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Scary Pumpkin 1 Scared 4

I love and hate Halloween.  I love to be scared to a point where my heart pounds a little faster and I receive a goosebump here or there (lately it’s been there).  It’s also great to see children and adult dress up in costumes to pretend that they are someone else for a day. Yet as a person of faith and values some people actually walk to far to the dark side committing malicious acts that hurt others and experiment with elements that poison one’s soul.  So enjoy Halloween with a few screams (below)  but don’t let it result in it being more then a day of fear for you or others.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/EPxHVs9hRUc”]

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/FTgFnd14hjw”]

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/pJBRQQkT85s”]

Ed Gilespie Attack-Best Worst Ad Ever

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Tucker Carlson 2

Thank you Tucker Carlson for introducing me to the best worst ad out there. An ad that totally tries to smear the name of a person seeking public office on behalf of all Viriginia’s Ed Gilespie. It is so over the top that it’s fallen straight to the bottom of best worst ad ever for those that believe such **** can help me when I take my dog for a walk.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/wVckRJvuBQY”]

FOOTNOTE- It’s so over the top that I think it could be part of an SNL Ad

Gay Kevin Spacey?

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Kevin Spacey 2

If I was gay I would be trying to kick Kevin Spacey back into the closet or move him to another one altogether. For one thing gay people don’t want to be associated with is the stereotype that they are looking to prey on young boys and not only does Kevin Spacey fit that look but appears to be wearing it better then even this tuxedo.  Kevin Spacey and the media elites tried to hide the accusations of sexual harassment of a 14 year old and those who are gay should out him for it.

Celebrity Needed

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spotlight-4 mirror-5


1. Should have some acting and/or singing talent.

2. Must lean liberal

3. Beneficial if you lack arms.

4. Must have completely clean record on sexual harassment beneficial if you avoid other human beings.

5. Hermit’s will receive special condition  hermit 1


1. Unlimited fame & $$$$

2. Oscar Nomination

3. Political Office at least in California and New York.


Indicting a Ham Sandwich … w Elephant prints?

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Indict a Ham Sandwich Prisoner 3

I have no problem indicting a Ham Sandwich for I don’t eat pork but I do mind one’s that indicted just because it has elephant prints. For if you will indict all Pork sandwiches equal then that’s fine but if you pick one verse another base on where one steps then that is wrong. Equal justice should for all including those who are Ham sandwiches and one’s that eat them.

Houston Astros win game 5 for those on earth

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World Series Game 5 2

For those not traveling on an Astro or living in California the Houston Astro’s won game 13-12 in over 5 hours. That’s right for those who have night shifts or are too young spirited you would have actual seen this exciting game but for us mere mortals this blog post is probably the first time you will read these results and see some of the actions (see below) . I intend to attempt to make it to the end of game 6 not because I plan to land on an Astro but will use a common human device to see it… my alarm clock. Go Astro’s and get some sleep in between.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/2ZdlcTp56Hk”]

Banana Nut Cheerios-

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Banana Nut Cheerios

Sometimes you shouldn’t mess with the original flavor but when it comes to “Banana’s” I’m willing to take a bite and I’m glad I did with Banana Nut Cheerios.  Although it is a bit too sweet the banana flavor is in every crunch and my fear of an overpowering Pecan was know where to be tasted.  They are as crunchy as the original flavor and taste just a bit better if you’re on the sweet side.  Banana Nut Cheerios something your breakfast can slide into.

*** Banana Nut Cheerios

Kevin Spacey Acting?

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

Kevin Spacey 2

I didn’t want to believe Anthony Rapp accusation that Kevin Spacey made sexual advances to him when he was only 14 years old but then I remembered he is an actor and a phenomenal one which know one could deny. So I’ve fallen for his roles as far back in  “Idolmaker”,   “House of Cards” etc etc and did not look into the man behind the mask. “Kevin Spacey” does not say that he is innocent of these charges but that he doesn’t recall because he might have been drunk. That is no excuse for when you drink you lose a few boundaries but don’t step in areas you don’t want to go.  His apology would not occur if he felt there wasn’t a wound that couldn’t be covered up.  The scary thing is this just the first shoe to drop and therefore Mr. Spacey’s best acting days might be far behind him or we might continue to look at the mask instead.

Not Stand Still

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running-out-door-4 Standing still 1

Sometimes I’m not sure where I’m going but it’s somewhere. I can’t tell you whether it will be a few steps up or a slide down but as long as this heart is a beating to my brain I won’t stand still. Life is to short to let things pass me by and I live in a country where opportunities come to those who won’t wait so I’ll jump aboard. I might not make it to that shiny hill but at least I’ll keep climbing.

Breaking News- Mueller Indicts Hillary Clinton

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Robert Mueller Breaking News 7

Sunday October 29th- 2:29PM-   Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller will be indicting former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton on what appears to be bribery and corruption charges as it relates to sales of uranium to a Russian front company and her involved in the “dossier” . In a separate move Senator Minority leader Chuck Schumer has asked that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller be investigated and has said “this fishing expedition must end immediately”.

FOOTNOTE- Currently this is fake news but let’s cross our fingers for Monday.

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