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There is no way to resolve the issue without some pain inflicted but murder is illegal therefore a “Modern Duel” is the gentleman/woman way to go.  In the modern duel opponents will inflict blows to each other in a boxing match, wrestling contest, Jalapeno eating, or even a paint ball to the head.  This will be strictly watched with judges and medical staff along the way.  Can you imagine the impact of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in such an arena  or Kanya West & Wiz Khalifa going to battle? This could be a business concept that goes straight to reality T.V.  Dueling maybe primitive but a modern duel might be the revenge that is sweet today.

Unbiased Documentary – FICTION

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I just started reading “Doing Documentary Work” and it is eye opening in discovering how creating a documentary that is actual instead of what one brings to a table is nearly impossible. We come with our prejudgments (consciously or subconsciously) on almost any subject matter before we roll a camera and therefore how can we set those aside to try to shoot the actual. Even if we had that ability there are certain words and phrases  that will be edited in and out that will build a story in one or the other direction. The subject matter might act differently when an outside force (you) suddenly appear and try to give you the information you want or do the complete opposite.  Therefore if the documentary is truly to be about the actual then having two people with opposite perspectives and opinions work together is the only real solution.

Chris Brown Arrest Guilty or Innocent YOUR PERSPECTIV

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Chris Brown Arrested  Chris Brown

Whether Chris Brown is convicted of a crime or the charges are dropped  many in the public will have passed their own verdict. That verdict will be based on their individual perspective of the entertainer including the facts they know about him and the facts they choose to ignore. It will also be based on their own perspective of the police force and the society they live in. That verdict in their mind might change due to facts in the case but more likely will be do to their openness to accept those facts rather then innuendo’s and/or conspiracy theories. For although true justice should be served in a courtroom here and in the heavenly gates above too often our own prejudices, backgrounds and alternate realities play a bigger role then guilty or not guilty does.

FURTHER NOTE- Too be honest my initial opinions lead to guilt due to Mr. Brown’s criminal violent history with Rehina and my own prejudice that says stars can get away with murder if the right lawyer represents them. I hope those initial opinions would be set aside when the facts of the case are revealed.

Thank you Colin Kaepernick

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49 niners

Most of the time I never have a logical reason to hate a team but Colin helps give me rationality for my hate of the San Francisco 49er’s.   As an American citizen blessed with freedom Colin Kaepernick of course has the right not to stand for the national anthem but his team has the right to keep him on the bench as well.   As a true blooded conservative I have been deeply upset with the direction that our country has been going but I realize that because of such freedom I can fight to change that direction and voice my opposition so I proudly stand for our national anthem even when things are going wrong. Therefore the 49er’s should bench Colin Kaepernick until he agrees to stand in respect for the national anthem and as such those brave men and woman risking their lives everyday for peanuts so he can make millions throwing a pigskin.  By the way if he stands I’ll still hate the 49er’s but at least I’ll be irrational again. 

Michael Jackson -say it is so

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Michael Jackson 2

After hearing and reading all the despicable allegations of child abuse made against the departed Michael Jackson let’s hope that Shana Mangatal’s book tells the real story. This book tells of a man who enjoyed the woman and had a normal relationship with those of the younger age.  Shana Managatal might have just one perspective as a romantic interest of Michael and G-D knows why she waited till now to bring it out now, but let us hope it is the truthful one and that a slew of books come out with this perspective as well.

Older MORE

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Getting Older

I believe as the body ages that it demands more.  Like an old car we need to make sure that we not only keep up the maintenance but do more to prevent the old wear and tear that persists over time/ usage. Here are just a few areas that I believe we should add to our body as we age.

(1) WATER- Over 70 % of our body is made up of this one ingredient and over time it can be drained out. We therefore should consume an extra glass instead of reaching for another beverage.

(2) EXERCISE– We might not have that six pack but must make sure our engine is in the run or walk fast mode to keep everything flowing strong.

(3) REST-  Our bodies demand a few more moments of shut eye as our eye’s become more wrinkled.

(4) OXYGEN-  It’s important to take an extra deep breathe in the country or country air to make every breath count.

(5) VITAMINS– If we want our bodies to stay strong over time we must make sure they have the proper vitamins to do so.

(6) CHALLENGES– Your mind, body and soul must be given a reason to keep on this path instead of move to a higher road.

(7) FUN & FAITH-  We can’t take it with us (unless you know a different moving company) so it’s important to keep life in prospective and enjoy the moments with a deeper perspective.


Gene Wilder & Ronald Reagan

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Gene Wilder  Ronald Reagan

Isn’t it a sick irony that those who have some of the biggest impacts in our life in the end  forget who they are? Gene Wilder who left people with humor that was passed down from person to person in the end didn’t know it existed and Ronald Reagan the epic force of a strong American was left a weak frail person. all because of the awful debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s. A disease that G-D willing will be wiped out before the next generation and we can forget it existed instead.  Gene and Ronald you have forgot your impact but we will surely keep your talents in our mind in our own lifetimes.

Gene Wilder Not Forgotten

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Gene Wilder Young Frankstein 2  Gene Wilder Blazing Saddles 2

I was speaking to a young co-worker about the death of a comedic genius Gene Wilder and he didn’t know is was speaking of ?  Gene Wilder who made a generation hysterical with his role in “Young Frankestein, Blazing Saddles, SilverStreak and of course Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was going to be lost to the younger generation? This is only a touch of the talent he brought to the big screen. We need to show  this generation that they weren’t the only one’s funny.   For Gene Wilder’s humor transcends time and his passing is a loss to humor yesterday, today and tomorrow. May G-D give him a big seat to watch us enjoy his talents for years and years to come.

Gene Wilder  Gene Wilder Richard Pryor


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A 100 or more years from now an archaeologist will drain a deep lake and discover a mysterious part of a paddle that belonged to ancient civilizations (mine).  This paddle will puzzle this archaeologist as he/she will wonder was there some violent end which caused this to occur  or did same ancient religious custom lead to this finding?  In case this archaeologist reads old blogs they will find the mystery solved right here…. it just fell off and the bottom was so deep so I didn’t feel like looking for it.  A matter of fact I left many mysterious objects for future archaeologist all across this country and a few other lands including eye glasses, photo albums and a cell phone charger. If you do find them sorry there’s no big murder mystery to solve or  strange ritualistic act just a mind that sometimes thinks to fast and leaves the small stuff behind.


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walk out door 2

This time I left you! You think I can continue to  run around and around trying to find you? I’ve got better things to do and if you can’t call then I have to move on. It’s not as if I’m leaving you but I just wanted to show what it’s like having to always look for you.  We’re together 24/7  maybe that hour apart wasn’t so bad after all but truth be told I did miss you.  You always know how to find just the right information that makes me smile or even shed a tear and know who I should reach out to. I’m glad we’re back but this time stay with me even if it means you have to be in my pocket all day long.


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