Finding good friends

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      I often hear friends, family and associates remark that it is so hard to find good caring people yet many of these individuals have been blind to the places right around the corner. It is like these individuals are  searching with a blindfold on. 

     Imagine a place where people get together to try to learn how to improve themselves, help others, share common good times and bad times. Imagine a place where that friendship crosses many political divides to truly care for each other. This place exists and wants you to play a role in it on a regular place. The place is your local church, Shul,Synagogue or Mosque.  A place where good people try to become better with the help of G-D above.  I can’t guarantee that everyone you meet in these institutions will be perfect but at least they will ask to be forgiven.


Movie Box Office- 6/29/13

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Melissa McCarthy In #2 ‘The Heat’ Fires Up Friday Box Office While #4 ‘White House Down’ Flops; ‘Monsters U’ Still Strong #1

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Friday June 28, 2013 @ 11:47pm PDTTags: Box Office, Melissa McCarthy, The Heat, White House Down

Box Office White House DownSATURDAY AM, 4TH UPDATE: COMING

FRIDAY 11:45 PM, 3RD UPDATE: Wow, tonight’s Top 4 order of finish is changing as fast as I can type. Newcomers Twentieth Century Fox’s The Heat and Sony Pictures’ White House Down both received ‘A-’ CinemaScores from audiences and those will help word of mouth. They add to an already crowded pre-Fourth Of July domestic box office which will be stuffed in time for the holiday. Already total moviegoing this weekend looks like another huge $210M, +3% from last year (when Ted opened). Pixar/Disney’s huge hit from a weekago Monsters University is still #1. Fandango reported that the Melissa McCarthy-Sandra Bullock buddy comedy was the #1 ticketseller among new releases, selling 50% more advance tickets than at the same time for director Paul Feig’s previous hit Bridesmaids. Tonight The Heat is firing for #2. Latest word is that the Channing Tatum/Jamie Foxx actioner gained as the night goes on and will finish Friday #3 (though its high cost endangers its ability to earn out). Neither new pics’ Thursday late show/Friday midnight grosses were significant.

Top Ten refined numbers for Friday. Official updates and analysis in the morning:

1. Monsters University 3D (Pixar/Disney) Week 2 [Runs 4,004] G Friday $15.2M (-50%), Weekend $51.0M, Cume $175.0M

Great weekend hold. Should easily stay in #1 after the Saturday kiddie bump. But window for family fare will need to expand once Universal’s sequel Despicable Me 2 hits marketplace wide on July 3rd.

2. The Heat (Fox) NEW [Runs 3,181] R Friday $15.0M, Weekend $40.6M

Can’t help praising how the women brought the heat for this $41M-budget buddy comedy. Chalk up another strong box office performance for McCarthy and Bullock who began with $1M from Thursday’s 10 PM shows and Friday’s midnights. Should end #2 for the weekend behind Pixar’s family fare. Interesting that a Fandango survey showed 88% of ticketbuyers said they wanted more female-oriented laughers.

3. White House Down (Sony) NEW [Runs 3,222] Friday $10.5M, Weekend $30.0M

Unfortunately earlier release Olympus Has Fallen had a similar plot. Sony admits White House Down is in a tough slot now after WWZ opened so surprisingly strong last weekend. White House pic did $1.35M in Thursday late shows/Friday midnights. Studio claims budget was $150M which is expensive. (“If you see the movie, you will see the money on the screen. And compared to other summer fare and budgets, it very reasonable given the film,” a Sony exec tells me.) No way this pic earns out. Could be big loss depending how it does overseas. Opens day and date in about two dozen small countries this weekend (ie Aruba, Ethiopia, Kenya, Iraq). The first major international territory will not open until mid-July.

4. World War Z 3D (Paramount) Week 2 [Runs 3,607] PG13 Friday $9.3M (-63%), Weekend $31.1M, Cume $125.0M

After last week’s surprise success, new audiences will check it out. Expect a -50% weekend hold.

5. Man Of Steel 3D (:egendary/Warner Bros) Week 3 [Runs 4,131] Friday $6.1M, Weekend $20.5M, Est Cume $249.0M

Maybe too stiff box office competition for Superman right now continuing into the Fourth Of July holiday.

6. This Is The End (Columbia/Sony) Week 3 [Runs 2,710] R Friday $2.7M, Weekend $8.8M, Cume $74.8M

7. Now You See Me (Summit/Lionsgate) Week 5 [Runs 2,564] PG13 Friday $1.7M, Weekend $5.6M, Cume $104.8M

8. Fast & Furious 6 (Universal) Week 6 [Runs 1,550] PG13 Friday $779K, Weekend $2.5M, Cume $233.5M

9. Star Trek Into Darkness (Paramount) Week 7 [Runs 1,035] PG13 Friday $566K, Weekend $2.0M, Cume $220.5M

10. The Internship (New Regency/Fox) Week 4 [Runs 1,008] Friday $442K, Weekend $1.4M, Cume $41.7M

Thought of the day 2

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Those that take on evil must expect that evil will take them on as well. Yet those that don’t fight will be held responsible by a higher authority.

Defending the people’s voice!

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The people of California voted in a referendum called Proposition 8 that a marriage in California should only be between a man and a wife.  Whether you are for or against “Proposition 8” the decision of the majority of the people should have had it’s day in court and not ignored on technical matters.  It is the duty of the Governor and/or President to defend the law of the land and not ignore a law that they disagree with. When those in executive authority refuse to defend a law then the people who originally proposed the law should have standing in the court so that they can defend challenges to their law and those in executive authority who ignore their duties should be penalized for those decisions.    It is the job of the court to decide whether a law is constitutional not the executive branches of government.



Freedom Coalition guarantees basis human rights

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Freedom   It is time for the Freedom loving countries, corporation, unions and other foundations to form  a coalition that support and protect basic freedoms for all G-D’s children. There are certain inalienable rights that no government has the right to take away and we should do more to see that this is accomplished. When a country such as North Korea, China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia etc tries to crush human rights this coalition should support those individuals, and groups that are trying to promote and/or protect them either directly or surreptitiously.

We should initially engage these countries leaders in a friendly way to understand the benefits to them and their regime to allowing basic freedoms in their country such as (economic strength, legitimate power, better relations with other countries) . Yet if they refuse to open the door to freedom even slowly then we must act to see that we allow others have the ability to open that door.

Members of the coalition power structure must adhere to the basic freedoms (ex Bill of Rights)  and have two members from the right and left centers of their political parties on their prospective Senate. Countries who are moving in the directions of freedom can also be members but will not having decisive voting rights. The Coalition power structure will  select a President from the Senate and each country will have an opportunity to lead. The basic human rights will not be amended unless 2/3 of the nations agree to this decision. Businesses, Unions, and Foundations will help with volunteers and financial support.



Traditional Marriage Vs Gay Marriage solution SOLUTION = Na’sui

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nuclear family

When I was a young man the actually word gay meant happy but because times change so did the connotation of this word. Now the word marriage is changing and we who feel strongly about the traditional meaning of this word must accept what is occurring and find a solution that works.  We also must understand that the commitment that this word has stood for has declined as the traditional values based on this word have disintegrated faster then ever (ex Brittany Spears, President Clinton etc)

I believe this can only occur if we adopt an old word as our new word for a committed lovingly union between a man and a woman. This word is “Na’sui” it is a Hebrew word for this union so it’s history goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. This word will be protected not only because of it’s historic value but because it will be a legal protected term, as well as a term that requires certain parameters to be accepted (see below)

(1) The man and woman must make a commitment by clergy or those trained in performing this function.

(2) The man and woman must be educated about the commitment this relationship entails.

Society should give special benefits to these relationship because they are the building blocks of society.  Most individuals in society are heterosexual and therefore are most likely the ones that will produce children. A committed relationship between these individuals from different sexes has been demonstrated throughout history to be the most successful way to raise children, lesson poverty and misery.

A Cure for Cancer and other Life threatening diseases and cell phones

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Today much of the research spent on trying to find a cure for Cancer and other Life threatening diseases is spent by governmental agencies. These agencies may have the best intentions in mind but politics is politics and therefore monies can be spent inefficiently or as a favor to a friend and/or  “lobbyist”.   Individuals who challenge the monies that are wasted in this government endeavor or called cruel and/or indifferent when truly they might be the only ones on the true path to cures.

The cure to these diseases is in the hands of the same institutions that have recreated the cell phone over a hundred times, “The Private Sector”.  If companies  were told that they would pay no taxes on the profits they received for finding a cure to a life threatening disease (that they made available to everyone) those cures would be within reach.  This incentive would give the private sector the boost they need  to invest  monies in a product and or service that would truly work.

Cure Cancer


Freedom Speech and Freedom of the Press- Under attack

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‘Insider threat’? Program urging  federal workers to tattle on each other raises concerns

Amid the furor in Washington over government leaks and media exposés, a  little-known executive order signed by President Obama in October of 2011 could  fuel the paranoia.

It requires government agencies to “implement an insider threat detection and  prevention program” — in effect, ordering all government employees, regardless  of security clearances or the sensitivity of their work, to police fellow  workers as potential security threats, and report the suspicious behavior to  superiors.

Asked Monday about the executive order, as first reported by McClatchy  Newspapers, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said: “I confess I didn’t see  the story. I’ll have to take the question.”

The edict applies to all government agencies, even those with no involvement  in national security matters such as the Peace Corps and the Department of  Education.

As an example of the order’s broad sweep, a Department of Education security  systems webinar describes how, “certain life experiences can alter a person’s  normal behavior and cause them to act illegally or irresponsibly.”

It points to “stress, divorce, untreated mental illness, financial problems,  frustrations with co-workers or the organization” as warning signs that must be  reported.

Mark Zaid, an attorney who has represented government whistle-blowers accused  of wrongdoing, said the program may lead some ethical workers with constructive  suggestions to do the wrong thing.

“It’s hitting a small problem, although a significant one, with  sledgehammer,” he said.

“There is a psychological component to it — that they are actually pushed in  the wrong direction toward being more of an insider threat,” he said. “I’ve seen  over the years where I’ve had intelligence clients say to me in frustration  that, “You know, ‘why don’t I just walk over to the Russian Embassy and just  sell the information’.”

Some advocates for transparency, including the new FBI Director nominee James  Comey, believe workers need more freedom to air grievances, not less.

Comey expressed that sentiment in a promotional video for one of his recent  employers, Bridgewater Securities. In the video, Comey claimed to have been  attracted to the company, because of its philosophy of openness. — a stark  contrast to his experience in the federal government where he was once as  assistant attorney general during the George W. Bush administration. “I had sat  in the White House situation room, in meetings chaired by the president, where I  could tell from the body language of people around the table that they had  things to say and couldn’t say them,” he said.

The Obama administration’s crackdown on leaks has already had a chilling  effect on the flow of news. In an appearance at the National Press Club last  week, Associated Press boss Gary Pruitt said, “Some of our longtime trusted  sources have become nervous and anxious about talking to us, even on stories  that aren’t about national security.”

Pruitt, whose organization’s phones records were seized by the Department of  Justice in a leak probe, added, “Government employees that we once checked in  with regularly will no longer speak to us by phone.”

Zaid said a larger problem is that most government agencies have no place  where workers with legitimate grievances can go within the organization, without  fear of being branded a malcontent — or worse, a potential national security  threat.

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