They Will Break

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They will break just seek a higher authority. No power on this earth can stop if you utilize a simple four letter word. Even the greatest powers in the world could not match the one with the true power. Pharoah is just one example of one the world see  crack by a force way behind his control as other monarch’s and dictatorships continue to believe they will be the one who will hold out. G-D has a plan but it requires you to start with pray to put it in motion and let freedom truly reign.

Don’t Pet Tiger

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Please don’t pet her at least when I’m around. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate all the exciting places that you’ve allowed me to explore but the mouth of a tiger would not be one of them. Yes, I know you think this is just harmless fun as was our unique trips along the path but this doesn’t end well, at least it didn’t last night.  I woke up too realize that this was the case and now am afraid to close my eyes and see where you’ll take me next.

Most Therapist

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I have the most therapist. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who are constantly trying to advise me. Many try to build me up and support me when times are tough. Some are direct with their advise while others find a way to help me find a better solution.  It’s ironic because many believe that one who uses a therapist is weak not realizing that the most powerful person in the country is beholden to many. The only difference is the work at my address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and will continue to work there long after I leave.

Unofficial – Business Concept

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“Unofficial” will be the clothing line that will do and say what it wants because it’s not claiming the “Official” line. This will be clothes definitely not approved by artist, brand, league or band but instead will fit your individual reBellious look.  Where others will try to fit in “Unofficial” will just be real and F-U-N. “Unofficial” because who needs authorization to be who they truly are?

Your Ventriloquist

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I was speaking but the words didn’t actually belong to M-E. It’s not that I don’t feel those words but that the emotion was sparked by another who was truly pulling my strings. For, suddenly I realized that what I was saying and feeling looked into their mirror not my own. There continuous drumbeat stirred my heart faster then the one in my body as I realized resistance was futile. For they were the ventriloquist and I was just their puppet.

Vaccine ??

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I took the vaccine and I feel safe!  Okay I caught it but now I’ll be done in a day or two rather then a week.  Well, I guess it’s closer to a week but the cough doesn’t appear that bad.  Oh this hospital stay would have come so much sooner if I didn’t take the vaccine. The vaccine really prolonged my long as this “,,,,” took over two weeks to kill me.


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If one is to get a vaccine to prevent an illness but still gets that illness is that a failure? Well according to a loved one it is not. For, they have determined that if your time of sickness is less then another then the vaccine is the result thereof. This individual takes no count for one’s own immune system, their treatment plan and/or other factors but instead wants to believe entirely in said vaccine. This person is so influenced by one group of “doctors” that they ignore the advise of others.  My belief is different vaccines must eliminate the threat of illness or make them so weak it would take great faith to belief anything else was responsible for said result.

Cancer Fighting Cancer

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Cancer is a one of the toughest cells to fight so why not bioengineer to fight it’s own kind?  If one was to put these type of AC (Anti-Cancer) cells into areas of Cancer growth they would eliminate the threat these Cancer cells pose to the body. Ideally these cells would become “suicide bombers” as they infiltrate areas of great concentration of Cancer cells as they eliminate the threat.  Cancer fighting Cancer a theory that could just work in the real world.

Should I like??

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I haven’t decided whether this song should be on my music list. Please share your thoughts. Let me know what you think and why so I can hear if I missing something or should?


American Primeval- Just W-O-W

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

Sometimes you witness art and only one word comes out W-O-W!!! American Primeval is one such piece to hang on your wall. The texture is as rough as can be seen but still beautiful to witness. Does every color dry well no but in someway they all mesh to some degree. Incredible Cinematography, Costume Design, Action and story this is W-O-W piece of art. Where most characters are fully drawn out instead of just being black or white with a sprinkle of color along the way. American Primeval another W-O-W I’ve been blessed to witness.


FOOTNOTE-  Please note this is a fictional based show that shouldn’t be taken as fact especially for the Mormon people and that the ending doesn’t hit the colors but it’s still AWESOME!!


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