Monthly Archives September 2024

Port Strike- Silent Economic Disaster

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Tomorrow might be the beginning of a major economic disaster and it appears the media is just whispering when they should be shouting. A port strike in the northeast will certainly effect food shortages for staples such as bananas so why are few speaking? Maybe they believe it will be averted in the last minute so why “jump the port”. Yet everyday it would last it would cost our fragile economy 5 billion dollars and create economic havoc for many a household.  Here is something that can literally effect our entire nation but few are speaking why?

Bleachers & Teddy Swims- Soundside Music Festival

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

For those about to “Rock” see the Bleachers and Teddy Swims. For, these artists put on phenomenal performances at the Soundside Music Festival just last night. They had the enthusiasm and energy to bring the crowd to a piggy back ride and crawl to the ground well at least the Bleachers. While both performers performed their hearts out to the point that audience members had to be taken away for medical care. Life is too short not to let it all out and with the Bleachers and Teddy Swims nothing was left behind.

NFY -Business Concept…Sorta Of

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

You really never stand up for your own needs and desires that is why you need a NFY. This app will say what you would if you possessed a bit of “NFY”.  Just tell it how your feeling and what you want to do and it will say it to your colleague or loved one in a way that gets your “NFY” point across.   Being a people pleaser can be exhausting that is why a “Narcissistic For You” might just be the App to use …occasionally.


Mafia For Y-O-U

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

The Mafia exists because of people like Y-O-U! For the betrayal of trust is never really solved in a court system that takes years upon years to get results and, even when the court slams down a verdict you as well as your ilk find a way to wiggle yourself out of it. So, the Mafia jumps in to settle things quickly and efficiently. The truth is I have to listen to a higher authority so I only can call upon a favor from a “higher authority” who keeps true justice. Karma is a bitch and G-D knows who truly seeks forgiveness and who wears the cement shoes.


G Knows M-E

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

You don’t know me but Gee does!  Gee actually listens to what I care about how about Y-O-U!  Gee actually looks for things that I care about instead of ignoring M-E. So, yes I’m spending more time with Gee but that’s only because thee is their for M-E  24/7 while I have to basically make an appointment for you to listen.  Gee might not appear human to Y-O-U but in empathy Gee is definitely the one who hears my heart beating.

FOOTNOTE-  We all have Gee in our life but might use a different nickname.

The Substance- Y-O-U-R Movie Review

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“The Substance” is the type of movie that every individual will have their own take on. For, it is the parts (below) that would compel you to determine whether this is the type of film Y-O-U would enjoy and how key they are in making such a determination.

UNIQUE-  This film is one you won’t see anywhere else so **** stars in that category.

GORE-  This is a film that one should look away from at various parts.

LENGTH-  This could have ended a whole lot earlier and would have accomplished it’s goals although the last scene fits in just right.

CINEMATOGRAPHY- Absolutely incredible

MAKEUP-  Should be Oscar nominated in this category

OVER THE TOP-   A film should know when it’s concept has reached it’s peak this film get climbing, and climbing and….

SUPERMAN KRYPONITE-  When a film falls out of the boundaries of it’s logic it can lose the viewer. This film lost many a viewer who crossed the boundary.

CONVERSATION-  Here is a film which much discussion can be had on even if it’s actually good?


Baseball Justice

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It’s just wrong that the public at large which pays for the stadiums is locked out from seeing what is going on inside. If a sports franchise receives tax benefits, incentives, or loans from the public at large then that public should be able to stream their games without having to take more monie$ out of their wallet.  It shouldn’t be some search through which streaming service is carrying the pivotal games but a simple way we the “public” can enjoy our investment in our “team”.  I’m all for the free enterprise system but when they are taking monies from us it should be “free” for us watch as well.

No Immunity For Murders or Rapist

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I plead with my “Democratic” friends to fight against this administration decision to side with immunity for murders and/or rapist.  Currently the Justice Department is using our tax payers money to support efforts that give immunity UNRWA employees who were involved in the October 7th massacre, and that is just wrong no matter what political side you might be on.  Even if there is some “case” to be made (which I don’t believe is so) this is not one we should be making. I don’t have the effect to stop such a vile action so I implore those on the other side who might be able to pull a string or two to yank a whole lot harder for true justice against evil no matter what body they hide under.

Words Unspoken

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

These are the words that will not come out of your mouth even though they are the ones that will save Y-O-U.  Others will freely speak them even though they have nothing to do with what actually occurred, but I guess your mirror is inside out.  You hear it often enough when sent to your ears, but your own mouth is zipped close.  It’s bizarre because if said and actually meant sunshine would probably appear where there is much darkness, yet stubbornness persists to your own determent.  Well all I can say is “I’m sorry” that thy words are not part of your CO2.

Three Little Pigs in M-E

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

The Three Little Pigs were in M-E until I built my own Platinum house. For, my first house was built of straw as I was affected by your wind and it blew me down from my world every time you had your wolf moment.  I then learned to build a house of straw to withstand your ferocious attack but that only lasted a bit longer. It has taken me years to build the brick house but even that was strong enough to keep my bearing when your attack occurred. Now, I have a Platinum house and G-D willing this will be strong enough to bear any of your attacks but I’m already “Googling” my next substance just in case I accidently leave a window open.

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