Many have said I should just walk away because I shouldn’t be treated this way but something keeps me “glued” to my spot. Maybe it’s because I’m so damn loyal to those that I would leave behind or fear that I might end up in a similar spot no matter where I go, that I don’t start walking? I wonder if it’s the success that would be taken away that keeps the adhesive so strong? Could it be that I subconsciously fear I’ll find more cracks in my own mirror upon such a journey or that others have lead me to this Cinderella thought pattern? In the end I believe it’s the dependents that would suddenly out of know where break to independence that has me continuing this travel around circles. No matter what though this road will be taken with my feet on the ground or six feet under and sometimes the pain I’m going through wears me down to the shovel.
Y-O-U Make Me Smile
Whoever Y-O-U are out there you’re the reason this frown is turned upside down. For, allowing me to express my thoughts in the way that they come out has helped M-E more then Y-O-U can imagine. Even though I may never read or understand how my writing has impacted Y-O-U at least I know I’m not truly ” not alone” with who I “authentically” am. Maybe someday at some event will pass each other’s way but if not I just want to say “thank you” for listening and helping making my burdens a little less heavier to carry.
Important Message- Not So
It’s an “Important Message” that truly isn’t. A matter of fact this message is so unimportant that you probably skip it before “message” is fully heard. Spam has taken over those two words to the point we will never believe a message truly is that important especially from a keyboard. “Important Message” yes and I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Our Manna
Every moment of everyday it’s the exact formula to keep us thriving. We don’t even think about it just expect it. Our Manna today isn’t in the form of food but the very substance that keep us everything going. G-D created the perfect combination for us to take in and exhale out that keeps not only our world working but the life forms around us. It might not be one written in the book but it’s perfect combination of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Helium etc. is truly a miracle that we often take for granted until we can’t.
Rivera of the Middle East- Making My Reservation
I’m making a reservation for the Rivera of the Middle East for 2028. On that date, G-D willing the President’s vision will become a reality for the world. This will be a time where the Gaza Strip will finally become a place of peace and prosperity for those who live there and even those who visit. The Palestinian people who return will have the opportunity to truly have a great life with U.S security, ensuring that terrorists don’t interfere as they did in the past. Gaza Strip, finally peace and prosperity for all a vision we all should look forward to
Half Alive – Automatic – Before
This song has been in my head for approximately 2 weeks but was competing with another song (“I look Alive” by Phoneboy) for head space. At this time half alive has brought more life to me and with there great dance moves (see vide0) it might stay alive for a whole lot longer.
You’re Needed
Don’t ever forget Y-O-U are needed. For, as lonely as you might feel now someone out there needs your hand. Whether it be that elderly person who is sitting alone in a nursing home waiting for someone to stop by, a disabled child feeling more left out, or a child continually picked last your being can make such a difference. For, your experiences and pain can help others during their own difficult moment after their own losses. So why not be the crucial 10 th person at a minyan or be a helping hand when another doesn’t have the energy to be lifted up ? Y-O-U are needed now get out and make the difference one person at a time.
On The Wings
If it wasn’t for the sacrifice I made you would have never ended here. With all your kvetching you’ll never know or understand how much it took to get you to the spot you are standing in now. For, unlike Y-O-U the technology and means to move people, places as well as things was measured in days/weeks rather then minutes/hours. The risk we took for the future generations was felt with blood, sweat and tears as many were six feet under before even a glimpse could occur. I’m not asking for an award just a moment to look back in the past to see how far you’ve come and where you can go now.
They Will Break
They will break just seek a higher authority. No power on this earth can stop if you utilize a simple four letter word. Even the greatest powers in the world could not match the one with the true power. Pharoah is just one example of one the world see crack by a force way behind his control as other monarch’s and dictatorships continue to believe they will be the one who will hold out. G-D has a plan but it requires you to start with pray to put it in motion and let freedom truly reign.
Don’t Pet Tiger
Please don’t pet her at least when I’m around. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate all the exciting places that you’ve allowed me to explore but the mouth of a tiger would not be one of them. Yes, I know you think this is just harmless fun as was our unique trips along the path but this doesn’t end well, at least it didn’t last night. I woke up too realize that this was the case and now am afraid to close my eyes and see where you’ll take me next.