Which one of these food selections would gross you out? There are two of them that would definitely make me lose weight
It’s that time of year again, when food pranks abound.
Last year there was everything from Scope’s phony bacon mouthwash to the fake “Deluxe Delivery
” option by Seamless, in which the website said it would give customers the ability to select who should deliver their food.
While April Fool’s Day makes it confusing to sort out what’s real and what’s a joke, these nine products actually exist. No laugh track necessary.
1Bacon-Flavored RITZ Crackers
PRNewsFoto/Mondelez International
Way to take savory to the max, RITZ. These recently released bacon-flavored crackers are surprisingly not an April Fool’s joke, although the timing is a little suspect. Now you can enjoy the salty, smoky flavor of your favorite breakfast meat just about any where you can stash a box of crackers. No joke.
2Goldfish Sandwich Bread
Pepperidge Farm
There’s an old saying, “a sandwich always tastes better when it’s shaped like a fish.” Actually, it’s unlikely that anyone has ever said that, which is why it is so confusing that Pepperidge Farm still manages to sell this product. There’s obviously an underground market of people who love fish-shaped bread.
3Bacon, Egg and Cheese Combos
What’s with brands inserting breakfast flavors into our snacks? Not that there’s anything wrong with a good bacon, egg and cheese sandwich – but the operative word in that phrase is “sandwich.”
4Watermelon Oreos
Oreo called this addition to its line of cookies a “fun, summer flavor.” The brand wasn’t pulling anyone’s leg when it released the fruity Oreo on Target shelves nationwide last summer. The multi-colored treat actually received some pretty positive reviews
5Ranch Dressing Soda
Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shops
It’s hard to imagine the type of place that would sell Ranch dressing flavored soda, but then again the Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shops, where the beverage is sold, are not like anything you could imagine. “The inventory is always expanding, just like outer-space,” reads the
franchise’s website. “So if you want to have fun then fly on over in your space ship and cruise around a Rocket Fizz universe.” If you like planetary exploration and soda that tastes like salad dressing, cruise on over to any one of their locations around the country.
6Prawn Cocktail Potato Chips
Technically these is a British snack, so we have to call them “crisps.” Whatever you want to call them, they represent a bizarre hybrid of classy dinner guest and slouched-over couch potato. Whichever one you are, let it be known that these chips come coated in a hefty helping of cocktail sauce and are light on the taste of shrimp.
7Celery Jell-O
If you live south of the Mason-Dixon line, you know that “salad” actually means Jell-O. During the 1960s, housewives across the nation made use of Jell-O to bring fruits and vegetables to the dinner table. That being said, celery flavored Jell-O — while short-lived – definitely sounds like a joke to today’s modern Jell-O enthusiast.
8Tobacco and Menthol Vodka
We’ll admit, there are some seriously weird flavors of vodka out there. But the Tobacco and Menthol flavored vodkas from IVANABITCH
have to be the strangest and possibly most disgusting flavors of vodka. Sure, smoking and drinking often go hand-in-hand, but it’s usually done with different hands and definitely not in the same glass.
9Bubble Gum Peeps
Ah yes, the celebration of spring with blooming flowers and fluffy, chewing gum flavored baby chickens. The whole concept of Peeps is a little weird, but flavoring them like bubble gum takes it to another level. Admittedly, they are pretty tasty. So we’re pretty glad these pink puffballs aren’t a prank.