Perfect Parking

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, Solutions - No Comments

parking space

Last night a gentlemen (used loosely) had a few words (not polite) to say to me concerning a parking space he claimed was his.  The war of the parking space has made many individuals either avoid going to a mall and/or made it extremely difficult to find your car after leaving the mall. That is until “Perfect Parking”.

Perfect Parking creates a manned system which enables those looking for a parking space and those parking to coordinate in a systematic way.  When individuals enter a mall they drive to a location where they are given an exact spot to park with a number (Example A-5, B-6) . These individuals choose this system because it’s the only way to enter the parking lot, will easily find their car after shopping and receive a discount or free sample from the stores located at the mall.  When an individual leaves the mall to go get their car they go to the “Perfect Parking” attendant who tells them exactly where they parked and gives them a discount card for further purchases at this facility. “Perfect Parking” receives their fees from the stores that operate in the mall because it helps them increase their business and insures good customer relations.   DO YOU BELIEVE IT’S TIME TO FIND “PERFECT PARKING”?

Hard core drug dealers deserve hard core time.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

philip seymour
It’s time we focus our war on drugs on those dealers who deal with death. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s death is another example where the war on drugs is going after the wrong criminals.  It’s time we give life sentences to drug dealers who sell and/or distribute Heroin, PCP, Angel Dust, LSD and other drugs that cause permanent injury and/or death to our people. The resources we utilize to fight illegal marijuana trafficking should be instead focused on these areas.  Just like there is a difference with being armed with an AK-47 and a missile launcher there is a difference between smoking pot and shooting heroin and we as society should act accordingly. If life sentences for these criminals is not enough to stop their distributions, then I believe it’s time we show them the chair, that will give them the juice instead of our citizens.

Super question?

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, film, Solutions, Uncategorized - No Comments


I don’t know why my mind went into this direction, maybe it was the way the Seahawks flew over the Broncos but now I know why Superman always appeared as  cartune character in the movies …. doctors.  Superman is one of the few super heroes’ that is born living an ordinary live but that would mean he would go to a doctor for a check up. If he went to a Doctor for this check-up or any treatment they would see that his blood count would be a bit unusual. Doctors would also have trouble giving him his vaccines  because he has veins of steel. Can you imagine his dentist visit as a child who needs a cavity filled?  The other thing filled would be the dentist mouth with blood.   Here is how (below) this and other problems in this story would be solved.

(1) Lex Luther’s Father-Ax  (I like the name) would be having an affair with Superman’s mother.

(2) Ax would believe Superman was his child and support him financially and with other means.

(3)This was create great envy with Lex Luther as he would see Superman receiving his fathers love as well as see Superman continued to excel in school sports and girls.

(4) We would realize very early on that Ax knew the true identity of Superman and has been paying off doctors (or killing them) to keep his identity secret.

(5) Ax would also be a billionaire who develops new technological advances including glasses that change your appearance.

(6) Ax will appear to die and leave his wealth to Lex Luther unless he reveals the true identity of Superman. Every time Lex Luther comes close to revealing that identity bad things happen to him.


Could this be the future of military action

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

lone survivor 2

After reading “Lone Survivor” I was troubled with how we are to  conquer the enemy without destroying “the innocent”.  I use the quote innocent because in many cases these individuals might appear innocent but let’s just say looks can be deceiving.  The truth is it is difficult to fight battles when the enemy fights in open villages. I believe this solution will save lives most importantly the brave men and woman that defend our nation.

All soldiers should have in their arsenal an agent that enables them to put to sleep or weaken an individual (s) for at least several hours. This will insure that the “innocent individual” will not hinder the soldiers operation and reduce collateral damage.  If such an agent was available 3 of our nations treasures from  “Operation Redwing” would probably still be alive today. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

A Tunnel For Peace

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments



Palestinians have complained that the separation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip makes it impossible for them to truly seek peace with Israel since their country is divided by the  land of Israel in the middle. The answer is the tunnel of peace a way for Palestinians to easily move to and fro from both capitals.   This tunnel would be built by Israel and be fully bomb proof.  It would also be funded by the world community.  Once it’s formed the officials on the West Bank and Gaza Strip would control who enters and leaves the tunnel. If a terrorist attack does occur in or around this tunnel Israel would close the tunnel from various sections.   There could be a section for a subway system as  well.  This tunnel can truly bring light to the world where many see only darkness. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Sometimes getting what you want means you truly don’t get what you desire.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Solutions - 2 Comments

nature walk

In a world where we have over 200 television choices, can listen to any form of music in a split second, and get information in a millisecond  we’re more unsatisfied then ever before.  I remember the days when watching a movie with your family was a special Sunday event where they’re were only three major television stations and you had to actually go to a place called a library to get information. In those times you truly appreciated when that special song came on the radio and movies actually held you for months if not years.  Exploring information was truly a discovery that held your imagination for days on end.  Friendship was a one on one experience that developed over time face to face not over a keyboard.

Don’t get me wrong it’s great that we have this wonderful technology that brings the world closer to a level place but sometimes it’s good to slow down and turn it all off. Try to enjoy the simple things like going for a walk or actually visiting that building called a “library” and glance for information just because it’s there. Spend sometime with one true friend instead of trying to entertain the whole world on Facebook.  Today I’m taking that break …. at least for a few hours.

Stop hurting the unemployed!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Solutions - No Comments


It’s time someone in Congress truly stands up for the long term unemployment.  They are sick of getting hand outs and want a job instead.  These individuals generally realize the longer they’re unemployed the more likely they become dependent on the system and the less desirable they look to a possible employer. What they may not realize is that unemployment lowers their self confidence and ability to get such a job.   How can we create jobs where they don’t appear to exist? We must realize that the world  is not black and white and there are many different solutions. You might be against extend unemployment benefits because you truly want to help those who are disadvantaged.  Here are just a few ways we can help I’m sure you can add some to the list.

(1) Help the chronic unemployed move to areas of job growth for example out of Detroit and into North Dakota. This might occur by helping to offset moving expenses or giving a tax credit to companies to offset their cost of moving such an individual.

(2) Use the FDR method. As many might know I’m not the biggest fan of this President but a good idea is a good idea no matter where it comes. After a certain cut out date require those who chronically unemployed to have to do community work for their benefits. The work could be helping build housing for those serving in the military, being a teachers assistant in an overcrowded school or cleaning the street.

(3) Let the long term unemployed pool their benefits together to create a new small business in their area. In the Bronx we could use a few new Deli’s.

If necessary I  would be happy along with other Americans to pay more taxes in order to insure those least among us truly have the stepping stone to escape government dependency.


Extending Long Term Unemployment Benefits is Wrong!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

unemployment centers

It is wrong to keep healthy men and woman dependent on government assistance when there is so much that they can achieve for themselves, their family and society as a whole.  As an employer when I see someone who is seeking a position but hasn’t worked in over 6 months, they fall to the bottom of my pile.  Many an individual will lose self confidence and not be able to project a good image of themselves if they have been unemployed for over 6 months.  As we continue this cycle we lose more and more talented individuals to dependency and fear. It’s time this cycle is broken.

Unemployment Centers need to become Employment Centers. Where these places are run by non for profit institutions or even those in the private center .  Individuals will have one month to try to find a job and receive full benefits and after that the Employment Centers will truly kick in. There will be incentives from all sides to get this individual working as soon as possible (see below).  Most importantly we will help the individual gain the independence to take care of themselves, their family and demonstrate the G-D given abilities to the world.

(1) Companies that hire an individual on unemployment will only pay 70 % of what the individual is receiving while unemployment insurance gives them 38% for a short term basis and 2% goes back to the agency that finds them work.   This program will benefit everyone; the companies will have a financial incentive to hire such an individual, the employment center has an incentive to find work for this individual, the individual will receive more monies working then being dependent on the system and the taxpayer saves monies. After a six month period the employee will incentive package will be cancelled on all ends.

(2) If the Unemployment Center finds a position for this individual that they truly desire the split will be more in their favor for example (5 % Employment Center 70% Employer & 35 % employment insurance)

We can argue about the numbers but not about this system.

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