
Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


It’s getting a bit disturbing as she is just so sensitive! I have to be so careful with her it appears as if touching eggshells. Of course sometimes the sensitivity takes me to spots that are quite extraordinary and it’s good to feel wanted but give me a break this is just too much! Now when I walk I have to be so careful because some how I push her buttons and we end up speaking to someone we had no intention to speak to.  Samsung you must be from some other Galaxy that is 7 miles too close.

Blank Card

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

blank card

As I went on the road to visit new clients I pulled out my business card and realized this one was blank. It dawned on me that just as this card had nothing written on it so I was blank to this individual. For although I had a face there was nothing he truly knew about me until I opened my mouth or wrote something down. I could start all over to this individual as if nothing in the past actually existed and be anyone I wanted to be just then. Everyday I start out this way with some “new individual” I meet and  I wonder what they put on my card. In the end I found another card that had my description on it but maybe having a blank card is not a bad thing to have in your wallet after all.

Alexa Adult Apps

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Alexa 1 aroused 1

You know it’s only a matter of time before Alexa or a copy thereof will have Adult Apps. For currently Alexa responds in a computerized voice to our commands but when the voice because a bit more human it will perform other functions for adults.  It could be the coach to get you off the coach or the one who puts you on it, with advise you’d have to pay $200.oo an hour from. It might help you stimulate your mind or other parts of your body with the voice that puts you in such a mood. Alexa is just beginning to take a stake in our life’s and as her/his voice improves that stake will only get larger.

2018- Oscar Winner for best picture “The Struggle”

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Oscar Winner 2018 2 Oscar winner 2018

The winner for best picture for the 2018 Oscars is “The Struggle”. The struggle tells the story of Juan a transgender Mexican with African American features who is  rounded up by ICE after he…I mean um she appears to be a criminal undocumented individual who has the same appearance. Juan’s struggle continues as he/she can’t find a bathroom that fits her needs. It appears Juan’s struggle has ended when she has cleared her name until they find out she has Iranian roots as well.  “The Struggle” stars Meryl Streep, Whoopi Goldberg and Samuel Jackson with a special musical performance by Madonna.



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 NASCAR can see it’s ratings fly by taking the length down and the mileage up. Instead of the race being 500 miles it should be 100 miles or putting it in the 1 hour viewer length where every second will be sped up.  By shortening the race the cars will have a chance to go a bit faster and accidents will have to repaired at a quicker pace.  All leading to a sporting event that a growing audience will watch from start to finish. The race will continue to be seen on the screen as  the commercials are played as well so no one will get up for a bathroom break. If the drivers can hold it in so can those that watch.  NASCAR 100 car races that will take less time but have greater impact all around the track of sport.

Trump Haters- Tone & Response

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Hollywood Haters Meryl Streep 1

Let’s be clear those in tinsel town that hate the President do so because of the tone he uses and that he actually responds to their attacks on him forcefully.  How dare he have the audacity to  respond to the liberal elite for they know what’s best for the country not him.  Most other Republican’s understand it’s best to sit in the corner with the dunce hat on and take the abuse for they are Conservative and need to be quiet when the liberal Professor speaks. The President also has the nerve to use the tone and words of the common man and woman, how beneath the dignity of the office he holds. The policies and effectiveness don’t matter it’s just that the President isn’t in their club and therefore needs to be quiet like the rest of the public. Unfortunately for them the American people will be quiet no more and we will be the one’s speaking out and turning off even if our professors tell us not to.

Oscars Spotlight Dims

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Oscars 2017 Oscars 2017 -3

 I believe after last night’s performance that the Oscars spotlight has dimmed and if they don’t get their act together might not just fade away. From their canned political rhetoric to building up La La Land a film that most people watched as well  as enjoyed with 14 nominations and then watch get snubbed from the biggest award, I think the audience might have had just enough. It is true the political elite will continue to watch the show but those on main street that pays their bills might just change the channel next year.  To make matters worse awards that mean very little to the general public make up and costume were featured on prime time. It is true that next year there might be some that watch in the end to see if this years snafu repeats itself but unless they start listening to their customers they might just put their monies and time in other uses like going to the gun range, NASCAR race, or even watching Fox News instead.

FOOTNIGHT- I’m sure “Moonlight” is a well made film but I’m also confident that the gay positive theme in the inner city helped it grab the spotlight for best picture.

Daytona 500- NASCAR is Awesome!!!

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Daytona 500 Winner of Daytona 500

There is something exhilarating about watching a NASCAR race on television especially the Daytona 500, that can’t be matched with other sports.  For those who aren’t fans of the sport they may believe we watch it for crashes but the true lovers of NASCAR see something that others can’t feel. Here are just a few aspects (below) from a good old Jewish Boy that loves this sport that  you might want to consider before looking down on us NASCAR fanatics. Tomorrow I will introduce a way a way to bring the rest of the sports world into our camp 

(1) SOUND– The sound of cars zooming over 200 MPH per hour is music to the airs of any fan.

(2) SIGHT– No sport has better camera angles that put you behind the wheel and on the track then NASCAR.

(3) SENSE– You can feel the intensity of the drivers as even one second of miscalculation or absence of concentration can easily lead to the end of your and your teams racing day.

(4) SMELL– It is true that your television doesn’t allow odors to seep through but your imagination pulls in the burning rubber at over 200 MPH.

(5) TASTE– Forget it you can’t taste anything but if you could it would be the Monster Drink at the Victors Circle.    – CONGRATS to Kurt Busch who pulled through an incredible victory today in Daytona.


RIP Judge Wapner

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judge Wapner

For many of us Judge Wapner was our first look at a judge and for those who have been in the courtroom this was the Judge we wanted to see in the real world. He was tough but wasn’t as caustic as Judge Judy and nobody appeared to be more fair. Judge Wapner truly served the People’s Court.  When they say justice should be blind Judge Wapner was the image many of us had in mind. RIP Judge Wapner now I believe we all have another chance for justice with you in your heavenly  black robe.

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They were right

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Playing with Child 3 Child Parent

I hate to admit it but they were right, you can’t replace the time you spend with your children when they’re young. It’s a time you will never get back and although you might want to collect the material items for later in life the love you receive from a young child is priceless.  It’s a lesson I wished I would have listened to at the time because I would have held onto a  few more hugs as well as collected a few more leaves during that time. So I plead with those who are lucky to be in those years look for the green of the grass and enjoy spending an extra bit more time with those who truly show you love as well as fun, your young children.