Ghost To Ghost- A Shadow Series

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O.S. –  Funeral music, crying

STEVE-  I can’t be!!

CASPER-  You are but look on the bright side you can finally seeing “The Rolling Stones” on stage before they join us.

STEVE-   I’m really dead.

CASPER-  Yes, and there is a lovely community that you’ve joined at least for the time being and think of the bright side you’ll get to do all the things you wanted to do  while you were alive without waiting on line, buying tickets, or worrying about parking.

STEVE-   You mean I can go to the Superbowl?

CASPER-  Not only go but be on the ground level. Yelling whatever the hell you want. Well, maybe not the hell you don’t want to end up there but you get the point.

STEVE-  Wow, maybe this isn’t so bad. Yet I’ll miss my loved ones.

CASPER-  Yes, that sorta sucks but now you can truly have the quality time with them that you always wanted without any work responsibilities although it will be a one way communications at least in most circles.

STEVE-   I guess being a ghost isn’t so bad. I’m going to….

CASPER-  Oops forgot to warn him the clock to the gate opening is moving and right now he’s on the escalator. Heaven floor next stop. Oh well, who’s my next guest to great Henry Kissinger?



Life’s Goal- In A Sentence

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Life’s goal in a sentence is reduce the pain increase the gain. In doing so one will lesson the time and strength that they are angry,sad, confused or filled with other negative emotions from any events that have occurred or are occurring in their life. On the positive side they will increase the positive emotions with gaining a higher spiritual calling, filling voids with positive activities, using their G-D given talents to make this world a bit better and having just pain F-U-N.   Increase the gain reduce the pain a sentence worth living by.

Mental Health Court

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Today many a loved one spends countless hours suffering through an illness that could instead be properly treated. Living with untreated mental health conditions causes undue pain to them, those that care most about them and society as a whole. These individuals self treat themselves with illegal drugs, dangerous behaviors and even homelessness.  They may not be at the exact state of suicide or violence but many can see that clock ticking louder and louder.

A  “Mental Health Court” could change this downward spiral.  This court would allow loved ones would petition the court anonymously seeking their loved ones be evaluated and persuaded if need be to receive the care that would make their life’s better.   To insure that this isn’t abused the following safeguards (below) would be put into effect. Isn’t it time to end this unnecessary suffering isn’t it time for a “Mental Health Court”.

(1) Those bringing such anonymous petitions would also need to provide independent factual and/or testimony of other individuals who concur with said sickness.

(2) Individuals receiving evaluations would not have a “permanent record” that this has occurred unless those doing the evaluations deem the individual as hostile to the process.

(3) At least two individuals would be involved in said evaluations and be certified trained individuals.

(4) Immediate treatment options would be available to said recipients.

(5)  Individuals who  bring such an evaluations could be subject to their own evaluations especially if it was a waste of the courts/professionals time and resources.


Broken Glass

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We keep putting together even as the pieces become more and more shattered. Hoping that this time the glue will last but knowing that there are still sharp edges that bleed through. We’re shattered but as long as we’re both in the puzzle maybe it’s best we keep putting it back together at least until the pieces are lost forever.

Closure – I Prevail

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“Closure” by I Prevail shows the true vocal talents of the band. Yes, it has a Bring Me A Horizon feel to it but with a softer tone.  “Closure” is just a great song for your “Tuesday” schedule especially when your week is far from this title.

Elon Musk-Replacement Theory- Judiasm

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“Elon Musk” supported a statement that was inaccurate for the great diversity within the people who part of the Jewish tribe. While many on the more outspoken liberal side have a tendency to support more “open immigration” , there is a strong ground swell of Jewish individuals who only want  “legal immigration” with immigrants who share our Judeo/Christian values and our G-D given constitutional rights I should know I’m one of the later group and know many in my tribe who walk to this beat. Replacement theory based on race is racism and Elon Musk I believe accidentally stepped in this mess. He’s now cleaning his sneakers with his trip to Israel and I believe we should give him the benefit of the doubt as these are difficult times with harsh words accidentally slipping from many a keyboard. So, yes I will by a Tesla car, write on Twitter and maybe even get Neuralink someday as long as this is in a one and done.

FOOTNOTE- . Please note many of my liberal friends have this believe because  Jewish people were denied a place to go during the holocaust and therefore sympathize with immigrants of today.

Cancer W A Different Name

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You have “Cancer” with a different name. For, like Cancer if not treated it will take away your life. Yes, this might progress slower than the normal “C” word but it might actually be more painful and debilitating.  Just like “Cancer” this might not be the one that kills but the pain and suffering will make your body not have the fight to battle against any other illness that invades.  The question then becomes if I truly love you do I watch you suffer through till the end or do whatever I must to make sure you get the proper treatment?  If so this might put us on a collusion course and make the pain to tough for either one of us to bear.


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How free are Y-O-U?  Yes, you might have the basic rights but have you tied yourself up in a job or relationship that leaves you longing for the mountaintop. The position might be something you have to take because times are tough but do you feel trapped that it’s not what your meant to be?  Relationships are hard to keep so do you keep your feet in this toxic one?  Are you really free to say what you want or does the red cancel pen tape over your mouth and fingers? Freedom has responsibilities but should it be so restrictive that one feels completely stuck? Here are a few ways (below) to feel a bit more “free” even if your private world appears shackled.

(1) EARLY/LATE-  Start a bit earlier or later than those with ropes so you can do your own individual “things”.

(2) SHARE-  Find other individuals who will help shoot for your goals, dreams and F-U-N along your way.

(3) ZONES-  Have your own 2×4 zone (larger preferred) where you can have your own private space to be “yourself” . Trust me a shower stall can work as well and the bathroom is a place nobody else will want to enter.

(4) ESCAPE-  There are moments during your waking hours where you can get away. It could be a walk down the street or a local coffee place you should try again either way just escape.

(5) MINDFULNESS-  If the zone and escape room are busy become more mindful inside to explore the freedom of taste, smell, touch and see like never before.

Next Goal Wins- A Surprising Shot

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“Next Goal Wins” gave me a shot to understand a different point of view that I honestly had difficulty looking into previously but we will get to the point later. The film is a heart warming film with a comedy element that hits those points but like soccer never gets to many goals. It’s enjoyable because it takes to a land (actually filmed Honolulu County, Hawaii) many of us are unfamiliar with, America Samoa and it’s people. It deals subtle with the difficulties one faces as a transgender individual and is part of the “true story” so I didn’t felt preached too.  I’m a live and let live conservative but don’t want things thrown in my face so this subtle discussion didn’t cross my uncomfortable line.  Overall “Next Goal Wins” is an enjoyable escape but one which will leave you waiting for the next soccer match.

** 1/2 – It was okay but the score could have been higher.


Come On Man-Never The Same

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Not only has Joe Biden destroyed our country but annihilated the phrase “come on man”.  For, now anytime someone says this phrase we think of a deceitful old man who happens to fall into the Presidency (literally).  “Come on man”, used to be a way of saying that another wasn’t thinking correctly now it’s looked upon as if the person saying it can’t actually think on his/her own.  Can this phrase be saved well I guess if we can “Make This Country Great Again” than maybe “Come On Man” will be restored to greatness as well.

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