Almost Betrayal- Money Matters

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I almost betrayed my culture and it could have been for the factor that made me become who I am. Well maybe a bit who I am. For, I have “hated” the NY Yankees every since Reggie Jackson has made it a game of money where the average person couldn’t afford to go to a game let alone by a hot dog. Now, this isn’t a Biden hate but one where I usually cheer for every other team above the Bronx Bombers. Yet, yesterday I was willing to sell this culture for a bit of paper.  If the Yankees had won last nights game and the following game I would become,… dare I say it become a Yankee fan as well as become a bit richer. That was my agreement. Well the Yankees lost it yesterday so I can continue to hate them and even have less paper to proof it.

FOOTNOTE-   I, honestly feel a bit sad about the loss so maybe there is hope for that culture as well.

Pushed Over The Edge

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I’m one who prides my self on having a thick skin where few a word will hurt me but the President has gone way to far. I don’t for example take the words of a “comedian” as an gospel just a way to try to push my envelope.  People feel comfortable telling me “their” honest truth even if it is full of lies because I’m not there to judge but listen. Yet when the President of the United States who is sworn to protect us all calls half of his employees including my own mirror “garbage” that is over the top. We are good, caring, loving people who happen to see a different path then the one who is currently in the White House and I’m sick and tired of the stereotypes and hate!!  Me and millions of your fellow citizens are proud MAGA supporters and are ripping off the closet hinges on November 5th as G-D willing love will win over hate.

Settling Ratio

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We all settle it’s just the ratio we use.  What percent do we give in from the dream? They could be “better looking” then you expected except for that scar you never saw before. She could appear to be the woman of your dreams until she let’s one lose during bedtime. His personality could be great except when his favorite team loses.  G-D is the only one perfect so settling is natural it’s just the ratio we should then consider.

Tony Hinchliffe- Dare I say It

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Before you judge M-E listen to the full routine (below). Does Tony Hincliffe say things you don’t expect one to say? Are those remarks going in different directions? Does it appear that these remarks are meant to be taken as fact or in a different note? If so may I dare say Tony Hincliffe is f-u-n-n-y? He is and yes his “remarks” might be offensive but that is what humor is. It goes over the edge and makes you laugh. As a proud Jewish American I could have been offended by the paper remark or I could maybe laugh instead. Maybe we can lower the temperature by actually laughing at those paid to do “comedians” like Tony Hinchliffe.


G-D Bless Too

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Why does the cold get all the blessing while the cough is ignored? Coughs can lead to more serious issues and truly need help from a higher authority to get over so why the slight. From now on when someone coughs I’m going to try and remember to ask them to blessed as well. Maybe this will start a new tradition that G-D willing will make people a whole lot healthier.

Deep State-Panic

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B.O- What the hell is going on she should have been up by ten points by now at least on our fictional polls.

B.C-  I know maybe you should have stayed with the old man at least he didn’t have so many salads.

J.B-  I warned you guys. I could have trained him to be more coherent but you pulled him ou. Now what are you going to do?

B.O.  We were counting on this election for the expansion on Martha’s Vineyard. Trust me you don’t want to see Michelle angry.

F.F-  What did we agree on no names!!! You never know.

B.C. – I’m not dying with this ship. I barely escaped the Island last time. You know I keep a list.

B.O.   Is that type of a threat because just remember who brought me to power and who has my back.

J.B-  This didn’t have to happen but you’re not going to put us out to dry again. We’ve collected enough funds to put you both…

F.F-  Calm the F,,, down the Nazi stuff is working. It’s peeling away a few of the moderates to put us ahead trust me.

J.B-  That was the campaign theme we were using when…

F.F-  Whatever it’s working now.

B.O & B.C-  (glare at each other) It better!!!


Trans Dog **M**

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Hillary-  You have to accept it that’s what she wants.

Joe-  How does she know what she wants she’s just….

Hillary-  If you loved her you’d let her do what she wants with her body.

Joe-  But how do you know?

Hillary- Don’t you see the way she plays with all those who chase Mickey? She doesn’t even hang out with her “kind”

Joe-  I guess so but an operation at her…

Hillary-  Listen, times are different and as her governmentally authorized vet “Spot” is now “Felix” and it’s time you accepted it. For we know what she wants. That will be $3,000.00.

The Last

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Is this is the last they’ll see of me? How I was to know that at the moment I looked and sounded my worst could be the last I left behind. If this is my final statement then my whole existence will feel null and void. I was just in an awful mood with my appearances being part of the act and then everything just stopped.  I lay on this machine praying for one last new beginning. I promise G-D if you give me the chance to sprout again from nothing things will never be the same.

DOCTOR-   I honestly don’t understand how but it appears he’s coming out of it.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe- Changed My Advisors

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The “Autopsy of Jane Doe” was so unenjoyable that I’m literally cancelling a film critic.I’m personally against cancelling someone except when their performance just stinks and this review is as correct as Kamala Harris being a deep thinker.  This critic said it was the scariest movie on Netflix and I’m afraid he’s just scared of  being bored. I lost all interest in this movie way before any credit could roll as I my brain was switched off with characters that nobody could care about. Yes, there was a jump scare here or there but the only jumping you’ll do is for your remote control. The Autopsy of Jane Doe needs to be dissected to figure out what the hell was enjoyable with it.

** – I gave the film an extra star because it taught me about the autopsy procedure.

Hello 1st **E** M**

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Should I say it or should Y-O-U?  It’s not that I’m standing on protocols just a ladder that I continue to try and climb. If I say “Hi” now will it lead to a whole conversation in which I will forget what step I was on before?  How about if that “hi” would lead to a conversation that makes my life much better in ways that I could only dream about before the words come out?  A matter of fact it could go the opposite way as well leading to you not responding or worse making it appear that I’m dependent on Y-O-U.  “Hi” someone is going to say it unless we both are dealing with thinking about it way too much before the word comes out.

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