Talk To Myself

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If I talk and I know you’re not listening or don’t really understand, am I talking to myself?  For, the conversations I have with my four-legged friends even in a sentence or two only go in one real direction, so does that I mean I just want to hear my voice?  I also speak to many a homosapien who has my words pass from one ear to the other without any neurons digesting the thoughts is that a case of venting alone?  Talking to oneself thereof doesn’t have to occur alone but often with many around just in their own worlds.

Brain Phone ** M**

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My phone never goes off no matter where I go because it’s connected to the basic neurons in my mind. I can look up images and content just by thinking about it and it’s clear as the computer in front of you. Conversations continue without the need of any device the only problem is it’s hard to hang up when their connected within. Sometimes I wonder am I truly living with this new device or is this something my mind has created instead.

Writer Wanted

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Help wanted for a talented writer who can help give some of my stories a unique perspective that I might be missing. This writer would have to be punctual, see things from a different mirror and still be respectively to the overall goal of said project. They must also be willing to research additional content that would bring more depth and color to a perspective project.

Screen** M** Story

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I’m just a screen where everyone just projects their true feelings on.  Yes, there is a scratch or two on my body, but nothing compared to their projections. What is often seen in my image has nothing to do with what is in or around me just what others bring to my image.  I try not to take it to personally as I know another screening will occur before I know it and there are often love scenes in-between but after a while, I have to admit it wears me down.  So please leave your projector off once in a while and go to a therapist instead.

Dead Not ** Mena*** A Shadow Series

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ANGEL STUDENT – According to all my calculations he should have been dead by now.

ANGEL TEACHERI think you forgot about a factor or a hunderd.

ANGEL STUDENTWait, are you saying the P factor is part of the equation.

ANGEL TEACHERThat’s right you have to input in all the prayers and add an extra factor for their loved ones but that might only give him a year or so to the calendar. What else are you not seeing.

ANGLE STUDENTI’m stumped what else could there be.

ANGEL TEACHER –   L1 squared sound familiar.

ANGEL STUDENT –   Are you saying what I think you’re saying the acts of their loved ones are taken into their life calendar?

ANGEL TEACHER- Not only taken into account but squared.

ANGEL STUDENT- I’m glad that you’re not only my teacher but my tutor for I am lost, and I graduated Alumni Cum Laudi in Mathematics at MIT back in the day.

ANGEL TEACHER-   Just note your only starting your Angel training there is so much more in these calculations including a lottery type system.

ANGEL STUDENT- Lottery system?

ANGEL TEACHER- Trust me that’s why there is a higher authority.


The Mountain Top

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I was ready to stop climbing until I went to the speed networking/friends event. For, so many of my ideas passed through my head as I can never find the right network of talent and even friends to help me with the climb.  Yet that night as this one was being tossed in the garbage bin I decided instead at the last minute to attend the Speed Networking/Friends Event. Out of the blue I met those key individuals that suddenly made the climb obtainable and now I see many more mountains than I would have if not taking those first steps into the Speed Networking/Friends Event. Friendship, networking life is truly worth the climb one step at time.

Biden Derangement Syndrome

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I’m not fully “committed” but I have a bout “BDS”. For, at this point I can’t look at the current occupant in the White House without laughing or crying no matter what he does.  I honestly cringe when he is put on the screen and unless it’s one of his comedy routines (see below) I must switch the channel even to a Golf match. Even if “The President cured “Cancer” (already claimed he did) I still couldn’t deal with this man in the White House. Now I fully understand how those on the other side with this “sickness” felt yet mine is based on the falls (literally and figuratively) especially with policies while there’s is a based on the personality of the man.

Y-O-U – A Horror Story** M**

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How do you know that you're not insane?

It wasn’t my fault it was Y-O-U!  For, your odor consumed my every breathe until it wasn’t even a choice.  I thought peace would come my way but your smell came back to haunt me when I least expected it do even though you were six feet under. Getting worse and worse until my choice was to exhume your body or suffer in this eternal hell.  Which led me to this world where I wasn’t consumed with your smell. Many might say I’m suffering in these white walls but nothing compared to the smell you had put me through.

FOOTNOTE-  With respect to Edgar Allan Poe

Chef/Manager Wanted

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Chef/Manager wanted for take over of a current bar/restaurant.  This individual would receive not only receive a salary but participate in the profits thereof. They must be an expert in making vegan type meals that taste like meat without any mooing along.  They will not only participant in developing the culinary art but the art this location has going forward.

Bud Rebel Chocolate

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Purpose-  To develop and market a Chocolate worthy of the name and image.

Main Ingredients-  1. Criollo Bean or similar strain that has the nut flavor of said bean in 78 % or 80 % Cocoa.  2.  A surprise berry flavor in the middle (Rasberry, Blueberry, Acai Berry etc) 3. A speck of Dead Sea Salt

Packaging – 1. In small bite size morsels that come in a protective unique cover 2. With a positive Talmudic type message for the world 3. Possible a plastic banned bag.

Marketing- Initially through the more traditional tight Jewish Community and expanding outwards.

Timetable 1. Find Chocolatier  who can make this product from scratch to packaging  (by late September ) and put a number for such production.  2. Put together a Marketing Team that can introduce the product to the community at large (early October). Timetable will be adjusted based on conditions on the ground. 


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