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As I start my walk toward the day I suddenly spot a flower that symbolizes everything coming my way. There are three to choose from and I fear if I choose the wrong one my day will be ripped away like the flower I hold in my hand.  One represents happiness, another hate while the third might be the scariest of all indifference.  Life appears to come at me this way no matter what rode I actually climb. Episodes are triggered like the cut of a flower and going back is as hard as putting them back on the plant. So, I look and wonder maybe this day the medicine will work and the path will actually determine the flower that comes my way.

FOOTNOTE-  For, those that suffer from mental illness the choice might be made for them even if they seek a different flower.

Insurrect What?

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Whether one agrees or disagrees with what President Trump did  January 6th could it logically be called an insurrection by anyone?  For, an insurrection is when one tries to take down an existing government and at that moment that was still one to be voted on by the duly elected congressional authorities. President Trump didn’t believe the process was just and wanted further review by the individual states before said vote was taken. At this point President Trump was still the one in power.  Furthermore, once said government was officially decided by Congressional approval it would not take power till the office holder was sworn into power fourteen days later. Therefore you may President Trump was wrong or right but he couldn’t be involved in an insurrection because it never did occur.

Dumb Money- Bud Rebel Style

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Today I plan to create “Dumb Money” for two companies that might just change the world STKH and TUWOY.  First, let me state I’m not a financial guru just someone putting my money where my mouth will be louder.  I’m basing my philosophy not on financial numbers crunching as was done in the past but on the emotional curve these companies can present to the world as Amazon, Tesla, and Facebook did in the past. Yet there so inexpensive that if I’m wrong one will basically will lose a round of Starbucks coffee although I might lose part of the chain depending on how this play comes to an end. I think these companies have a great future so this will not be a pump and dump but a buy, hold, and maybe truly influence so we might change this world for the better.


FOOTNOTE- Video footage G-D willing coming soon…..

Locked In??

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Many said I was locked in with no escape! They said his mind wouldn’t allow him a moment of true free again. Yet out of the blue, I suddenly saw a crack and although it was dark and scary I knew I had to try. So I walked so tenderly through the opening and peered inside. These steps would not be easy and maybe I would fall in the dark along my but at least I was moving on a whole different path. This path wouldn’t appear smooth for others but to me, it gave me hope that I truly could be free once again and lead a more productive and happy life.

Gran Turismo- Predictable F-U-N

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Gran Turismo will not be the film that breaks any new artistic records but it’s still fast fun.  This film is so predictable you’ll know where the action and dialogue are going yet it’s still fun to watch. The Cinematography is spectacular especially if you love car racing even if you know how this race is going to end.  Gran Turismo runs the track well even if it’s the same track you’ve seen in a hundred movies before.

*** – Sometimes the creativity is in the camera not the story.


Sweat Jeans**E** Business Concept

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Sweat Jeans” they might look like jeans but they sure don’t feel like them. These will be the pants that are too comfortable to get out of but still provide the style to keep up with the Wranglers & even Amiri.  It’s great to look good but with ” Sweat Jeans’ you’ll have the sweats to feel good as well.


This Doesn’t Work

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This doesn’t work!! Hello these “ear buds” right? What you don’t believe me look at what Doctor Google says (below). This is such a rip off I mean there pretty and all but honestly there is no where to plug them in and flower petals in your ear well just doesn’t fit.

Scientists proved that the plants can hear the buzz of bees passing by, and hence flowers technically serve as their ears

I guess I’ll just go with a different plug  .  I just thought that natural root was the best. 


FOOTNOTE-  Sometimes Dr. Google isn’t so brilliant after all.


One For The Tribe

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Move over Dunkin and Krispy Cream as my tribe takes the dough.  I’m not a big fan of various Jewish dishes although few beat a hot pastrami sandwich well maybe a donut from the Kosher bakery. Where other donuts leave you feeling bad after a few bites donuts the ones from my tribe keep you grabbing for more. I was raised on just the Jelly type so I didn’t know better until I crossed the desert to an awesome dessert and maybe a not so healthy breakfast.  To be honest Dulce De Leche is the one that lead me to this taste bud conversion.  Donuts for Hanukah are so good that maybe my waistline needs to consume them just once a year. Yet just like a good bagel I see and taste a world willing to take this bite and going for more all year long.

Dumb Money -Just Smart

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Dumb Money is just a “smart film” that might just be smart for my life too. Nothing incredible bold is told in this film except the story of how one person can truly make dumb money by belief and F-U-N.  The film has a predictable act structure and storyline yet is compelling to watch to the last money credits maybe it’s because of the great soundtrack or interesting character development.  Yes, it still tried to push a lefty agenda yet we now know who’s in charge of the big companies today but I digress. Dumb Money is just fun to watch and might help you discover new ways to put green in your wallet.

FOOTNOTE-  My wallet is reviewing the film as well.



Audio Drama Podcasts- Incredible- List

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I’ve been transformed to a whole different universe as I drive down the same streets do to some **awesome** audio drama podcasts that I had to start listing at least a few. They have truly made not only bearable but awesome incredible. For, I get to finish an episode before or after a difficult day at work or in my personal life. These drama’s take my mind away because I have to visualize what is occurring with only sounds. So, here goes the beginning of this list in order of ones that have taken my mind to a more exciting place.

(1) Borrasca

(2) Homecoming

(3) The Montawauk Cave

(4) Tomorrow’s Monsters

(5) Tower 4

(6) Harley Quinn & The Joker Sound Mind

(7) Ad Lucent

(8) Tracks

(9) Tumanbay

(10) Escaping Denver- (Took a break from it so maybe this one wasn’t so great?

(11)  What Happened in Skinner


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