Wall Street Review Weekend- May 31st

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This weeks issue of the Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition was so deep my eye’s are blurry.  Here are a few of the top articles below.

(1) Hillary Clinton was more hawkish as Secretary of State but either didn’t actively push her positions or was ignored by the administration.

(2) U.S.  & Japanese leaders are at odds with Chinese territorial moves.

(3) Russia & Ukraine are close to settling a dispute over gas prices.

(4) A U.S. Citizen carried out a suicide attack in Syria.

(5) The U.S. continues to suffer weak wage growth as the economy continues to flutter.

(6) Joni Ernst has united many of the Republican Factions in her race her U.S Senate in Iowa.

(7) Medicare will over cover some sexual reassignment surgeries.

(8) Zuckenburg is giving $120 million to San Francisco Schools.

(9) Bejing balks at releasing political prisoners.

(10) India’s has had a slower expansion in growth then expected.

(11) Bulguria appears to being  making  moves in support of Russia’s against the West interests.

(12) Brazil has had labor unrest ahead of the World Cup

(13) There are many trauma victims as a result of the attacks of Boko Haram that is overwhelming the mental health industry.

(14) Courts struck down Portugal Austerity measures.

(15) Michigan GOP has voted for an increase in the minimum wage as possibly a way to blunt a Democrat voting initiative.

(16) Republican’s bring new names to their fight to regain some say in California politics.

(17) Cuomo might have a liberal challenge in his re-election bid from Zephyr Teachout.

(18) Boiler Room tactics to sell penny stocks are being utilized through emails.

(19) New websites have pay up front services to allow patrons to go to top notch restaurants at the last moment.

(20) A commentator wrote about that Putin’s attempt to restore Russia’s Monarchy might run into many problems.

VA Hospital Solution

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The problem with the Federal Government is it tries to do so many things that it neglects those who keep it’s very existence in tact. It’s time that our Veterans get the benefits that they earned and this can’t be just a campaign slogan but a philosophy edged in stone.  Here are ways that this can occur.

(1) Upon leaving the armed forces veterans receive a special medical card which they can use at any medical facility whether it be private or government-ally owned.   Initially though they will have to stop by the VA hospital to see if they can treat their illness in a timely basis.

(2) Veterans are also given a special number manned by individuals in the private and public sector to deal with any complaints in the service they receive. These complaints are sent directly to the person in charge of Veterans Affairs on a regular basis and quarterly to the President.

(3) To insure that this system can run effectively over time. Those future service men an woman will have to pay a nominal fee for this service when in the armed forces and have a small deductible to utilize these benefits upon leaving the service.

(4) Those Veterans who don’t need this medical service (because they have other plans) will receive some tax credit for not participating in this program.

Morning Mental Exercise

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lost and found


There are many items we can  easily but only 3 that are small but extremely valuable and when lost can change your entire day. These three are items that most of us carry on us everyday. They not only help us find out who we are for others, help us communicate but also give us the ability to get to point A to point B with ease. Can you guess them? There is a hint in the crazy words below. Do you agree?


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, music - No Comments

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vxbMh8QMQ8″]

One of the greatest musical buildups. Does anyone else hear the “Prolife” message?

From whence you come

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments


It is not what we have in our live but what we do with it that truly counts to G-D.  We might start from different starting places based on where we were born, opportunities given us, personal physical and mental health but then we decide how far we can take it. If we start as a pauper in a country that has very little opportunities then maybe being a good person is good enough. Yet if we were born a Bush or Kennedy well then we need to insure that not only our name holds it’s place for our family but for G-D above. Those that fail will see misery and plight in a future life while those that achieve greatness will return on a path that is brighter and full of greater opportunity. In the end all those with some soul  will  find a path to true salvation some just might be more twisted and longer then others.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

young old person

When people mature sometimes the parts of their bodies and mind get even more mature and you hear a lot of “Er’s” and “Oh’s”. I believe just like a good wine as you get older you can get better and feel more “Ah’s” in life. The challenge is to make sure your body and mind agree with you. Please note I’ve seen people in their 20’s developing Er’s while those in the 80’s are still full of Ah’s. What makes the difference? Here are a few ways you can insure you make the right noises.

(1) Exercise regularly- Don’t get into cycles where you go to the gym every other day for a month and don’t go for the next 2 to 3 months be consistent instead.

(2) Be creative- Write, Draw, Read just make sure you keep using that creative muscle.

(3) Stay Active even when your pillow is calling you. Push yourself to keep an active lifestyle not just in work but in leisure as well.

(4) Find solutions not people or problems to blame.

(5) Smile, laugh, and love. Simple and straight forward but it works.

Writing Excitement

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


Writing is one of my profound statements you can make in your life. It enables you to truly express how you feel directly or indirectly in way no other communications can.  One’s writing might be seen only by the person who sits in front of a screen or millions across many screens, papers and pads.  The words you express might impact someone today, tomorrow or maybe years after you passed on.  The truth is those words can have an impact on someone’s life even though they don’t know it.

I’ve started my work with Joseph Bechor as I help to revise a script. His initial impact might be to utilize my work for extra timber or post it in on his bulletin board. Only time will tell but I believe that no matter what his initial reaction will be the impact will last a bit longer and stronger then he initially expected. Just like I hope the pieces I write on this blog do for many a reader. Keep writing and keep imagining the impact those words might bring to the world whether that world start with one or many your words will make a difference.

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