T.V Fan Club

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, television, Uncategorized - No Comments

T.V Club

Wouldn’t it be great to enjoy your favorite shows with those who had your same interest?  Imagine the excitement it would bring to advertisers knowing that they are jingles are sung along to during break time, let alone the T.V broadcasters knowing that they are building not just a show but a community. The “T.V. FAN CLUB” does just that by changing your local bar into a gathering for those true fans of the most popular shows in the demographics advertisers want to reach. Here’s how it would work

(1) Local Bars set up separate couch type area’s to watch various shows.

(2) Networks provide all marketing materials to such locations to insure the populace is informed about the event and also niche merchandise to sell at such venues.

(3) Special food and drink selections are made for these performances as well.

(4) Pre-Program and After Programming discussions occur with audiences from various other “T.V Fan Club’s participating at certain points and special guests from the show making a sneak appearances at one or more of  club locations.

(5) Upcoming sneak peaks for Club Guests as well other benefits for those who are regular attendees.

One further note this would also be a cash boon to many of these bars who’s traffic is slower then usual during the week.

A little cruel or funny?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

laugh cry

Let me first state that I was the one who was teased growing up and it truly hurt so I know how it feels. Yet I’m not sure it hurt as much for what was said or my perception of the words.  Today my perception of words is quite different and I understand that the best kind of humor can occur when someone says something that is unpredictable or even cruel.  For example when someone has cooked a great meal and everyone is raving about it that becomes the time  you pretend to regurgitate.  Yes, I understand this humor can be quite childish and might even hurt those who are the victim but it also can be hysterical.  I guess it all depends on how the recipient receives such jokes as to whether to continue, apologize or excuse yourself for the evening (before they throw you out).  If you continue down a path where it appears that the eyes are getting a bit watery and the smiling face turns to a dark angry frown then your humor has not touched the funny bone but Proximal Phalanges (or something like that).  Therefore humor and cruelty is not to be determined by the one speaking but the audience their speaking to.

Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition-November 29th – WOW stories

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wall street Journal

These are the top 5 stories (below) from this weekend’s Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition”  that made me say “Wow” when I read them. Do you concur or am I leading a more plain life then I think?

(1) Swiss voters will be voting to severely restrict immigration in their country this Sunday while the Prime Minister of England is unveiling proposals to restrict immigration in his country as well.

(2) A Stun Gun given to a homeless person to protect herself from domestic abuse, is being utilized as a court argument to fight against a ban on private citizens owning such weapons in Massachusetts and whether the right to defend yourself in your own home applies to the homeless.

(3)Dunkin Donuts in India sells more Veggie Burgers to it’s customers then it sells in donuts.

(4) Governor Christie vetoed a bill that won have been crating pregnant pigs. I guess we can assume he’s running for President.

(5) The tone and range of your voice changes as you perceive that your power has increased or decreased.

Loyalty ends?

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WHERE DOES YOUR LOYALTY END?  Whether it’s with a person, place or thing there are certain things that cross our line and we “move on”.  Here are a few reasons I believe people take such a stance.

(1) DISTRUST- When this entity performs an action or says something that is so out of their “normal bounds” that trust can’t be reinstituted.

(2) DIFFERENCES- These differences become to profound that their is no way to reconcile them.

(3) COMPETITION- Another entity is able to fulfill the initial goal that this entity was able to do at a lower cost either financially or morally.

(4) MOVING ON- This was only supposed to be used for a certain period of your life or when you lived or worked in a certain area.

(5) FINANCIAL- The cost to be with this entity either becomes to expensive financially or morally.

How Heaven Feels?

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    How would you describe heaven with your five senses? Here’s the way it would appear to me.  

(1) TASTE-  It is if I’m devouring a piece of  Theo chocolate every 30 seconds and drinking glass of Bolthouse Farms Mocha Cappuccino with it.

(2) SMELLS- The aroma of Vanilla with a hint of Cinnamon fills the air.

(3) FEELS- My body is covered in a the softest Cashmere material made.

(4) SOUNDS- A combination of classic 80’s & 90’s rocks is played along with today’s best country.

(5) SIGHT- I see the beauty of my lover in a Victoria’s Secret Nightgown as the sun slowly rises and sets along a path full of unique and beautiful flower that are being watered from a lovely waterfall . Along that path are also are a group of adorable puppies and Pygmy  Marmosets playing .

Shark Tank-6th Man- November 28th

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I’m glad the Shark Tank asked me to join them tonight (in my day dream at night). Here is where I’d invest my monies if I had a spare million or two maybe three.

(1) SLEEPING BABY- POSITIVE-Wearable baby blanket A  Simple but effective, loyal customers NEGATIVE- Easy to copy – I’d Invest


(2) HAMMER & NAILS- POSITIVE-  Mannequin nails for Men – Unique business  NEGATIVE- Don’t see the growth he sees, Easy to copy- I’m out!

(3) AMBER- POSITIVE- Can’t find any  NEGATIVE- Too expensive to make, Not actually produced yet, No real need – I’m way out!

(4) BOMBAS – A better sock – POSITIVE- Good Margin, great quality  NEGATIVE- Very high evaluation, many competitors,  I’m out but I’ll buy the socks.





Best Iced Coffee yet.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

bolthouse farms

“Bolthouse Farms  Mocha Cappuccino” is the best iced coffee I’ve ever tasted. I know technical it’s Cappuccino not coffee but with 100 % Arabica Coffee I’m putting it in my coffee aisle.  It’s smooth and creamy with the real taste of  Arabian coffee that you don’t find in the competitors brand.  The sweetness comes from Agave Nector and Cane Sugar not the artificial flavors that many of the competition has. These artificial sugars, that so many others carry, either overpower the coffee flavor or leave you with an aftertaste that lingers and lingers.  What is also amazing is the drink is actually good for you (relatively) with 100 % Vitamin C & B6 among other nutrients.  Yet you  don’t buy this for the nutritional value or price (it’s fairly expensive) instead it’s the wonderful taste that makes Bolthouse Farms “Mocha Cappuccino” my new morning favorite.

Business Prepper

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business disaster

It’s important that any business prepares for the “what if” situation. I’m not talking about some serious attack on the homeland but an attack on the daily way your business should operate. Employees calling in sick at the last minute, inventory missing where it was supposed to be or just a winter storm making it too hazardous to come in.  Each one of these situation requires an acknowledgement of “what realistically will occur” with the added cost of being prepared.  For example do you hire a few extra part-time workers to take the spot of workers that don’t show up or due you have a supplier that can ship in one day but at a hire cost?  If you weigh your cost vs benefit analysis you can determine how prepared you want to be but just because you feel secure doesn’t mean another storm won’t come your way so keep thinking about future problems in advance and get that AWD drive car; it’s supposed to snow this weekend.

Noise Eliminator +++

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noise pollution

It’s so hard to get a proper night sleep when people are yapping outside your door and trying to study for the important exam just forget about it that is until “NOISE ELIMINATOR +++”   . This device you comfortable put around your ears not only silences the noise around you but makes sure you don’t get TOO HOT.   It works with a portable emergency device that will send a signal should a fire alarm, carbon monoxide detector or other emergency code in your area go off.  This way you can rest comfortable, or study for that important exam without worrying it will be your last one. “NOISE ELIMINATOR” gets rid of noise pollution but keeps sound protection.

Credit Is Due

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

working hard

We work hard everyday and sometimes we feel that we don’t get enough credit for the work we do but before we complain here’s something to think about.  Without the car there is no driver and without the gas we wouldn’t be moving to fast? I believe that is what Jacob thought when he worked tirelessly with Laban’s sheep and discovered his own way to increase the flock. He could have claimed that it was all his hard work but he realized the materials he needed to accomplish that mission and even the thought in his head he truly owed to G-D. This is why he said that G-D allowed him to succeed.  Maybe if we humbling thank G-D for his larger part those around us will notice our part as well and even if that doesn’t occur at least we will truly recognize the one who can’t be forgotten.

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