Hurricane Dorian Stops Politics

Posted by budadmin - in Political

As of this writing, Hurricane Dorian It’s no longer the powerhouse Cat 5 that devastated the northwestern Bahamas, but it’s now bigger. It’s a high-end Category 2 hurricane with strong winds that cover a larger area, capable of generating giant waves and pushing large amounts of water toward the shore.

While this storm has been a bit unpredictable, one thing we know for sure. It doesn’t stop to see whether one is carrying a Republican, Democratic, or Independent card. It just attempts to destroy whatever or whoever gets in its way.

Millions on the east coast are being affected, and news headlines should say “Hurricane Dorian Ends Politics.” For when a storm of such magnitude is about to impact so many people,it’s time to ignore the political party labels and focus instead on helping each other as fellow human beings.

Wouldn’t it be great if we hold our leaders accountable for the actions they take before, during and after this historic storm and not necessarily on which party they might belong to or which party “we’re supposed to support”?

Big storms have been known to end political careers. Those who come across as insincere or unfocused in the middle of a natural disaster can find their political career over. Google will tell you the political fallout Chicago Mayor Michael Bilandic, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, and former Massachusetts governors Michael Dukakis and Deval Patrick endured from storms.

Keep an eye out as well for the politicians who will try to score cheap political points from a devastating hurricane (you know there will be a few). Those are the folks who need to be voted out in the next election!

Who knows, maybe in some way G-D brings us these severe storms to teach us this fundamental lesson of general humanity that requires us all to live & work together as one.

Big Little Lies – the Political Polls

Posted by budadmin - in Political

Political Polls Lie

While opinion polls are a pillar of life in the political and communications communities, every four years Americans become fixated on polls for a few short months during a presidential election year.

I hate to break the news to you, though; any political poll taken today will be biased to those on the left. The reason is that many people from the right don’t trust the media and either refuse to be involved in such a poll or, if they do participate, tell the liberal pollsters what they believe they want to hear just to screw with their findings.

And apparently, I’m not the only one who doesn’t believe polls. According to a survey at the end of 2018 by The Hill-HarrisX, most registered voters (52 percent) are doubtful about polls they hear about in the liberal news media. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they don’t believe most polls but do trust a few, while 19 percent said they “almost never” believe that polls are accurate.

There are also those who I like to call “closet Republicans” who fear that giving their opinion will lead to being stigmatized and even harassed. Why? Because the left has made being a conservative socially unacceptable.

The risks of “coming out” as a Republican, or worse as a Trump supporter, can be severe (remember what Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro did?) As a result, many conservative-minded folks simply keep their mouths shut and stay quiet about their political views. Former President Richard Nixon frequently spoke of these people as a “silent majority” that was invisible in polls.

Our current political climate demonizes the right is one that will lead to more division AND surprise election results, just like we saw three years ago. The American “silent majority” are regular mainstream voters unwilling to be branded racists due to their support of smaller government. On election day, these same conservatives show up at the voting booth and pull the lever for Republican candidates.

So don’t believe the political polls you see that will precede the 2020 election because they’ll continue to be inaccurate. I think the fear of being ostracized and harassed has been a driving factor behind Republican voters misleading not only their friends and family but pollsters as well.

The only way the polls will be accurate is if they demoralize people enough that they don’t show up for the election, proving the lying polls reliable in the end.

Transparency Law

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political


The “Transparency Law” would guarantee that any business conducted by public servants be open to those citizens within a pre-arranged time unless publicly classified as a secret by an executive authority. Furthermore after a new administration is in charge that “secret information” will have to still be deemed as such for it to continue to have said classification and this must be a public acknowledgement.  Citizens could then seek a court order after a pre-arranged time to have said material declassified and released to the public. The “Transparency Law” would make sure that the government is run for the good of the people not those they might look to protect.

The One Who Speaks the Loudest Doesn’t Necessarily Speak for All

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political

There’s an old saying that begins with “those who scream the loudest…”, which usually ends with the implication that they themselves have the most to hide. The same thing can be said about those who point the finger at others over what they claim are “racist words.” As I’ve said in a previous post, being so quick to pull the racist card against innocent parties is hateful and bigoted. Yet we see some Democrats do this all the time! I think the race card is played so often and bandied about so easily that it is leading to a dilution of its impact.

Anyway, back to my point. When someone claims every ” ” (fill in the blank with any group identity) is offended by such comments as if everyone in a certain group should and must feel the same way about those words, they are far overreaching. That is stereotyping in its finest.

Just because you’re offended by political comment doesn’t mean you speak for the whole group. Individuals are unique; we come from different areas, backgrounds, families, etc. and thus have different viewpoints and experiences.

Take The Squad and “send her back” chant and the reactions from both sides of the political spectrum, for example. The people chanting “send her back” are not representative of all, or even a majority, of conservatives. President Trump disavowed the message of the chant Thursday, telling reporters “I was not happy with it. I disagree with it.”

By the same token, Former Vice President Joe Biden has stated that the four members of The Squad don’t represent “the majority of Democrats” who won back the House of Representatives last year.

The takeaway here is make your own, logical decisions about a topic, comment, or person. Take a moment to reflect on what the core issue and how you really feel about it. Don’t believe everything the media tells you or shows you. They want ratings, and the we all know they try to increase ratings by drumming up controversy and extremism.

It’s time we give the voice of the individual a microphone as well as the voices of “the mob.” Don’t let someone speak on your behalf; your voice is powerful. Respect the position of others but don’t let them cover you with their verbal blanket.

President Trump – The Equal Opportunity Offender

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political

Is President Trump a racist? The answer is no. He doesn’t have a sexist, racist, homophobic bone in his body; he insults everyone equally! It doesn’t matter whether you’re as white as John McCain or as black as Colin Kaepernick. Whether you’re a woman, man, or in-between, if he doesn’t agree with your words or deeds, you’ll know it.

He happily offends anyone who disagrees with him or who doesn’t agree with his position on things. He’s an equal opportunity attacker who doesn’t judge by one’s looks, but by one’s character.

His tweets to AOC suggesting that American citizens leave and go somewhere else if they don’t like it were fueled by his love of our country. He is American through and through and believes that those who represent our country should speak highly of America and not hurl vile insults against our nation regularly. He never said anything about color, and he is right in calling out AOC and her squad for inciting hatred and division.

Senator Lindsey Graham says it all with this:

“We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own Country, they’re calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s, they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject. What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of coming into our Country – See how that works for controlling Immigration! They talk about Israel like they’re a bunch of thugs, not victims of the entire region. They wanted to impeach President Trump on DAY ONE. Make them the face of the future of the Democrat Party, you will destroy the Democrat Party. Their policies will destroy our Country!”

Here’s the thing: AOC and her squad are quick to take things personally and pull the race card. What’s even more astounding is that AOC has pulled the racist card not only on Trump but Nancy Pelosi as well. A member of her own party! By doing that, she shows her real character. Ironically, being so quick to pull the racist card against innocent parties is hateful and bigoted.

President Trump isn’t afraid to say it as he sees it. Make no mistake; he sees the words and action of people, not the appearance and supposed power they command. Maybe we all can follow suit and judge everyone as individuals instead of the group they belong to as well.

The Media’s Campaign to Destroy Trump’s Reelection Bid

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political

The lying media elites are on a tired campaign to destroy President’s Trump attempt for re-election. Despite that, President Trump’s re-election campaign kickoff in Orlando was met with strong support from his base. So strong that the campaign raised $105 million in the second quarter of this year.

In a rare and noteworthy move, back in January of this year RNC members unanimously voted to give the party’s “undivided support” to Trump in his race for reelection in 2020. This is spectacular because the national party has historically refrained from expressing support for a candidate before they officially become the nominee.

As one might expect, the liberal media continues to spout their leftist bias. Cable news anchors routinely take President Trump’s words out of context and misrepresent about national security threats (the migrant caravan, for example) and the economy, among other things.

Unsurprisingly, while the U.S. economy is the strongest in a generation, the fake news networks repeatedly diminishes what President Trump has done and insists that a recession is just around the corner.

They will continue to pound President Trump with hostile coverage until November 3rd, 2020. However, they won’t take him down and here’s why.

The public is tired of hearing the same old tired narrative; they set out to destroy President Trump, but they are destroying themselves and their credibility by doing so. Did you know CNN’s ratings cratered again in April after the network experienced its worst month in three years? And in June, CNN lost an incredible 55 percent (that is not a typo) of its viewers aged 25-54 during prime time. The bottom is falling out over at the fake news network, and Americans don’t care.

President Trump will take control of the truthful narrative and take it directly to the people of our country. I’m guessing he will go after the millions of unregistered voters who support his Trump’s “America First” agenda but haven’t stepped out of the shadows to do something about it. The fake news media and liberal elitists have lost touch with the heart of Americans while President Trump is dialed in with pointed accuracy.

The primary concerns of Americans are their career prospects, wage earnings, and 401(k) plans, not allegations of Russian collusion and the liberal media’s “outrage of the day.” President Trump is addressing these key concerns and providing Americans with more financial security and a bright economic outlook. That’s why if the American people can tune out the unending stream of filthy fake news and listen to the truth, the President will prevail in 2020.

2021- Not A True Story…..

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political

As a Democrat I knew President Trump needed to go and of course his harsh words only added oil to my fire so I voted for Kamala.  At first it was great the President really spoke my language even as other languages were stopped on their social media tracks but it was hate speech or close to it so I didn’t care.   When my families insurance was replaced by a government run plan and illegal aliens were covered under this plan I thought it was only “fair”.   Yet looking over my husbands grave site I realize I should have listened to action instead. For my husband couldn’t get the care he normally received after the doctor shortage left him waiting 6 months for care that he would have received  in days in 2019. The “new medicine” that was just about to break-through in the marketplace never came through as “socialized medicine” made it an investment not worth taking.  I tried to get a private doctor but with illegal aliens competing in record numbers in the workplace I’m lucky to receive the same pay I received in 2019. I thought this American President would look out for those who were here but it appears she only is looking for who she can bring in instead.  Finally my thoughts are now considered the “hate speech” that were innocent in the past. Who knew my vote would cause such death and destruction to my families life.

FOOTNOTE– This is not a true story unless we vote to make it one.

2020 Democratic Presidential- My Hopeful

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political

I finally donated $$’s to a Democratic candidate running for President. Please don’t worry I haven’t turned into an Ass and still have the big ears but don’t eat Peanuts. Though Ami Horowitz has convinced me to contribute to the other side. For although we differ on issues such as life at least he’s generally in the mold of a JFK Democrat and that is something the other side should have on the table.  I’m still looking to keep America Great but just in case my fellow citizens decide to think differently at least this candidate will keep America good. He also will be a delight to have on the Democratic Debate stage so please consider giving even a dollar or two (below) so issues such as socialism,  support of Israel, late term abortion and open borders won’t be ignored by the media.

FOOTNOTE–  He just needs a $1 from 65,000 Americans and/or 1 % or more in the polls to make it to the Democratic Debate stage.  At least until they change the rules when G-D willing he gets it.

Border Wall/Border Protection- Compromise

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political


There is no doubt the President lost the fight on the border wall but that doesn’t mean he has to lose the war. With a compromise that allows everyone to save face the President will come out ahead even his base feels a bit left behind for now. We have to realize whether we want to or not that the President has so many moves on the chess board until at least 2020 and something is better then nothing.   Here’s the 2 ingredients of said compromise (below) that could just protect us all.

(1) ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS– Get 5 billion dollars for border protection  and allow the Army Corp of Engineers decide which barrier would be most effective in performing this work.

(2) INFRASTRUCTURE- Tie border protection funding into a infrastructure bill that provides for also said border protection.


Lower the Volume on Saudi Arabia

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political

Saudi Arabia

It is despicable that an American citizen in Turkey appears to have been killed in a Saudi Arabian embassy yet sometimes it pays to look with only one eye.  For Saudi Arabia does much of the dirty work for us whether it is confronting our enemies directly such as ISIS and Iran or being a new buffer for our ally Israel.  They also are a great trading partner with us which helps thousands of our citizens. It’s also worth noting  Saudi Arabia has given us some stability in a part of the world that is full of chaos. Yes, Saudi Arabia should receive some type of punishment if what they are accused actually occured but let us give them a bit more leeway in their version of the “facts” because  it’s often best to deal with the devil we know then one that we don’t.

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