How many times has our Noah reappeared? Is there a time when we as individuals with some action or words keep the clock rolling past doomsday? G-D is just about to have the wind move a bit too hard or the earth shakes a bit too much and then out of the blue one act changes our clock again. Maybe one vote changes how we as a people lean toward a rebirth or destruction. Only G-D knows but remember your actions and words might be just the ones to keep the floods away from our door.
G-D’s Clock
You might be running against time but remember G-D has the real clock. Productivity might appear to be moving quickly until G-D decides you need a cliff to slow you down and look the other way. It could be a computer screen that suddenly goes blank, a storm that isn’t expected, the employee that never really showed up, spilled Milk that went your way or G-D forbid a sickness that suddenly took prime stage for you to realize who the real time keeper is. All our plans our mute if we don’t recognize who is holding our time score. I thank G-D for the moments that I’ve been given to move forward and pray no cliff appears in your or my future in the days, hours, minutes or even seconds ahead.
Too Good
The Torah/Bible writes a great deal more about the tribulations which will occur if one “leaves the faith” then if one stays in the fold because let’s face it many who have it “too good” look to evil instead. They get “bored” with what they have and desire some other “stimulation” which is down a path they know they shouldn’t travel. G-D knows that when many have it “too good” that it can be a curse as history continues to prove so G-D puts out the curses in bright red so everyone is truly warned.
Sabbath Dichotomy
They say that opposites attract maybe that’s why the Sabbath and me go perfectly together. For let’s say I created the word ADD and I’m hyper on caffeine where sitting is hardly an option (mostly figuratively) except on Shabbos. For during the week I’m running as if my last day has already arrived and on Shabbos in a sense it has. This is the time I give myself to slow down the engine so it can crank it up in 24 hours or so again. My mind and body go in the opposite direction they do during the other 144 hours of the week and if it didn’t I don’t know if I’d be running again. A time of reflection and calmness that are so foreign to the rest of the week come alive during Shabbos. Opposites do attract at least in this lifestyle.
More Roads
The Hasidic Jewish Brother, Christian Sister and Sunni Islamic Child are all right and maybe a bit wrong. For they are all on different paths to the same goal of being closer to the one G-D. Their paths might have different obstacles and potholes along the way but as long as it’s focused on the basic truths they will all end up together in some way. G-D had a stringent play book when the book was being written and played out but I believe G-D has allowed other pages to be added or modified after it was written. That is until the time the when the one truth will be revealed and the playbook will be set for all of us to read together.
Impossible Possibilities
“Logically” it’s an impossible mountain to climb but you keep on walking. All the formula’s don’t add up but you keep multiplying. For in the end you know that with your efforts and faith in G-D’s glory will have you will see the light as others just see clouds even if it suddenly comes in a different direction that you’ve never seen before.
Shavuot- Just A Different Road
I will never tell those individuals who observe the traditional two day observance of holidays such as Shavuot that they are incorrect I just believe that two or three paths are also correct. Whether my 1 ish day of observance puts me on a path that is a bit more bumpy only G-D knows (literally) I just believe that if they observe 1 day sorta in Israel for this holiday then that’s fine with me. For G-D knows what I can do in the 2nd day and since my days here on earth are short shouldn’t I keep the clock running instead of putting it on stop watch mode? Furthermore by taking a 2nd day off I would be making it more difficult for loved one’s and liked one’s so I’m sure G-D will put that in my equation. My traditional brothers and sisters are correct because they are doing what they believe G-D wants of them and I’m correct as well because I believe the same plus add the human element just in case I need the extra credit.
You are more religious then I if you believe that somehow these creatures were haphazardly put together without some intelligent and funny design. If you believe there is no G-D in their equations then I believe you’re in a creative writing class then one based on science and logic. Just looking at these bizarre creatures has to make you think twice and realize that not only G-D exists but has a bit of a sense of humor as well.
There is a role for the formal,spontaneous and even incorrect. The formal means that you are taking the time and effort to try and pray to G-D in a way that separates you from the mundane and contribute to a community. The spontaneous on the other hand is acknowledging G-D’s presence in the ordinary and the most serious moments in one’s life. Yet what occurs to those who make a mistake during a prayer, for example by asking for G-D’s help for someone who is sick but put in the wrong name and/or time? These individuals have their prayers listened to as well because of the effort to connect to the divine and G-D knows what’s past the brain and what is in one’s heart and soul. The point is all prayers count even as some might be more direct then others as long as they are done for the right motivation and with a modest heartfelt voice.
There is something about water that unites all of faith. Whether it be Christianity, Judaism or Islam water truly cleanses the soul. Rituals from the first days to the last involve some form of H20 with these faiths and more. G-D’s simple formula means so much to so many people. We could say it is because this liquid is plentiful and needed for one’s survival but in today’s times as everything else appears to change I’m sure another liquid could have been substituted. Yet maybe the truth lies in water simple purity in a world where dirt is only a step away. Water leaves us feeling that we can start a new and continue to go grow strong even as we wave the dirt of the past away.