Transparency Law

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The “Transparency Law” would guarantee that any business conducted by public servants be open to those citizens within a pre-arranged time unless publicly classified as a secret by an executive authority. Furthermore after a new administration is in charge that “secret information” will have to still be deemed as such for it to continue to have said classification and this must be a public acknowledgement.  Citizens could then seek a court order after a pre-arranged time to have said material declassified and released to the public. The “Transparency Law” would make sure that the government is run for the good of the people not those they might look to protect.

China Loss

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China is a threat but as long as we breed freedom and a bit of rebellion we should continue to win! Of course we have to protect our basic infrastructure industries such as steel and chips (micro) against the cheap labor and dictatorial power of China but our basic structure will continue to win. For dictators build “group think” which causes creativity to shrivel and die while freedom allows reBellion which causes innovation and brilliance to shine brighter.  Therefore we need  to protect and build this wall to insure we can continue to break through no matter what China throws our way.

Times Change ?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

1858-  I think it’s personally wrong to own another person but what another does with their property well that’s there decision. Many of my friends say they aren’t really fully functional humans anyway so why should I stick my neck out for them. I’m especially kind to the animals on our farm so that should count right?  It’s my neighbors right to choose and the government has no right to tell them what they can and can’t do with their own property.

2018- I’m personally opposed to abortion but what a person does with their own property/body is their own decision. Many claim what is growing in their body isn’t human anyway … even if it they do have a separate heartbeat and there are so many other things to worry about.  For I’m a member of PETA and a vegetarian so I really do care about life.?  It’s a women’s right to choose and the government has no right to tell them what they can or can’t do with their personal property/body … right?

FOOTNOTE- If you’re like me opposed to slavery in all  forms shouldn’t you equally be opposed to abortion as well?

Lower the Volume on Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia

It is despicable that an American citizen in Turkey appears to have been killed in a Saudi Arabian embassy yet sometimes it pays to look with only one eye.  For Saudi Arabia does much of the dirty work for us whether it is confronting our enemies directly such as ISIS and Iran or being a new buffer for our ally Israel.  They also are a great trading partner with us which helps thousands of our citizens. It’s also worth noting  Saudi Arabia has given us some stability in a part of the world that is full of chaos. Yes, Saudi Arabia should receive some type of punishment if what they are accused actually occured but let us give them a bit more leeway in their version of the “facts” because  it’s often best to deal with the devil we know then one that we don’t.

Our Idea/Product/Film ETC

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black familyHanging out w Friends

It is not our idea/product/film but theirs.  Of course we creators deserve all the glory and profits for putting it all together but they are the pieces that enabled it to be constructed in the 1st place. Whether it was a product based on struggle of a loved one/liked one or a character in your life which led to a script in your head you wouldn’t be there without them. They are the inpetus that led to you getting where you are going and although you might be the creator they planted the seeds or helped it grow when the story was half way there.   So I  believe we creators should give a standing ovation to all the YOU’s in our life for without their input whether directly or indirectly we would be sitting in whole different seats.

standing ovation 2


Trade Policy Win Win

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Tariff 2

There is a way for various sides to win in the battle of trade.  The United States can’t compete with those who pay their workers slave wages and those countries can’t continue these practices without a revolt for too long. Therefore these countries will force their employers that want to export goods to the United States to increase the wages they pay their employees. The employees will be delighted with an increase in pay and the United States will feel that the playing field has become more level.  This will also increase the tax revenue’s going to the government to help lift up those in need and solve the trade dilemna.  A win, win for everyone involved in this great trade deal.

Genius Today!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

wheel 2Cave Drawings Old Radio

Let’s face it today it’s harder to be considered a genious then in previous generation. When there was only one or two forms of music that one listened to then making a sound that was “genious” isn’t  as difficult as when 100’s of genre’s are currently in the marketplace.  New inventions would have been considered “genious” to devise when there was so much more to invent then today when there are thousands of new products commercialized every week.  Your art was “genious” even if   it was only some stick figures on a cave wall then what we expect from art today. On the other hand we have the assistance of other types of equipment and brains to create the genius within then in the past and a different type of leisure time to do so as well . For while our ancestors had to worry about animals attacking them today we worry about traffic and a different type of warfare.   There are probably as many if not more geniuses out there today but the world will not see them unless they have stepped uniquely across or inbetween many genious of the past.

FOOTNOTE- On a positive note a bit of genious from not so long ago (below).

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Killing Rights

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

killer 2

I support the right to kill when it to plants, germs and animals even though I personally don’t engage in the last category.  Yet when it comes to other humans it is only those who are tried and convicted of capital murder or violent rapes that deserve the ultimate penalty and that should be administrated as painlessly as possible.  In war of course there is also collatorial damage which always should be reduced as much possible without restricting the importance of “said operation”. With that in mind I don’t support the right to kill the innocent unborn who have done nothing wrong except have a beating heart at the “wrong time”.  What is bewildering to me is that in a civil society we can even consider such a brutal way to take these innocent lives that we wouldn’t use on a murderer. While many support this “right to kill” the unborn they refuse to say it as such and change it to the “right to choice” which is meant to confuse the issue.  If I’m willing to state the obvious shouldn’t they?

unborn baby

Quote Revised

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - 1 Comments

Writing Erased

It is the quote often used to reflect on one’s behavior “Do unto others as you would want done unto you”, but I believe it needs a bit of revision.  For you have different emotions, strengths and weakness then others so why is that “good enough”.  The revision therefore should read “Do unto others as you would want done unto you if you were them“.  In other words if you were the other person with their same emotions, strengths and weaknesses how would those words or actions impact the “new you”. Now of course we can’t read every person but the more we know someone the more this new quote should become more relevant in our life’s and our loved ones.

2018 Election- Stand for Death or Living!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

voting 2 voting

2018 Election appears to be drawn on 2 different parallel lines death and living. For the Democrats will paint a picture where Roe Vs Wade will be overturned as a new Supreme Court Justice is picked and you will actually have to drive to another state (NY, NJ, California, Maine …..) to have your unborn child murdered. The truth is that if Roe VS Wade is overturned you probably could get a discount flight paid for by Planned Parenthood in return for the blood.   The Republican’s on the other hand will paint a picture of living with more of your income (tax cuts) with safety (build the wall) and happiness (peace with North Korea).   Death or Living you decide at the ballot box in 2018.

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