Darkness Before…

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There is darkness enveloping us as it is written. We have swayed away from the faith that is in our heart and soul praying to flags, power and material wealth instead. G-D has warned us of such a time and also written about the dawn afterwards. In these difficult times it is time to stand strong in the faith we have left gain additional converts and pray like never before for out of such darkness there will be light. As our renewed faith will be the light to bring it in G-D willing sooner rather then later.


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Today the verdict is in and it is guilty for our justice system. There was a time not too long ago when a person was judged based on an actual crime which was in the books not one made up during an election year. This was a time when it didn’t matter who you were but where all the facts were permitted in to make sure the verdict was correct. Imagine it wasn’t too long ago where guilt wasn’t based on anything but trying to determine the whole truth. All we can pray is that G-D will  pass the ultimate verdict and let thy truth come through these dark days.

Mashiach & Me

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The vision has occurred and I’m leaving. I know you don’t see it but G-D willing you will soon.  So, I’m packing what I can and leaving without a second thought. All the work will have to stay on my table as I have to work for a higher mission right now.  The dreams I had before will end now as my calling is where I must be.  I’m so sorry it’s nothing you’ve done just a call into action and as Kohen there is only choice. Mashiach is here and now everything has changed.

FOOTNOTE-   Are you ready for nobody knows the time or date but the times they are definitely changing.

Self Driving Save

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Should self driving be in effect when in park? This would enable a car to get away from a sudden bump even if another wasn’t in the car. The hit and run would be a thing of the past as the car would prevent another from entering it’s territory on it’s own. I wish I could  have brought this feature back from the future and installed it before I got that nasty dent that it could have prevented.

Have A Good Life

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“Have a good life”, it was nice meeting you. Was it that trip on an elevator where we went up or down but never talked past that motion or the time I bumped into you on a crowded street all I know is it was just that moment.  You may have even made my day for the better or worse but are forgotten after that 24 hour period.  So have a good life it was nice meeting you even if it was just for a moment in our existence.

Writing Happiness

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Can I write if this face is dominating my thoughts? Yes, of course I can write but without dealing with difficulties and pain will it be any good?  The paradox is that writing which makes the reader happy must have some pain/sadness in it otherwise it doesn’t appear real. That is why even when times are good I must look to a difficult period to draw on before my pen can come out. Which begs the question do I want a good life for all or do I want to something well written instead?

FOOTNOTE- Don’t worry I’ve dwelt with enough adversity in mine and loved ones life’s to write for many a lifetime that is unless my memory starts to fade.

Dunkin Donuts For Our Best Friends

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Is this not brilliant!!! Now our best friends can really enjoy breakfast with us while we eat the more sugary type. Here is an idea I wish I had thought of but trust me there is much more room in this category from McDonalds Fries to Carvel Ice Cream etc etc. Soon our best friends will soon enjoy all our favorite brands in an alternative that is healthier for them.  Milk Bone Dunkin might just have started a delicious trend for all our four legged best friends.

FOOTNOTE-Would you eat this donut and I mean those with two legs? 

Memorial Day

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How does one truly put “Memorial Day” in their head throughout the 24 hour period. Yes, one should celebrate the freedom that our brave men and woman have given it all for by having some fun which they would want us to have but that is only part of our step. We should also rededicate ourselves to making sure the ideals of our country are not trampled on by those who cling to power and fight their laws that restrict our basic G-D given freedoms.  We should also speak freely about those values and freedoms without fear. For the memories of those who have given their all must never be forgotten and especially those ideals they died to uphold. May G-D bless the USA.

The Door

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It’s open now will you actually walk out? This is not a prison so why do you feel you have to stay if I’m so bad?  You said you could do better then M-E so go ahead and look outside!  I love you but it must swing both ways.   The door is not locked but who really has the nerve to walk through.

FOOTNOTE  –  This post is inspired by Mr. Teddy Swims song (below)



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It must be stopped by M-E!!  I’m running for my life to get there for it is the enemy as it enters my territory. Yes, it’s big and runs faster then me but once I get off this leach I’ll catch it dead. Nobody can just go down my street without M-E knowing.  Whether it’s BMW, Tesla or Ford it must be stopped and I’m just the dog to do it!

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