Suffocate City- Song To Breathe To

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

If you need a bit more Oxygen for this Monday morning “Suffocate City” might just help one breathe. This song pounds one heart with intense lyrics and great musical score. You can’t stop Monday but you can add more Oxygen to the day with this great song “Suffocate City”


Gracie Adams “Risk” is …. Music Review

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

Gracie Adams “Risk” jumps to the edges of  F-U-N !!  The lyrics are tone is so catchy you would bet your house on it (not literally).  This is a singer/songwriter who tells many of our stories in a way we wish we could tell.  “Risk” definitely worth it with Gracie Adams.


3 Feet Tall- Cole Swindell- Larger

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

Some songs are poetic masterpieces “Cole Swindell” 3 Feet Tall is such a song. As this song takes one on the painful journey of divorce though the eyes of someone who just learned to speak. It’s a song that speaks to another’s heart and might just make someone thing a bit more about holding on “when things are a bit rough” especially if one holding with you is 3 feet tall.


Favorite Songs 1D

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments


It is possible that one of these songs (below) might already been on my list that is why I decided to make put them in a tie. For even I was wrong on one count I’m sure I can’t be wrong on the other that would just be too coincidental.  These two songs by Sick Puppies really are compelling in the same instrumental and vocal ways but fills you with different emotions at the end. Which leaves you with the thoughts are they “all the same” or “maybe” there really is a difference?




Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

This song literally changed my day in it’s tracks!  Badflower does it again for me and might just be turning into my new favorite band after all.  It’s so powerful that I dare you not to shed a tear at least in one’s heart. Listen and have your day stopped as well.


Favorite Songs IH

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

Simply catchy this song is one for the ages.  It’s beat holds up in today’s times and it’s lyrics is one that easily remembered decades after you’ve first heard them.  Maybe it’s not the most brilliant song ever made but you have to admit it’s something that’s down on you.

FOOTNOTE–  I apologize in advance for the last line but I was trying to be as catchy as the song is maybe that line belongs in the past unlike this song.

Favorite Songs IJ

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

Sorry I couldn’t choose between my 2 favorite songs in this movie. A matter of fact you might as well put the hole album for this category. The songs in this movie keep playing in my heart and soul years after I’ve heard them with power and love.



Favorite Songs 1K

Posted by Bruce - in music, Uncategorized - No Comments

This song proves you don’t have to literally understand the words of a song to catch the emotionally current that flows through it.   It also is another reason I should learn a bit more Spanish.


Favorite Songs IL

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

Yes, this favorite song doesn’t show the machismo in me but can you truly deny that it touches even the strongest heart.  Great lyrics and music with a video that remarkable forgetful for such a powerful song.


Favorite Songs 1M

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

I just remembered how much I love this song and it didn’t hurt that the Guardians Of The Galaxy helped revive this incredible memory.  For those who don’t appreciate it what song do you know that has such an unusual beginning and keeps you singing the lyrics throughout?


FOOTNOTE– By the way I know this isn’t the real artist in the video it’s just a bit more visually entertaining.

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