Convenient- A Story That I Pray Isn’t True

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I knew too much and couldn’t keep my mouth shut so they shut it for me permanently.  The names, dates, and acts of those in power were going to be revealed to the world in a devastating blow to their base but not if they could Epstein me before his crime was revealed. I knew it could end up this way but felt there wasn’t any other way I could live.  Life is short and you have to try to do what’s right even if in the end it becomes the noose that pulls you down. So let me tell you the truth before with one last…

FOOTNOTE– Not a “proven” true story.

Proper Respect – Could Be A True Story- Be Afraid Be Very Afraid

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Please blame it on “Caged The Elephants”.  I know I should have properly mourned for my father by not seeing this concert before the time yet front row seats. It’s also true that cutting Shiva a bit short probably didn’t help. So he haunts from beyond the grave. Cold chilly air enters my light force, while lights suddenly turn on without a switch but worst of all is the screams that haunt my every sleeping hour. If only I could go back in time and pay proper respect for now my life is a living hell!

Support Liberty/Freedom

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We need to support the brave men and women from China as well as Iran who are willing to give it all up for basic freedom. These individuals know that standing up for basic human rights not only might put them 6 feet under but also result in these evil regimes taking down loved ones as well. The liberal conglomerate media is barely covering these brave warriors as they fear not oppression but their own bottom line.  Many worry about where will the next bonus be made if not on the enslaved workers in China?  Tyranny doesn’t scare them just instability. It’s time we then take a stance on their side  by painting a red line on our hand in support of their movement they put up with their own blood on the line.  May G-D bless their efforts for basic human rights and decency.

Simple DT or AT

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For those that can’t acknowledge the former President maybe DT and AT will help.  Obviously, DT stands for During Trump and AT stands for after. Here are a few items I would add to these lists.


  1. Inflation at low rate helping individuals afford the goods they need and desire
  2.  Energy Independence – We were actually exporting excess oil
  3. Crime rate under control.
  4. Fentanyl Crisis didn’t exist
  5. Border was protected.
  6. Russia Didn’t invade Ukraine
  7.  The Press didn’t hate the President

AT- The opposite is sadly true.



Defend Trump

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If one is a supporter of a person that doesn’t mean you’re 100 % in their camp. Human beings are flawed and let those without sin cast the first stone. It just means in general you support said, individual for the overall good they’ve done and potentially can do. So I can say I do not support President’s Trump decision to meet with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes but still overall support the President. In the best-case scenario, I can say that the President might have been trying to help Kanye (a friend) to change from his recent anti-Semitic tone yet a private call could have worked instead.  Yet I know President Trump with his incredible support for Israel as well as having  a Jewish daughter and grandchildren is far from Anti-Semitic just someone who did something I don’t support. In conclusion, I still support President Trump even if his percentage might have gone down a bit.

Jordan Peele- Nope- Perfect Name

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I wanted to truly enjoy Jordan Peele’s movie but “Nope”.   It was an original concept for a scary movie but very light on the fear and more on the boring.  The acting and story development were so slow and predictable that fast-forwarding was my saving grace.  Jordan Peele is a genius but even those with such talent must say “Nope” and I wish he had done so before being involved in this project.

**  1/4 – I give an extra 1/4 star do to it’s original content.


Royal Caribbean Cruise- Liberty Of The Seas-Notes, Facts, Review

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I just got back from a Royal Caribbean Cruise that was held back because of Covid and wanted to share with you the following notes.

(1) The crew and staff could not be more courteous and professional.

(2) Sabor was the best dining experience that I had on the cruise. The food and drinks were exceptional while Giovanni’s I’m sorry to say didn’t meet the mark maybe because I’m NY spoiled with Italian food.

(3) Ice Skating was the greatest sensational entertainment while Saturday Night Fever needs a redo.

(4) Excursions were a bit too difficult to negotiate as there should have been some direct contact for this person upon the ship. Be that as it may the Tandem was an awesome drive.

(5) If you like to gamble it is reported that the 1st day is the best and stay away after. I am another confirmation to this sad state of affairs.

(6) Loved the gym overall although the classes were way too early.

(7) Karoake is always fun especially when people have the liquor package.

(8) By the way the liquor package is probably not worth it unless your one to drink in double digits daily.

(9) The pool and activities on it were limited then should be the case.

(10)  Park West Gallery always has some beautiful works to see.

(11)  Getting off the boat was the most difficult but that might have been to our old not so friend security.

(12) There could have been better ways to bring couples together and make lasting friends.

Overall the cruise gets *** 3/4 stars out of 4 .

FOOTNOTE-I added at least an extra 1/4 star for effort.


Cheat? A Story- Where Life Swims Away

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I went too deep in the water which led me to a whole new existence so did I cheat? Mermaid land had it all and I mean all, especially for a newly single man in this sphere. There was no way I was going to escape so why not enjoy the stay right?  Well, out of the blue a storm destroyed my mermaid paradise and now I’m on this lousy shore never to reveal what happened down there to the one who carries my ring. That is unless somehow little mermaids pop up calling me dad.

Relationship Advise- 105- Avoidance

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WARNING–  This probably goes against many a therapist’s advise

Let’s face it there are rough paths ahead in most relationships so being able to navigate those paths is the key to success and happiness. One such travel is avoidance. There are certain topics that feel like hurricanes so avoid them and seek a calmer route instead. Maybe the waters will be calmer at a different time and/or location but don’t go too deeply back into them until you’re fully prepared for the outcome. Avoidance might not be on your therapist’s checklist but it is one path I have safely traveled for years.

FOOTNOTE-  Avoidance does build up to its own storm so have safe travels to a gym or rock concert.

Relationship Advise- 104 -Reminisce

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To go forward sometimes it’s best to think back.  There are times in any relationship where things get too quiet for one or more of the partners yet thinking about experiences so thinking about experiences you shared together can help bridge that gap. Reminiscing can also help when your conversation is going to the deep end and rescue you from putting on the gloves (figuratively of course). So take a moment to share a previous experience and you might find moving forward a lot more fun.

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