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I am a father, husband, friend, businessman and basically good guy so how did I end up here.  Retirement was just around the corner where I would travel around the world now it’s just around these bars.  Maybe I wasn’t the model system but I paid my taxes, worked nine to five even volunteered once in awhile in a shelter now I’m just locked away. The years of keeping it together ended in a blast of anger that has closed my doors maybe forever. An act of violence lead me down this path and G-D knows I wish I could take back but at the moment was the ultimate release. I had a life once upon a time now because of a moment I just have these bars.


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I’m not how I feel now!!!!

It is just a mask I use to cover up the emotions burning inside. They have boiled to a point where only steam is heard but when and if the temperature is lowered feeling of being ignored, disrespected, forgotten, betrayed etc, etc would come out. Therapy might be an answer but right now the rage feels just right!!!  I get what I want at least subconsciously when this occurs so why turn back and take off this mask.  Some say it’s better to be feared then loved but honestly I’m not sure at this point for  the fire in M-E is an inferno and  no water appears close to cool me down.  Maybe some day this mask will come off but it’s glued to my face and I need some help to peel it off.

FOOTNOTE- Therapy can help unmask the rage.

Drifting To Unity

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As I drift in and out of M-E I realize I’m getting closer to unity. This will be the point where I’ll be part of truly the bigger picture.  I will have a unity with the cosmos that G-D has created. I feel closer and closer to that pull where the ground will soak in my form as my soul drifts to a higher plateau. A spark will continue to allow some individuality to come through enough so to become part of a new body maybe sooner then I can remember.

A Little Braindead Fun- Song For Tuesday

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It’s Tuesday not even hump day yet so maybe a little “Braindead” time (not literally) is what is needed. Just a fun song that is catchy, easy to listen to and doesn’t require extra neuron’s to enjoy.  Braindead by JXDN fits that Cerebellum number. So, enjoy your Tuesday a bit more and don’t even think about.


One Issue -First

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I’m a strict conservative yet one issue is the one that will decide where that vote will go if anywhere at all. If you’re not for the destruction of eliminating evil in this world I can’t be for Y-O-U. Now evil comes in many ways and is often hidden between layers but the evil of killing, raping and slaughtering innocence as occurred on October 7th is as black and white as the picture above. Therefore even if a candidate has every other issue right but won’t give the means or support to Israel to complete their work to eliminate Hamas from this world they will not have my vote. It’s that simple and that direct. Other issues truly matter but survival of good vs evil is on top on my election ballot.

Color Purple-Shiny Almond

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The Color Purple had moments when I felt like Barney the Dinosaur but ended as a shiny Almond instead. Dancing, acting, music and cinematography were outstanding but it stayed on the screen way too long as the color faded. Here was a movie that captured your heart but didn’t know when to let go and leave you alone.  “The Color Purple” worth watching just not till the boring end.

****- If you cut the last half and hour off.

** – If you don’t


Saliburn- Oscar Miss

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“Saliburn” should have been nominated for the “Oscars” not because it’s the best movie but the type of movie the Oscars promote. It has all the ingredients for such a nomination great acting, cinematography, outstanding set as well as disturbing content so why was it not nominated.  I personally found some scenes so over the top that I had to fast forward which is another reason I’m surprised a nomination wasn’t in place.  For the “Oscars” isn’t about entertaining the public just those who want to believe they “know better”  and Saliburn fits that category to a T.  Saliburn not an outstanding movie at all but to those in Gowns and Tuxedos on March 10th I’m truly surprised it isn’t.


It’s a “M” Special

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It’s an “M” special when you’re so excited to take a bite until you taste what is inside. For, it might be your flavor but with that added vegetable, meat, spice etc you’re just disgusted.  “M” Specials might put you on a diet just when you’re about to eat.

IN A SENTENCE-  I was famished but when they unveiled the Pizza I knew it was an “M” special” extra Broccoli really!!

Bud Nuts

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“Bud Nuts”  would be for those who are nuts about nuts but exclude Peanuts, Cashews and Almond type. They would also come with a packet of spices you could add to your mix from Indian Flavor to Hot Barbeque and a whole lot in-between.  This way those with similar allegories of Bud would be able to enjoy their snacks without worrying about literally biting into “death”.  Bud Nuts, yes some are excluded and that is just delicious.

“The Undead” Made It To The Oscars….

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Great news “The Undead” has made it to the Oscars… well at least the date. Yes, that’s correct on the same day the Oscar for best picture is being awarded “The Undead” will have it’s Red Carpet Event. Let’s be honest the Oscars can be a bit trite and even boring but I guarantee our Red Carpet won’t be so if your not at the Dolby Theater maybe come to good old Brooklyn instead (see below). WARNING THOUGH – very limited seats…

 Would LUV to see Y-O-U there. WARNING- Limited Seats – 
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