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aging rocker rocking chair Aging rocker 2

Rocker’s may never die but they need to sit a bit more as they gray. That is why the need a “ROCKIN CHAIR” not a rocking chair.  This chair would move to the bass line and even spin around with an extra motor when your motor is a bit slower.  The ROCKIN CHAIR would be equipped with speakers, a guitar holder  and earphones to make sure even the hardest core rocker will be willing to “sit on it”.  The “ROCKIN CHAIR” because our bodies might be getting a bit older but  we’re still rocking away.

Not Allowed

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Excited 7  Excited 5

Just like a child in a candy store I shouldn’t be permitted to go to the grocery store.  I go for a bottle of Milk and end up with my wagon full of a bunch of new EXCITING items, different variety of Water and another case of Paper Towels…. just in case.  The exciting items never full live up to the moment they were bought, the water is fine but I think it also comes from the sink and I think I’m going to design my walls with paper towels. The grocery stores love me but my wallet considers me a drag. That is why just as the child in me I only allow myself to go to the Grocery Store once a week … that new water looks GREAT!!

Manchester BYE!

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

Manchester by the Sea

There are people who are boycotting the Oscars because they believe it has turned too much to the left and although I sympathize with their cause I’m not into boycotts unless it’s about quality. Therefore if “Manchester By The Sea” is nominated as best picture of the year I will not be watching the Oscars the next year. When “Birdman” won in 2014 I seriously considered a boycott for the following year but at least this film had a unique creative feel that gave it some redeeming quality and brought back Michael Keaton, so the pass was given.  Yet “Manchester By The Sea” is a fine “B” movie but nothing in the “A” category of the other films up for best picture. The film has decent acting but a script that seriously goes no where and is dreary all the way through.  There are moments where you feel a light will peak through but they are so short that clouds cover them before you know it.  A boycott of quality is just what the Oscars would deserve if “Manchester by the Sea” wins best picture.

** 1/2 Manchester By The Sea- Proving that fine acting is not enough to save a dreary film going no where.

Alone in Crowd

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Robin Williams sad alone in crowd 2

One of the most poignant remarks I remember from the late great Robin Williams was how alone he felt even in a crowd. How often do those feelings hit us as well? Where we might be having some small talk with colleagues, associates. “friends” without really talking? It is if we are a machine knowing what the proper things we’re supposed to say not to offend, hurt, or trouble those around us so we just say what isn’t really part of how we’re actually feeling?  We don’t want to burden others with our actually thoughts so the real us stay’s hidden in a crowd that is talking while we try to listen.  Some use art, music or writing when these moments appear to take us away from ourselves for too long. Yet if that loneliness becomes to severe it’s best to speak to a professional who will always be there to listen and let you be yourself even if it’s a crowd of two.

Canadian ATTACK

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Canadian Geese 1  Canadian Geese Attack 4

While the Trump Administration is all worried about our Southern Border we have already been invaded by the North and trust me they are illegal. The President could consider putting a fence to try to keep them out but some how I feel that they have a different route to get through. They border police could try to round them up but they fight in teams and aren’t afraid to use their beaks.  They might not take handouts but they leave their own mess wherever they want and never worry about invitations to destroy any outdoor party. Even the liberals must be upset with them for the noise pollution they cause in morning hours can wake up any Kumbaya moment.  These Canadians have invaded and trust me they are not leaving anytime soon for they have the air power to bring down any plane even if it’s through their suicide bombing techniques.  We might as well start to enjoy hockey and Poutine for we can’t fly away from this invasion.

Personality traits of EVIL

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Personality TraitsFauda

As I started and almost finished watching Fauda on Netflix it dawned on  me if we could identity the personality traits of evil we could literally stop the bomb before it explodes. If there were certain characteristics that we could identify in an individual as they grow up maybe we could lead them away from the path of destruction to one of creativity and growth instead. Whether it was the child who appeared as a loner in the back of the room or the one who felt constantly disrespected by his peers I’m sure we could identify who has the best chance to lead down a dark path and bring them some light instead. Not all individuals could be identified at a young age circumstances in later life (sudden death of a loved one, failing in dream etc)  some would fall through the cracks yet our job would be to look for those who are falling just before they hit the ground. This might be a bit of an investment in monies and time but one we would all receive revenue back in peace and happiness for years to come.

Fences Or Manchester By The Sea

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, movies - No Comments

fences  Manchester by the Sea

I’m 24 hours left till the Oscars and have missed 3 movies that have been nominated.  I’m dropping Moonlight out of the list since this story is not my cup of tea that leaves with the opportunity to see either Manchester by the Sea or Fences. Let’s see which one  (below) get my vote on tonight’s viewing screen.

(1)  Manchester by the Sea only $4.95 to rent – Fences- $15.00 to buy-  (Manchester +2)

(2) Denzel Washington is one on my favorite actors (Fences +1)

(3) My mother gave Manchester by the Sea a bad review   (Fences by + 1/2)

(4) Manchester by the Sea did better with critics and  Audience on Rotten Tomatoes (Manchester by + 1)

(5) Manchester is know to be depressing  (Fences by +1)

(6) Fences was on Broadway and I never got to see it (Fences by + 1/2)

 It’s a bloody Tie- WHAT SHOULD I DECIDE 

Maybe this should help (below)

[youtube_sc url=””]

Not Just $$

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

snake 11 snake 2

Money is not the only root to stupidity but many other temptations can lead you down the same path. How far would you go to have the fame of a ***STAR*** in bright lights?  Would that smile from a forbidden fruit tempt you to take a bite when your entangled with someone else?  Did you get drawn into a substance that can make you do almost anything for one more jolt?  How far would you go to gain the power to bite those who stood in your way without fear of reciprocity? Money is just one root in a tree that can lead us away from where our true water source comes from.

Trump-Let Dopes Smoke

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Marijuana Harm 2 Marijuana Harm

As the signs can read I’m not a big supporter of Marijuana but if someone wants to be a Dope let them be so.  The Trump Administration should try to have Congress change the law to allow states to legalize this drug as they see fit and therein turn not worry that they aren’t enforcing a law that’s basically unenforceable. There is such a demand for this product that keeping it illegal only allows the worst elements in society to reap any benefits.  We can instead try to educate our youth about the harm this leaf does to their developing brain so that they won’t be tempted to use it as well.   The federal government should use it’s limited resources to go after hard core drugs (Heroin, Cocaine etc) instead of  wasting time and monies on Dopes that will continue to smoke Marijuana no matter what.

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