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Don’t try to lick it away for what’s between the teeth can be fashionable as well.  Imagine a time when it wasn’t stuck with  food items you don’t desire but with “bright colors” and gold that make your smile really stand out!  BTT dental implementation will do just that whether it be those proud of the Red, White & Blue or those who want to show their Irish Green to the world without it being an imprint made in Broccoli.  A matter of fact BTT will insure that dental floss becomes a thing of the past as it takes up that space  in-between.   BTT might not give you the look that kills but one that is UniQUE every time you smile or take a bite.

FOOTNOTE–  You may say this is something that know one will ever bite into but trust me I’ve seen people eat almost anything.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

They see only darkness but I see a bright light! For I couldn’t have come up and tell them about what I was going to do because they would have said “NO” and then this bright opportunity would have been gone in a flash.  It is true that these rolls have added up to 7 again and…. but  I know this time it will be different and then they’ll look at me as their hero maybe even savior.  The larger the risk the greater the reward is what they say…isn’t it?  Our life savings was meant to live now…. at least I hope so.

FOOTNOTE- The “sucker” label can be attached to most just make sure it’s not put on for life and left for your loved one’s to see over and over again.


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It came out of know where and suddenly the pain took over every essence of my body and soul. For after all we went through how could she suddenly point this knife in our families heart. They say that time heals a wound but trust me they’ll be scar tissue for many lifetimes to come. Trust has been sliced away and all that is left is betrayal.

FOOTNOTE- Who hasn’t felt this pain in their life and it get’s worse depending on the length, emotional attachment and commitment before the knife digs in.


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I watched many a horror film but never was so scared as when I heard the promises of the 2020 Democratic Candidates during the recent Presidential Debates. Their proposals brought goosebumps down my spine as I realized that if elected and “successful” they would literal bankrupt our country morally, fiscally and whatever way was left. Free this free that will leave everyone  on the old Soviet Union bread line. .  It’s even scary the way many of those  who seek this office think as they put trans-genders abortions on the top of their list. Can you  even imagine the medical system when a billion or so illegal immigrants are added to the payroll just by showing up at our border …the death panel awaits?  I love a good horror movie but maybe the Presidential Democratic Debates are even to scary for me.

Impossible Possibilities

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments


“Logically” it’s an impossible mountain to climb but you keep on walking. All the formula’s don’t add up but you keep multiplying. For in the end you know that with your efforts and faith in G-D’s glory will have you will see the light as others just see clouds even if it suddenly comes in a different direction that you’ve never seen before.


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It’s one of the puzzles of life and one you can’t take back “time”. For it keeps on moving even as we try to make some for others. We have to balance our “goals” that take it with the emotional needs of others that will take some more. They say it’s important to have to  relax and just take in the moment but then you might have wasted it on something you’ll never get back or on the other hand find a better use for the moments you have here. Which leads  you to more confusion? Shabbo’s helps me put the clock in a whole new order though as it has me  listening to a whole new tune and appreciating things at a different pace so when the stop watch begins again at least I’ll know what I’m truly racing for.


A.O.C. Why

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A.O.C why do you get the initials while the rest of us have a name? Some will say that it is  because it’s difficult to pronounce your name but the falls flat with Buttigieg (it’s hard enough to spell) although Pete is simple. Personally I’m sure you would find that “offensive” because the white man doesn’t have initials and the Hispanic Woman does hmm what does that mean…nothing?  Of course your marketing team that put you in this seat might have had a thing or two with performing this strategy but being that you’re anti-capitalist shouldn’t you decry such a move? A.O.C it’s just not fair that you get the initials and the rest of us don’t but if that’s all you take from the hard working American people (taxes, regulations, P.C Police etc,etc)  then A.O.C you can keep them


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

If you’re trying to get a good night sleep so you don’t end up like this then SLEEP DRINK  might just have your natural formula. This drink will combine all the natural ingredients on earth to give you the right mix of Z,Z,Z’s that you need and want. Ingredients will include Banana’s, Milk a dash of Chamomile , Decaffeinated Green Tea and Cinnamon.     SLEEP DRINK will  also come in a diabetic formula to help manage the carbs so you and your partner will sleep through the night.  SLEEP DRINK a drink that will give you what you’re body needs to put your mind at rest.

FOONOTE- The carton will also feature helpful mindful exercises to help those eyelids stay heavy through the night.

Insect D.O.D

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

Finally there will be a defense for your family against the ravages  of insects wherever you might travel for with  D.O.D DROID they’ll be dead on arrival. The D.O.D DROID will hunt down insects that decide to invade your territory before they come close  to you or loved one. Just let the circumference  be known to the droid and it will protect your area as if it you had the whole Department of Defense on your side by knocking down insects that get too close.  The D.O,D DROID it’s time we put the insects on the defensive.

I, I , I = Democratic Debate

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

Just one quick notes on the Democratic Debate that occurred last night which we all can agree on.

(1) I  =  Notice how many times each candidate used that one pronoun when discussing how change would occur and wonder if it’s more about controlling YOU then solving the problem.

FOOTNOTE– I would have more notes but we’re going to work instead.

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