) and ask that you do the same. Please spread the word to family and friends to do the same so that these stores will realize it doesn’t pay to destroy this holiday for so many.

Following the psychotic

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, investing, Political, Solutions - No Comments

Elizabeth Smart Elizabeth Smart 2

I just started reading Elizabeth Smart’s book “My Story” and realized that just like others attacked by psychopaths, there was a clear path that could have prevented or lessoned the horrible plight that these victims went through.  Mental health professionals should befriend and/or visit  those who have had episodes/experiences that have been shown to lead to a possible path of deviance. If the mental health professionals meet with such individuals on a semi-annually basis they would be able to insure that they weren’t planning or acting in a way that could cause pain or harm to the innocent. Furthermore if they felt there were suspicious activities occurring they could report these actions to the police  for further investigation  and G-D willing stop or prevent these acts from occurring in the first path.

Stopping Bullying= knowing your bully

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, NFL, Solutions - No Comments

miami dolphins   bullying

Recently the actions of Richie Incognito of the Miami Dolphins have brought new attention on the acts of bullying. What occurred at the Miami Dolphins shows that this harmful acts can continue well into adulthood but how is someone to fight against these actions.  If we are to stop bullying we must understand the different types of people who bully and their motivation. If we can limit the reward they receive from bullying then they will refrain from this hurtful activity.

(1) INCOGNITO BULLY= Hidden Bully. This is a bully that may not realize that they are actually hurting someone and or even bullying them. They believe that it all is just a big joke.  SOLUTION = Telling the bully that you are hurt by his/her acts in a language they will accept. EXAMPLE-I’m curious how do you think I should react if  (bullying act) happened to you.

(2) REWARD BULLY = This bully actually gains benefits from bullying. Maybe they feel more popular, hipper or higher on the social stratum by bullying an individual. SOLUTION= The punishment must effect their social status. SOLUTION = Ignore them or come up with a response that belittle’s them in front of their friends.

(3) NARCISSISTIC BULLY = This bully feels no remorse for his/her action.  SOLUTION = Punishment must be much more severe then any reward they receive from their actions.  These individuals may have to suffer physical reactions from those being attacked and/or suspended from activities they enjoy because of their actions.

We the people!!!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Solutions - No Comments

Governance works best if people who propose a law actually know how it will work and this can only occur when you have the expert citizen involved.  For example if you have an idea on improving education you should have parents, teachers, psychologist, and students involved in the discussion.  How can this occur without creating more politicians or political offices. The answer is the “Citizens Panel”.

(1) Legislation is signed that provides that an expert citizen council be formulated to review, modify and/0r rewrite proposed legislation.

(2) A Private company invites citizens to be selected on a lottery basis to serve on such a “weekend council”. There is a small fee attached to participate.

(3) When legislation is proposed. The lottery system selects experts citizens from an equal amount of various parties to serve on a weekend council to review such legislation.

(4) These citizens meet for a pre-paid weekend to review the proposed legislation and come up with their own solutions.

(5) Those who participate in this panel are invited to meet representatives from the Executive and Legislative branch to lobby for their work.

(6) Their proposal is posted and sent to various news outlets to publish.

(7) That legislation must be reviewed by the Executive and Legislative Branch and voted on.

(8) The citizens are given tokens of appreciation for their hard work and return back to their regular jobs.

Hypnosis seek and find

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Solutions - No Comments


If hypnosis could be used to go back in time could it help you find a lost item? If hypnosis could be used to help you quit smoking then can it help you become more organized or get rid of a bad habit? If the conditions could be met then why aren’t there more storefront hypnosis centers?  What do you think?

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