I’ve been told you should never “HATE” but I believe there are times for this emotion as well. Here are my top then things and evil people I hate!!!
(1) NAZI’S/ISIS – You wont find any love in my heart to those that have wanted to or continue to destroy the world. Don’t feel neglected Al Qaeda and other Islamic Terrorist groups you’re included as well in this #1 spot.
(2) CANCER/DEADLY DISEASES- If you don’t have this hate there is no love in your heart.
(3) BRUTAL DICTATORS Bashar al-Assad /Hassan Rouhani/Kim Jung Un- Or any dictatorial leader that has/have used brutal means to suppress basic human rights for their people and has been a menace in the world community.
(4) ABORTIONIST- There is no point to getting up and going to kill. You can also add murders and violent rapist who kill from within.
(5) PEANUT BUTTER/PEANUTS- This is a personal hate because it will kill me slowly if consumed.
(6) PASSWORDS- I really hate these words that I keep forgetting.
(7) NJ DEVILS/ YANKEE’S – These are fun type of hates where I don’t worse harm to any of their players or organizations except that they continue to lose.
(8) MOSQUITO’S- I know G-D has a reason for all that is created but can’t find a damn reason for these pests that bring itches and sickness.
(9) POTHOLES- This is a hate every driver or passenger should have.
(10) COURTROOMS- Yes maybe in the end justice will be served but that’s usually after breakfast, lunch and dinner.