We the people!!!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Solutions - No Comments

Governance works best if people who propose a law actually know how it will work and this can only occur when you have the expert citizen involved.  For example if you have an idea on improving education you should have parents, teachers, psychologist, and students involved in the discussion.  How can this occur without creating more politicians or political offices. The answer is the “Citizens Panel”.

(1) Legislation is signed that provides that an expert citizen council be formulated to review, modify and/0r rewrite proposed legislation.

(2) A Private company invites citizens to be selected on a lottery basis to serve on such a “weekend council”. There is a small fee attached to participate.

(3) When legislation is proposed. The lottery system selects experts citizens from an equal amount of various parties to serve on a weekend council to review such legislation.

(4) These citizens meet for a pre-paid weekend to review the proposed legislation and come up with their own solutions.

(5) Those who participate in this panel are invited to meet representatives from the Executive and Legislative branch to lobby for their work.

(6) Their proposal is posted and sent to various news outlets to publish.

(7) That legislation must be reviewed by the Executive and Legislative Branch and voted on.

(8) The citizens are given tokens of appreciation for their hard work and return back to their regular jobs.

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