BS At The Bar

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I’m whoever my altar ego wants to be at a bar and it can change to whatever door I walk through. Nobody is going to check my resume or even pseudo name as I worked for The White House, ate Dinner with the Pope, or escaped 911 just as the buildings were falling down. I could be whoever I wanted to be or continue to dream who I will be “someday” and nobody would be the wiser. The bar is my disguise from reality and as long as my stories are entertaining everyone is finally listening to M-E.

FOOTNOTE-  Make sure you don’t have too many or this story will no longer be “true”.


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When someone gets whatever they want they actually might not get anything. For, individuals in these categories never get to feel the value of what working for it truly means. They might get a temporary high from a possession or experience but it’s a sugar rush that burns out many times before even the unwrapping.  In other words when one is spoiled they spoil their own character rotting away the great feeling of earning it.

Just Like Johnny – Redferrin- Thursday Song Pick

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Just Like Johnny is the song for those who want a unique vocal experience. Redferrin takes to a harsh voice of reality some just don’t want to touch.  Yet for those willing to listen it’s an experience that is raw and real which others just can’t match.


Mole On Face- Business Idea?

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As tattoo’s and piercing become more and more “common place” the mole will break through. Placed exactly where you want and in the right size the “Mole Artist” will create the new look you want that will stand out among the crowd. It is harder to shock others when they are already doing it so the mole will be the “one” that stands out!!  That is of course until the crowd starts to follow.  Mole on face will be the new look ? What do you think?

Two Finger Fight

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When you’ve heard enough then put the “two finger fight” in your arsenal.  Those negative words don’t even have to go in one ear and out the other when the two fingers are involved. No more will those negative, repetitive and angry words have an effect on your life when you are truly not listening. Don’t get me wrong two fingers shouldn’t be used for constructive criticism but when it’s truly just noise.  The “two finger fight” when one is truly sick of fighting.

Change The Channel

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When life is getting too much change the channel. You don’t have to wallow in the pain, anger and/or frustration just move to a whole new story setting. Does this mean that the actor on the previous channel will put on a different performance probably not but you don’t have to play along. There are so many options when you decide you don’t want to watch this garbage anymore


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I belong to an agency that supposedly doesn’t exist and by revealing this I may not as well. For, those who have come before me and tried to reveal this “revelation” have vanished without a trace. Yet what is the point of continuing to live a lie? I’m not suicidal either so the truth must be hidden a bit deeper then I’d like and maybe then I’ll have a chance to hide no more.

The motivation to keep this secret is because once it’s revealed those in true power fear that you’ll understand there is truly more then this life and if so will live your life seeking a higher purpose. Those deep in power will not be able to overwhelm you with fear as you will see a grander plan that they can’t stop.  Shit, I hope I didn’t reveal too much. Heaven knows I’m trying to be discreet.  In the end they know this is not as such and that is all I can say…for now.


A Hilarious Deal

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The deal I received at Levity Live was hilarious. Who would think that I could see the incredible talented Steve Bryne for some food on my table, what is this a joke?  Yet somehow Levity Live was able to provide me so much fun without emptying my wallet. Steve Byrne was so quick on his feet that I couldn’t stop laughing for a minute. My funny bone went for a full work out and it was good to put this muscle to work for a change. Who knew entertainment could be such a bargain except in the talent department where this expense should have put me to the cleaners. Levity Live entertainment can still be great without greatly expensive.



Hot Cup -A Business Idea

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If you’re hot drink is more like burning then “Hot Cup” will be the one for you. This cup and lid will provide a color warning that let’s you know when to give your drink a bit more time, so your tongue isn’t telling you. The colors will appear on the lid so you can see before you taste. where Orange will be one to stay away while red might be just right.  It might even be able to cool down your drink a bit to your tasting as well.  Burnt tongues will be a thing of the past when “Hot Cup” is placed in your hand giving you a warm not burnt feel all over.

Your Calculations

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Depending on what you put in the formula will determine my outcome.  You can add all the negatives and my equation will look bad or see all the positive notes and come up with a totally different answer. Furthermore, your emotions can have you multiply the negatives way past any mathematical calculus before to produce a number that only makes sense on your board.  The calculations are on your board add even if I show you a whole different formula you’ve decided which one to add up.

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