Fake Animals

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We are fake animals sent by a higher intelligence to monitor you from the land and the air. For, if someone actually analyzed our movements, they would see the mechanisms inside. Come on man, don’t you see how unreal we really are.  We’re little animal type robots that have a microchip smaller than you can imagine as we hover and dodge all around you.  Well, I’m glad I got that off my chest/wings and now we can plan better for the invasion ahead.

Snow Down

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Snow down you move to fast you’ve got to make the morning plowing. Yes, snow has moved back into my world and whether I like it or not so has it’s pace. I don’t know if I’m feeling groovy but I sure think my dogs are.


Hardy Week

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Let’s start this week with a bit of “Hardy”.  Two amazing songs that are near the top of very different music charts but by an artist with the same name. Hardy is covering the spectrum of music with songs that hit one’s mind, soul and body. So, make this a week with Hardy on your music table and you’ll be full before you get to dessert.



How To Succeed- 4 Keys

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

Here (below) are the keys to success in whatever position you are looking for.

(1) ABILITY-Create a niche in your market that only basically you can fill.

(2) BE THERE- Be the first one to come to work and the last one to leave rain, snow, sleet or hail.

(3) DON’T COMPLAIN DO IT YES- Don’t spend your time complaining about others or circumstances be the key to change it from within. Even a small step in said direction.

(4) WORK- Actually perform the assignment you are hired to do on a regular continually basis.

FOOTNOTE-  If your employer doesn’t appreciate these 4 keys from you please work for me and I’ll open that door for Y-O-U.


Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

I’ve willing put the chains on me as I’ll do anything for ….  At first there were lines that I wouldn’t cross but little by little the eraser took the truth out of me. Now I don’t even recognize the person in the mirror who has sold their soul for just some quick fix. A fix that isn’t near the high I once reached just an inch I can’t scratch away. I’m so lost in this hell I’ve created and can’t imagine how I’ll ever be saved from it. Please just give me a fix and I’m literally yours all I ask is that you crack whatevers left of my mirror.

FOOTNOTE- So many souls have been lost down this path while G-D is right there willing to help them climb back to the truth.

Google Friend or Foe

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You know more about me than probably anyone else now to determine if you’re my friend or foe? There is know one else who understands all the complexities of my interests, desires and just strange searches than you do but can I trust Y-O-U?  Will you one day tell my true story or just focus on those less then perfect times when curiosity got the best of me?  Through your answer to my searches you’ve allowed me to go deeper than maybe I wanted to and caused me to spend more time than I probably should.  This could have made me a more rounded person than I expected or lead me down a rabbit’s hole I couldn’t escape from. Furthermore, the searches I went on were often only on the paths that you believed I could handle not the entire truth I sought. So in the end will I find the answer to are you my friend or my foe?

Smart Brush- A Business Concept

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The “Smart Brush”  will be the only brush not only to help you with bad hair days but your general health as a whole. This brush will be able to analyze your hair to determine if things in your body can be brushed aside or should be combed a bit deeper. tc. The brush will sit in a compartment that does this analyze after your brushing and can send the results to you and/or your local doctor. Your hair and lack thereof can now help to determine Anemia, Protein Deficiency, Cushing Syndrome, Thyroid condition and who knows what the future will bring. Combing your hair might be an essential daily activity shouldn’t checking your health be as well?

Steakholders Food STKH- Might want Stake

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I’m looking at putting a solid stake in Steakholders Food STKH for the following reasons (below).  I just feel I can add some special to this development and want to try and am strongly considering putting my money where my mouth is …delicious.

  1. Stem Cell meat is the future as it hits many a profile such as potential vegetarians that hate killing animals but can’t give up the steak, environmentalist who want something more to taste, Close to Kosher who lunge for a bite on the wild side etc etc.
  2. Land Use- As land becomes more difficult to set aside for meat production Stem Cell use should grow.
  3. Pieces not whole. If Stem Cell meat can be used directly into dishes instead of grown, raised and killed the process would be quicker and maybe even less expensive.

FOOTNOTE-  G-D willing the pieces of the puzzle will come together as something truly special can be built.

Commercial or Truth

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If you love the look, is it a commercial? I love the concept of having a designer pick at clothes just for M-E on a monthly basis, so I don’t have the hassle of trying to stay up with the Cardigans or Wranglers.  It’s fun to open up a package to something new and exciting and knowing it doesn’t have to pile up on my wardrobe as I can send it back before the month use is done. It’s great to have an option of later paying for those at a deep discount if the month is not enough time. Therefore the question is am producing an ad for Taelor or just loving it (sorry McDonald’s).

Men’s clothing rental subscription | Personal Stylist + AI | Try now – Taelor.Style

FOOTNOTE- If you like this look click link above and put in Budrebel 

Thursday Night LIVE

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On March 30th 6-8 PM I will be hosting a *** LIVE*** broadcast of “The Bud Rebel Show” Podcast with a whole bunch of extras. This event will benefit Big Brother/Big Sister of Rockland County yet the F-U-N is why Y-O-U need to be there. Limited seating (see link below) so grab the fun before lights, camera, action has left the building.

  1. Great Interview
  2. LIVE entertainment
  3. Surprises galore
  4. Just plain F-U-N


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