Bread Time!!!!

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Me and my tribe might have been a quiet for this (above) was missing in our life. Yet now that Passover/Pesach is nearly over (depending on ones clock and rabbi) just watch how the leavened will bring a new rise to our step.  Our bellies will soon be full with the good stuff and G-D willing we can bring more of that to the world as well.

Okay Is Fine

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Sometimes “okay” is just fine. When one is trying to concentrate do they really want to hear a song that takes them away or just keeps them going?  While often a great podcast can have your trip end up in a whole different direction and okay will get you exactly where you need to be. Therefore  great is what one wants when there is nothing else in front or behind them but okay works as great background in your busy life. So thank you to the many artists for not being great but being good enough to help me get through my normal day.


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You might have said the “right words” but the tone you used changed the meaning. For, what I heard was not actually what came from your lips but what appeared you were holding back from between your teeth. So, if you don’t want my reaction then don’t worry so much what you say but the way it is actually spoken.


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Sorry, me living in a poverty please help!  I’ll still get your change and sympathy but do I deserve the title? For, as I lay in my own stew I notice that the decisions I’ve made have put me in this mess. I bullied, robbed, used, taken all the way to lead to these steps. Hurting loved ones and those that liked me along my path. I pulled on the sympathy card so many times that most started to just walk away.  I’m a victim but it’s my image that put me where I am.

FOOTNOTE-   We must judge every individual as such not base are sympathy necessarily on their status in life.

Illness Passed

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I know it’s not entirely right but when this “sickness” goes in a different mirror I see it in a whole different light. Yes, I’m sorry that “it” hit Y-O-U but at least I’m free from it’s clutches. I truly understand how it feels in your mirror so I do almost everything to avoid it even throwing others under the bus especially if it’s going in a  whole  different direction. Before you condemn M-E note this isn’t a physically ailment but one of the mind that brings not only the one suffering down but those they project their anger on as well.

FOOTNOTE-  This is the real reason it takes great courageous to befriend those with mental health conditions.

It Really Doesn’t… Does

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“It really doesn’t bother me” really does bother thy mirror. You may look in that direction but everyone else see’s how “it” effects you even if you’re in complete denial. As a matter of fact if one is to point that out to you they might be the one who receives the same treatment as the one “isn’t really bothering you”.  So live within this “fantasy” as the world around you know when you say “it really doesn’t”  it really does.

FOOTNOTE- This also goes with “I don’t care” in which you actually care the most.

G-D Has Saved Us

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For those that choose to hate our five letter wins out. For, our G-D is great and his people and those who come to support thee will not be defeated.   G-D has stood with us while in the chains of slavery, come to us during the crusades, and allowed us to rise from the ovens of hell to build a homeland. We are undeterred and will not go silently anymore. As our G-D is great and is there for all who love instead of hate as we openly humbly serve thee no matter what!!!


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I’m from the right she’s from the left while she’s gay and I’m straight, yet we’re united even as it appears we’re very far apart. His skin is dark mine is light while she likes golf as I like NASCAR even as they habits are quite different we still find a common thread.  I’m an introvert and she is an extravert who often remains silent but not on this matter. I wear my faith on my sleeve while she hides once a year if that at all.  It doesn’t matter how different we might appear in our mirrors many in the world still see us as one and the common thread is they hate us for that. We can try to escape in our worlds but those who use these four little words only see us as one.  They hate us no matter what stripes we choose to wear or not at all and therefore we must be united in fighting them.

FOOTNOTE- G-D willing they’ll come a time when this post will not be true but sad to say it appears to be reborn in one generation after another.

Trump Line

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

I recently was asked what would it take for me not to support Donald J Trump in the upcoming Presidential election and here (below) is my answer.


  1. If Donald J Trump sided even more with the Hamas terrorist then the current occupier of the White House
  2.  Presuming that Trump suddenly didn’t oppose the protests in college campuses against those who support Israel and those of the Jewish faith in general
  3. Provided that Donald J Trump asked for a seize fire in the military operations in the Gaza Strip before Biden did.
  4. Believed that our border was now safe and/or felt the current economy was good for those that are poor or those in the middle class.
  5. Supported Biden/Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran
  6. Sniffed young girls hair at campaign event.
  7. Opposed energy independence for the United States and relied on Biden’s green agenda instead.


  1. Fell down the stairs more then Biden
  2. Said “Pause” more times in teleprompter speech then Joe Biden.
  3. Called for a person in a wheelchair to get up
  4. Supported Joe Biden’s position on energy dependency, lack of parental involvement in their children’s education, banning products etc. etc.
  5. Called for Drag Queen teachers in grammar school


  1. Became an active Yankee Team supporter
  2. Agreed that “Barbie” was a great movie
  3.  Liked Nutella instead of Chocolate
  4.  Watched an entire ballet without yawning



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