How to keep succeeding

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Solutions - No Comments

Dominoes. 2 jpg

They say you’re only as good as your next success. Which means that the world may forget your successes in the past and only look what is presently on the table. As we get older in life it gets harder to top the last success but let’s start at the beginning for a moment.

As a toddler almost every word or even movement was greeted with great exhilaration.  Yet as we get older that stick figure painting doesn’t get you the same recognition (unless you are in a hospital). That group of Lego’s must become bigger and bigger just to gain the same recognition we got from our previous stick figure.  Then just like a group of dominoes  there are times when everything appears to fall down. How can we keep succeeding in our world that expects us to top our last accomplishment. We must take control.

(1) Recognize within ourselves the small accomplishments we achieve each day. It could be writing a different point of view, cleaning a room, or finished that chapter from a long lost book.

(2) Tell loving friends or family your experiences.

(3) Give yourself a little reward for your accomplishment ( go out for dessert, call a friend, watch a few more minutes of the boob tube)

(4) Plan your objectives for the next day and when you accomplish it repeat steps 1-3.

(5) At the same time have al long term more difficult goal which can be broken up in baby steps each day. Once a month or so reward yourself as you keep progressing toward that goal.   Keep a list of the successes you’ve achieved and reflect back on them with pride even if the ultimate goal becomes to distant for you to achieve.

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