Democrats Conversion

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Nanci Pelosi Senator Schumer Crying

The Democrats have converted me for I used to be much more liberal when it came to immigration legal and illegal but their EXTREME position has moved me closer to an American 1st policy.  Of course I believe that those who truly are seeking sanctuary from abusive regimes should be allowed to find home in our country but they should be vetted to find out if this true and must come through the legal channels we have set up.  We welcome new legal immigrants but not based on some lottery system instead the merit they can add to our country.   Immediate family members of our new immigrants should be able to stay yet that doesn’t mean 2nd and third cousins. Thank you Democrats for opening my eye’s to the moderate position the President approves of and the extreme open door policy that you have adopted.

Politics & Relationship

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relationship addiction

For many it’s harder to divorce from their  political party then any relationship.  They have committed so much time and energy into this belief system that even if it’s a bad relationship at least it’s their’s. So they ignore all the fault lines believing that their party deep down inside still loves them even as the knife wounds seem obvious to everyone else.  Political parties for some are the heartbeat that keeps them going even if it’s beating in a different heart.


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Busy working relaxing

Everyone needs “this much” to be happy and for many that is enough.  While others are happy but still continue to reach for the stars. The funny thing is that they are both right just different.   It’s perfectly okay to continue to reach but it’s also okay to lay back and be satisfied with your achievements.  For one person’s happiness is just a foot step for others but nobody should judge for nobody has walked exactly the same path with the same feet.


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Secret DealTop Secret

You probably don’t know but you’re involved in a top secret mission. A mission so quiet you don’t even know the impact of what you are saying or doing. For unknown to you the words and acts you have completed are are about to start can change history.  Those words can get someone thinking about a solution or a problem that they never saw or heard of before and as they pass this information up the tunnel you never know in what house it ends up at maybe one a bit more white then others.   Yes, you’re a top secret agent on a mission that continues everyday of your life without any knowledge of what you’ve accomplished or where it is going.

Bob Mueller – President Trump Deposition- CAN’T RECALL

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Bob Mueller President Trump 101

President Trump should sit down and answer questions from Special Investigator Mueller but that doesn’t mean he has to remember the answers.  A matter of fact I’ve never heard anyone being tried for forgetfulness.  President Trump’s Lawyers should advise him if he feels  Mr. Mueller’s question are leading in one direction that not being sure of the answer might help lead better to his side. It might be difficult for the President who is so strong minded to take such a stance but when a dog goes on the attack it’s best not to give them something to bark about.

Cradle Last Longer

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Adult Baby

I’m generally against racing the age from 18 to 21 for individuals buying long guns but maybe there is a stronger case now more then ever. For many of the “young adults” today act as if they are just overgrown children needing extra pampering years after they’ve grown facial hair.  These young adults need “safe zones” because words really do hurt them and want to work but only at their “dream jobs”.  Life can be tough and too many of our young adults wobbling along as if they are pieces of clay instead of steel.  The truth is we in society are to blame as we have pampered and babied these individuals way past their pacifier days.  It was tough being bullied, losing a girlfriend, feeling alone, failing a class but somehow we dealt with the pain and got stronger. Maybe we gained that strength through strong two parent families and faith observation which is too often lacking in today’s times. Today I’m not sure if society has allowed enough young adults to gain that same ability and as such many might not be responsible enough to own a firearm at age 18. Testing and training might just be the answer to insure that only those mature in today’s society possess such equipment.


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pHAROAH 3  Getty 3

You own nothing for in the end you will always have to give it back. Even the flesh on your skin will return to ashes and dust. If you don’t believe me look at all the powerful leaders in previous generations from Pharaoh(s) to Getty who are lucky if their possessions became a museum.  Even the greatest glass of wine can only be enjoyed for the moment and then vanishes throughout your body. The best car of the time may even become an item for the garbage heap of the future.  Just as an actor on a stage you possess these items of wealth until your scene is complete and then they are given back hopefully to the highest authority. It’s your job to respect those items you have temporary ownership of with care & generosity so they can be worth something to others as well.   So enjoy it wow you’re on the big stage and don’t be so concerned with the losses for maybe if we treat them with respect we’ll get them back in a different body after all.

FOOTNOTE- That is why this blog is such a wonderful temporary possession for at the moment it’s mine to share with the world.

Trump Direct Talk Not Best Talk

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President Trump 2

Let’s face it President Trump was not put in this position because he has the art of the mouth but the art of the deal and that means sometimes even his greatest supporters have to cover their ears slightly.  For we understood that when he said F**** Group it wasn’t meant as a slur against any particular group but the nature of absorbing any large group of immigrants without worrying about how it effects the people already living here. It might take a strainer or 2 to get to this point but let’s face it he’s an America 1st President and he therefore worries first about the legal citizens of this country rather then the illegal immigrants as well as those that want to join us. The President doesn’t want to take in anymore immigrants that might take away jobs from American’s already living here or add to a budgetary constraints of local or federal governmental expenditures.   So he says it like many of us would at a local bar or with close friends and it might not be right but it is felt.  If this language gets those at the bargaining table to realize he’s serious and make a “real deal” that protects our citizens 1st then maybe once in awhile a slip of the tongue isn’t so bad after all.

FOOTNOTE- The President has recently claimed he didn’t say these words and therefore I believe we all should wait to pass judgment about these words even if they aren’t words we would use.

Trump Insane hurts those that suffer

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President Trump 101

Individual in the media who purpose that the President is insane only hurt those that are truly suffering  from mental health issues. People who are mentally ill have difficulty achieving basic human desires/goals as an illness in their head blocks the door they need to open. They are treated by mental health professionals so they can understand this illness and properly treat it so that can reach the goals that they desire.  It’s obvious that those that who are attacking the President understand that this is not a difficult that he is coping with and are just using these “talking points” for political ends. They are  creating a “fake news” story that only confuse the issue of  mental health for those who might need it the most and therefore prevent them from getting the treatment that could truly help them and their loved ones.  Let us therefore put politics aside when it comes to issues of health so that we can make sure those that are not well have the mechanism and courage to seek the treatment they need.

Stand For- Legal- Lawyer Advise Needed

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standing for national anthem 4 standing for national anthem 3


I’ve been so disgusted with NFL players kneeling when our national anthem has played that I’ve boycotted most of the season but I wonder can their employee force them to stand under a penalty if they don’t?  The constitution allows for all freedom of speech including according to our courts even burning of our flag then should kneeling when our flag is raised be legal as well? Yet if one signs an employee contract that says part of their terms includes respecting the flag by standing how can their be an objection? What if someone suddenly has a religious conversion to a Jehovah Witness should they be let go or penalized for their new found faith?  Although I’m not a legal scholar I guess there needs to be a balance of both needs. In that case let those players who have some reason for not wanting to stand for the national anthem wait in the locker rooms until it is sung.  I might still object to this protest but at least it meets all legal requirements… I think.

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