Republican Royal Flush

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

royal flush

It’s time the Republican’s  have a Royal Flush when dealing with the illegal immigration card. A Royal Flush must have just the right cards to work.  It must be just and fair, dealing with today and the future, politically smart but not devious and most importantly it must protect and preserve OUR Constitution. I believe my plan would hit on all those cards. PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS.

1. SECURE THE BORDER-  A secure fence  must be built with actual materials  or a  “Smart Fence” built by technology that will prevent individuals from coming into our country illegally.  This fence must be certified by the Governors that it adequately prevents such entry before step 2 is taken.

2. GUEST WORKER PROGRAM- A program should be established that allows guest workers to come to this country to take on positions that American’s are unwilling to take. There must be safeguards  though to insure the safety of such workers against slave work conditions and to insure that these individuals  return to their countries after they’ve completed said work.

3. PATH TO CITIZENSHIP- Those under 18 and their families who came to this country over 5 years ago would be permitted to stay as long as the President’s Executive Decree is dismissed and considered an Unconstitutional act by the courts.  These individuals would also have to pay a fine, pay back taxes, learn English, serve in the military or public service charity, and wait in the back of the line to become a citizen.

4. TIME- The Path of Citizenship could not occur before step 1 is completed and/or before 2017 whichever is longer.  Any individuals who come to the country during this time in between must also be automatically deported before step 3 can take place.

5. LEGAL IMMIGRATION- The process for legal immigration especially for those with technical skills needed will be less cumbersome and more accessible.

Israel Million dollar gamble

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


I believe with every stick there must always be a carrot put in front. That is why it’s essential that the Palestinian people see that it is more profitable to be a peace with Israel then be at war.  With that in mine I believe Israel should over 1 million dollars a day to be given to a Palestinian cause that helps build schools, housing etc as long for every day there is true peace with Israel.  This money would be set aside to be dispensed of at the end of the year should this occur. If there was an attempt toward violence (building tunnels, offensive missiles) a penalty of 2 million dollars would be assessed, injury 3 million dollars and if a serious attack resulted in the death or serious injury of many the entire monies would be withdrawn.  I know to many this is a pipe dream that the Palestinian government wouldn’t last a day but then the people will  truly know who is bringing pain and misery upon them.

Wall Street Weekend Review- November 21st -WOW Stories

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Wall Street Journal

Here are the 5 stories (below) that truly surprised me with an explanation of my surprise.  In other words before I opened the paper I predicted that I would read the standard news but then these articles popped out of know-where. My mind reading day is done for at least today.

(1) U. S Personal are disguising themselves as Mexican Marines to participate in Anti-Drug Operations across the border. I never assumed we were playing such a prominent role in Mexican affairs… undercover.

(2)Robert Ziegler a person with strong liberal beliefs is leading a campaign in support of GMO’s because he beliefs this is truly the best way to help those who are mal-nourished around the world. It surprised me to see such a prominent liberal take such a strong stance in favor of GMO’s

(3) Ronald Lauder served in the Reagan Administration as a Defense Secretary of the defense of Europe and NATO allies.  My own prejudgment led me to believe that those from the fashion industry wouldn’t normal be involved with conservative politics. 

(4) Forcible removed or voluntarily moved groups of people have done well in other countries except for the Palestinian people.  It seemed strange to me that other groups have been able to make the best of a bad situation while the Palestinian’s Politicians have made a difficult situation worse for their people.

(5) A House Panel has concluded that the Administration didn’t intentional lead the public during and after the Benghazi attacks.  It surprised me to find a Republican House Committee would openly state this opinion which concurs with the position of the President.


Non Profits- Struggle

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

church out of business


In today’s marketplace “Non-Profits” are struggling to keep their finances above water. There are several reasons this is occurring including local governments budget shortfalls, general feelings from the public that they’re taxes should be paying for this, and charities doing the same things to raise monies. It’s time those charities think a bit differently, if they are to raise the monies they need  in today’s marketplace. Here are several suggestions (below) that they can use. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFIT LEADERS.


A.- NASCAR THEME- Utilize as much corporate sponsorship as possible to lower expenses (ex this dinner is sponsored by “McDonald’s)

B. – GREEN ENERGY- Work with your public utilities to see if there are programs to convert to green energy or lower energy costs.

C. COORDINATE WITH OTHERS- Work with other Shul’s and Church’s etc. when buying products or getting services so you buy as a group and therefore lower individual costs.


A. FAIR RENTAL- Utilize your space to rent booths for local theme fairs (Health, Education etc)

B. CLASSES- Have various types of lessons occurring in your building where individual teachers will either rent space and/or share in the profits of such classes.

C. WORK WITH BUSINESSES- Help with logistics (employees, marketing etc) in return for a small portion of the profits.

D. BROADCAST-Find a way for your key speakers to go out to the public to give key speeches or participate in forums and share in the revenue for such actions

E. SELL- Have unique or items in key demand at your local bookstore. Work with an entrepreneur on a consignment deal as well.

F. GARAGE SALE- Use empty spaces to have a garage sale where vendors rent a space or donate a part of the profits back to the non-profit.

G. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS- Allow individuals to become members at various levels. A Gold Plus Level could enable the participant to have special parking rights, payment in advance to all activities, etc while the other levels would give you other benefits.


Fun and Fundamental Investing

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, investments - No Comments

red carpet

If you just invest in Blue Chips you might feel really blue but if you just invest in hot exciting stocks that next cliff might be too high to climb. It’s a balancing act because you never know when a new expense will come your way (car breakdown, house emergency repair) so you need to keep some monies in a nest egg. That nest egg can’t be so protective that you watch all the excitement crack before your eyes. The key is to first insure you can pay for your basic necessities (food, water, shelter etc) for the next several months should something occur with your dream project. If you can get through this cycle then make sure you would be happy if you lost the other aspects of your life (cable TV, restaurants, Going to the movies, new clothes etc) if your investment panned. Once you balanced these costs you can determine how much to invest in that movie, new company or even Atlantic City. Have fun but with your head involved not just your heart.

Shark Tank Review- Friday November 21st

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, television - No Comments



If I was the 6 Shark this is what I’d invest in, of course a spare billion would be helpful. Plus a very interesting ad.

(1) KITCHEN SAFE-   A little safe to prevent you from eating or playing with an activity until your regulated time. POSITIVE- Helps those who lack will power and those with your children. NEGATIVE- Way to expensive.  Like Mr. Wonderful I’m tired of these crocodile tears. I’M OUT

(2) OFF THE COB- Tortilla Chips that are made with corn right off the cob. POSITIVE- Unique flavor, healthier, Glucose Free NEGATIVE- Too expensive against competitors. I MIGHT JUMP IN WITH INNOVATIVE FLAVORS.

(3) MAGIC COOK- Self heating cooking oven. POSITIVE- Great for Niche Market, Emergency , Sell to Government NEGATIVE- Niche Market – I’D JUMP IN.

(4) EARTH ON FIRE LOGS-  Recycled logs that smell great –  POSITIVE- Smells good NEGATIVE- Many competitors – I’M OUT

Most interesting Advertisement Ebates.  Buying and getting money back sounds like a no brainer

Punishment for Presidents

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The Impeachment process is way to difficult and political to be used  in most cases when a President has overstepped their constitutional authority or committed a criminal activity.  This creates an atmosphere where the President might feel that they could get away with almost anything as long as their party is in control and/or the media is on their side.  Therefore other lesser punishments must be available to deter future actions by our Commander in Chief.  Here are a few remedies (below) I believe the Congress should enact if these cases do arise .

(1) An action that the President has taken can be stayed if a majority in the congress feel it is unconstitutional and immediately taken to a Federal Court for Review.

(2) If the Federal Court deems the act Unconstitutional the President can be personally fined for his/her actions. This decision would of course be subject to immediate appeal

(3) If the President refuses to agree to the decision of the court or continues to act in further ways that go over his boundary of power he/she can have this particular power removed from their authority and be given to a third party appointment by the court to administer.

(4) The courts can also hold proceedings of impeachment which although would not subject the President to such action would give credence to any action the House and Senate might take up if they deem necessary.

Your path

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments

tree blocking 2

Many times we plan a path to move ahead but because of the destructive actions of others we either stop or turn down a lesser path. Yet we may think that we are driving but we are instead a passenger in G-D’s car.  Issac kept building wells and other people’s would claim them this would distress most of us but Issac kept going until he built a well that nobody could claim. Issac was not persuaded by man and neither should we when our true path is hidden in the brush.  If our path is just and right we must continue to keep pushing ahead and with prayers, hard work and G-D’s will our path will become full of health, happiness and success.

Smart Pill Dispenser

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

pills confusion

Wouldn’t it be great if your Pill Dispenser could call in an order when your pills were getting low? How about if they would send you a reminder on your smart device or beep themselves to remind you it’s time to take those pills. What if your pill dispenser would give you just the pills you need to insure no mix up occurs. I believe it’s time for a “Smart Pill Dispenser”.  This device would be easily programmed at your doctors office or even by your own voice.   As we get older or busier it sometimes can be difficult to remember the small things in life the “Smart Pill Dispenser” makes it so much more convenient and safer to make sure this occurs.

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