Gracie Adams “Risk” is …. Music Review

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Gracie Adams “Risk” jumps to the edges of  F-U-N !!  The lyrics are tone is so catchy you would bet your house on it (not literally).  This is a singer/songwriter who tells many of our stories in a way we wish we could tell.  “Risk” definitely worth it with Gracie Adams.


Lead To

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You lead me to what I wanted to hear. That’s right if you didn’t sing your note I would have forgotten that song I really wanted to hear. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure you’re song is perfect …for someone else but for me it is just a great leader. Thank you um, for all your hard work and helping me find the song I really wanted to hear.

FOOTNOTE-  This goes for other leads that lead one to someone else.

Google Backpage

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Google has a way to make sure the news is presented in their way. Some stories are continuously blown to the top of their algorithm while others are left in the dark. Many issues that would “normally” be trumped because of their significance and interest are somehow harassed to the point of not being seen. Many stories are assassinated as if they don’t exist anymore. Somehow cats and their owners can become the biggest story while those ravaged by terrorism fall victim, fentanyl, random acts of crime etc are on page 2020.    There is an obvious political agenda but done is such a slight way that only those peering through the darkness as they look to other sources can see it. This matters because our elections should not be tainted by the facts that are blown up and the ones hidden.

Old Dad -Retrospectively N-E-W

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“Old Dad” is not the greatest film on Netflix but it’s damn good. For, it is actually funny and mostly politically incorrect. Yes, they had to slip in a few political correct moments to get on this streaming service such as the ending and a negative reference to protecting one’s border but overall it’s still funny and wrong for today which makes it oh so right. “Old Dad” is something retrospectively new for Netflix as it dares to touch the edge and for that reason it’s truly worth a view.

*** – I added a 1/2 star for being so out there in today’s world.





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That look set up a spark that lit my entire body. I know you felt that magnetism pull us together if only for a moment.  You could have looked 360 degrees in any other direction but instead that look came directly into my sight. Your beautiful eyes and smile were something that held me in and then kept glowing even after the candle went out. Yes, it was just a moment but was it romance or just the dream thereof?

FOOTNOTE-  How many sparks have ignited your path?

Feel In Politics

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Before a word is written these two images above leave one with an emotional response. To amp up those emotions listen to them speaking without concentrating on the words. For, politics has an emotional feeling that is meant to draw people to the voting booth, donate hard earned monies and literally cry when results come in whether they be tears of joy or sorrow.  Yes, we all hope we are being logically with our views but we can’t ignore the emotions that sometimes pull us further.

I’m all in for Donald J Trump but also understand that at least 40 % is an emotional response to his opponent.  For, how can I actually fully judge what she would do if G-D forbid she was given this awesome power. I say I base it on history but I’m sure her cackle doesn’t help.  I strongly disagree with her policy decisions or lack thereof but have they been as catastrophic as my emotions/rhetoric have pointed too and even if this was the case how do I know for a fact she would continue down this path?

The truth is we probably don’t know and therefore emotions and “intuition” are playing there role.  The key is to balance everything out and think carefully about all the facts on the table and even an entirely different plate.  G-D willing emotions take the minority in our mind as logic truly prevails.

Feel Zone

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The “Feel Zone” will be a place that envelopes you in mindfulness. With darkness to truly hear, touch feel and taste to vivid images in silence; this zone will allow you to experience your sensations at a whole different level.  There will be group and individual zones that you can escape to that give you such an experience.  The “Feel Zone”  for those who truly want to be mindful of their senses/feelings.

Food Trends F-U-N

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As a reBel I don’t consume myself on what is trending yet food is definitely  F-U-N. For, when a food is trending every chef has their own take on it the flavor/ingredient.  Allowing one to taste something new or old in a whole different format. Trends can come and go but food one’s often taste delicious so I’m taking a bite into this category.

Open & Faith

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Faith & openness may appear to be a Paradox for some but this Parsha gives room for a different interpretation.  For, it appears to have very little relativity to our life’s but trust me the great Rabbi’s will find a deeper meaning that I didn’t even see. A matter of fact many of the discussions of the Torah go in directions that truly require an open mind. Yet just as the cosmos have limits to exist so does the discussion. For, we of faith know there is only one G-D that knows it all as we journey on an uncharted path from our own minds.

Hellbound Autumn King- Great Song that…

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Hellbound by Autumn King is a great song that many of us at times have traveled.  Autumn King takes us safely down the road that we need to get off as soon as possible yet we know is still on our GPS.  The emotion of the song is so relatable in many of our books that we can easily sing along.  Hellbound, by Autumn King worth the journey at least in this musical world.


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