If you live in one of the states voting in Super Tuesday and are even thinking about voting in the Republican Primaries I implore you to ignore all the polls furthermore vote with your head and heart. Think logically who not only has the best chance to beat Hillary Clinton but actually accomplish something while in the White House. Let us compare and contrast by asking you to answer the following questions (below). Just note there is no point in voting for someone who only gets you to November but gets lost getting to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. PLEASE NOTE IF ANYONE IN THE MEDIA WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THIS FURTHER CONTACT ME AT BUDREBEL18@GMAIL.COM
1. Which candidate has the best chance to solidify all the different elements of the Republican base so they could win a general election? In this equation I believe Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, or Ben Carson would be successful.
2. Which Candidate has shown the ability to be warm/friendly but be an attack dog if called to be one? John Kasich and Ben Carson are just too nice for this arena while Donald Trump is a bit too abrasive. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz stand alone in this category.
3. Who’s life story is the one most American’s can’t identify with? I would say all the above would work except Donald Trump because of his wealthy upbringing and incredible wealth today.
4. Which political story is the best underdog card? Another point where Donald falls out of the category.
5. Who is the most likable by the general voting public which means in a general election they’ll either consider voting for them or not voting against them. This is easy Ben Carson, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio.
6. Who is overall the best debater and/or has the best overall verbal skills to get their points across? If the debate in New Hampshire didn’t occur this would easily have been Marco Rubio but even with that flutter his recovery more then made up for this misstep.
7. Which candidate has the best overall look? This is split between Ben Carson and Marco Rubio.
If you evaluate all the questions above and truly want a candidate that has the best chance not only to win the White House but lead the country in the next few years I believe your vote must go to Marco Rubio. PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS EVALUATION.