Happy New Year

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I want to wish Y-O-U, your loved ones and even those you sorta like a very happy, healthy, and F-U-N  New Year!! May this be the Year that see’s unexpected great things occur in your life as well as finds you a path to happiness that was not on your GPS.   G-D blessing fall on you with the type of success that you’ll still be excited about when 2026 starts to roll up. Happy New Year!!!


Byron Donalds for House Speaker

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Byron Donalds should be the new house speaker. He’s young, articulate, intelligent and comes from a working class background that is the look the G.O.P should represent to the world. The truth is Congressman Donald’s has not always been an angel but his past shouldn’t hinder his future as one learns from his early years.  Another truth is he would be the first African American to lead to the G.O.P house and the sad truth is  that could sway a few Democratic Congressman to vote his way when they normally wouldn’t even look our way. Donald Trump is about to shake things up in the Presidency and it’s time for Mr. Donalds to do the same in the House.

FOOTNOTE-  Mike Johnson has done great works but his one thousand page omnibus bill he tried to pass makes me lean the Donalds way.

Mosquito Help?

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While most see no use for the “Mosquito” I believe that there must be a purpose a G-D created them. These insects currently cause the death of millions of people with the transfer of disease but what if they carried the cure with it? Yes, even Bill Gates is looking into this formula but mine goes a bit deeper developing a new strain of mosquito’s that puncture our skin not to deliver disease but cures in the most precise way due to their stingers. They also could add things to our blood stream while pulling out a virus that is infecting it. G-D has the plan now it’s up to us to discover it even in a mosquito.

QI Exploration

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I want to explore what is behind one’s mind and in such pursuit G-D willing will explore  QI and the Monroe Institute. This attempt will be made by bringing instructors into my studio to help expand where one’s mind can go without dwelling into things that forsake my faith. I want to cross boundaries with my mind and allow others to seek this journey as without diving into a path that might become dark/dangerous. Are you interested in bending your reality or are you satisfied with what your 5 senses show Y-O-U instead?

In One Minute

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In one minute all my questions were answered and they made perfect sense. I learned more in this instance then I even the most brilliant mind could absorb in a lifetime. AI would never replace but why go there with those stupid machines. Yes, I had to go through my own personal hell but once I got through the clouds there was no question I needed an answer for. They said my brain was dead but I never felt it more alive. Don’t worry you’ll get there in your own time just live for the moment and realize there is answer for it later.

FOOTNOTE-  Heaven knows the answers await.

Why Him?

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Why did he take “control” when we ran the ship? Yes, his vision appeared more clear for the future but do we know? We have been waiting patiently for our term, and this man from that group thinks they can just steal our thunder. No, we will get revenge not only on him but also on those who come from his tribe. For, even if we are wrong, we were here first and will do whatever we can to bring our power back!

FOOTNOTE– This story appears to be from today but also can be heard in the times of Joseph. For maybe this story has roots in all different directions, even anti-semitism?


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Imagine going on a journey into the mind of a “user”. Where you will subtly experience the initial temptation to ecstasy and, finally, the moment of destruction without even knowing you have been sucked in.  All done in the complete safety of a podcast. This is our desire with the production of “Seduction”. G-D willing to come to a podcast near you very soon.



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This secret is just for Y-O-U !!  I’m producing one of my scripts “Seduction” in a podcast format.  This will enable my vision to be enjoyed by many at a lower cost to all, especially M-E.  For, podcasts don’t have any visual requirements so they’ll be no set designs, lighting, location sets etc which will reduce my costs to the bare minimum. Even **Star** power will be less expensive as we can utilize their talents without makeup and have them there for a day or so. G-D willing those who have capital and/or other resources can then move this podcast to the big screen in a way that produces success for all involved and even those involved in this secret.

Different Mirrors

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I’ve continually tried to have Y-O-U look in my mirror without really looking at yours. Where my mirror moves quickly and in an analytical way yours just happens to move slower and whimsically along.  I might study my mirror why you hardly look at others rather than your own.  It’s time that I hear and see things your way to better comprehend the look that comes in your direction.

Merry X-Mas to M-E & Happy Hanukkah to Y-O-U

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Even our Rabbi and Priest see it differently I’m having a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a Happy Hanukkah. We may be from different faiths but these are days of the calendar so why shouldn’t they be Happy & Merry. Yes, I’m including Kwanza in this formula as well even if one’s heritage comes from a different path.  So grab yourself some latkes, Egg Nog, Collard Greens and Brisket as you enjoy the holiday spirit of the calendar.

FOOTNOTEThis doesn’t mean a person should adopt faith rituals that are not related to their own journey.

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