Supacell-Netflix – Is Super

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Supacell on Netflix is super as it takes one on a journey of the mind, body and maybe even soul.  The super powers are only a sidebar to the action as these characters are well drawn out to make you actually care to be involved in their lives on the screen. Just as in life one might  pre-judge a person because we catch them in the middle so does Supacell show the depth we might be missing with each other episode. Yet this is all performed in an entertaining way that leaves the viewer glued to the screen.  It also takes place across the ocean so we see England in a whole different light. Supacell where super powers are only part of the entertainment.

FOOTNOTE-   I’m only on episode 4 so this review might change.

*** 1/2 –  I’d give it four stars but I really have to understand one of the characters motivations in greater depth.



Deep State- Removal – Shadow Series

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B.O-  Don’t worry after the debate we will convince JB that Joe has to go?

FF- Are you sure about that. I heard he has top debate strategists and is going to be pumped up.

B.O- Listen, to me they can pump him up with enough CM that dummy still won’t be able to put two sentences together and those in the media elite will make sure he leaves the race.

FF- That’s why you and M.O agreed to make sure the debate was real early, very smart!

B.O. – Yes, M.O is ready to “jump in “and save the country” or at least our pockets.

FF/B.O. – Ha, Ha, Ha

BJ-  I’m still not sure JB really loves the power and she’s not going to give it up quickly.

B.O.- We have enough on Joe with the Chinese deal that will make sure he leaves way before the convention.

FF- They might try Bill’s Wag The Dog scenario with allowing so many terrorists in the country and….

B.O.- After the upcoming debate they’ll be lucky to even pet a dog. Remember who’s truly in charge.

Voting For Biden

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I’m casting my vote again for Joe Biden and this time with even more enthusiasm. For, it’s great to have a leader that thinks like me. Others try to insult me by saying that they are as thick as me but hello look who is in the White House? That’s right if he can make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue so can my friends Marble and Granite. Last time I wasn’t actually registered and it didn’t matter and after last weeks debate millions of us will be added to the voters registration list maybe even Amber. Oh you don’t think that will make a difference huh well there are more of us out including my friend Patrick (below) and our votes will be counted. Some say one has to be stoned to vote for Biden and trust me us stones agree.

The Emperor Has No Brains

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I ordered two galloons of Kool Aid for the DNC but after last nights debate performance even they couldn’t drink. The emperor was revealed to be completed naked from toe to brain. By the way, was one of the most comprehensive statements he made and that was on repeat mode again, again and…  In terms of sports the moderator should have stopped the match before the first commercial break and sent Joe home to get in his pj’s and grab some ice cream. All the drugs were doing was keeping one eye wide open while the other was as creepy as his hair smelling technique. If Joe wasn’t actually in the White House this would have been hysterical. The truth has been revealed and now it’s time to make sure the new President actually has a brain.

FOOTNOTE-  Sorry, there is no Bud in this post as our country and world truly need new leadership ASAP.

Jets In The Superbowl Tonight 9 PM

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Tonight it’s if the Jets are in the Superbowl and I’m on the 50 yard line watching! That is the excitement I feel as a political junkie who has been get quick fixes with every poll along the way.  Of course adding to this drama is the fear of the way this country and world is going under the horrible leadership of Joe Biden. Yet, that is a topic I’ve written on many blog post before now the pigskin is ready to hit the field with two opponents that truly hate each other as much as any candidates before. Four years in the making and tonight is the game that truly kicks off and G-D willing makes this country great again.


Impossible But…

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The reports say it’s impossible but you still jump!  These facts should stand in your way but there is a deeper meaning which is not on their pages.  So, you proceed without fear to your “promise land” and as you jump you see the horizon that others have ignored. Faith has a way for you to see past their clouds and to G-D’s ultimate path you must take.

Mr. Hyde

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I can’t hide it as you bring out the “Hyde” in M-E!!! I try to stay in control but your formula has a way to change my entire being in a flash. I become a raging lunatic unable to control the anger boiling inside until that thing comes out. Yet withdraw allows me to return to normal at least I still hope so? For, the more time under your formula the more it appears Hyde is taking control. Unless somehow I can develop an antidote to your formula I fear it will finally win. Yet for now you are in my daily formula and so is Hyde so be afraid be very afraid!!

FOOTNOTE-  Do you have ones who bring out your Hyde ?

Trumps V.P.

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Bryon Donalds should be Trumps V.P.  He’s smart, quick on his feet even in a CNN crowd and will bring new energy/ excitement to the race.   Bryon will not only energize the base but bring new young faces to the cause.  He should be announced at the convention which would draw a boost in the audience that would be watching.  Finally he even shares a name with Donald although in a different location.  Bryon Donalds has been called an up and coming star in the G.O.P that star should be lit as V.P.

Debate – Poker

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This is much a game of poker as a debate. First, Biden tried to see if Trump would fold with a debate that appeared with having all the cards (CNN Debate, Moderators Favoring Him, Silencing the Mics etc etc)  but Trump stayed. Biden kept playing with his hand as he figured Trump would concede as he went seven days straight preparing for it.   Now with 24 hours or so left till the debate some wonder whether Trump has a few more cards up his sleave and Biden will fold before getting to the stage. Maybe Biden will suddenly have a cold or some “crisis” will prevent him from entering the stage? If the debate goes on some will wonder what cards each one will play personality, policies or even leadership might actually and how their decks are actually stacked.  The Debate begins on Thursday but the Poker game has already begun.

Bad Customer Service- A Shadow Series

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ANSWER SERVICE-  Press 6 for bad customer service and press 5 for not such bad customer service.

TOM- What?

ANSWER SERVICE- Your call is the 10th in the line press 6 for immediate service and press 5 for quicker customer service

TOM-  This sucks six it is.

PATEL (Phillipine accent) Hello, I’m John it’s a pleasure to speak to you.

TOM-  I was trying to see about the contract on my phone.

PATEL-  Phone, that device in your hand right?

TOM-  Yes, and I have contract with your company.

PATEL- Oh, can I get the spelling of your first name.

TOM-  T- as Tomato, O as in Oscar, M as in Mary.

PATEL-  You said P as in Tomato.

TOM-  No T as in Tomato.

PATEL- Sir, that’s what I said P as Paul.

O.S. Dial Tone

MARY- Did, you get through with my phone.

TOM- Yes, but trust me patience has it’s virtuous and next time I’m waiting for them.

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