Obama Timeout

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

timeout President time out chair

When toddlers act out to get attention often time out is utilized to make them reconsider how to act better in the future. I believe at this juncture we should consider the following action with the President. Of course he’s not going to be forced to sit in his room at the White House (that wouldn’t be so bad) but we must not let him get too much attention from his blatantly unconstitutional act of taking the Congress role in governance. We all know that the President can’t make laws as he is attempting to do with his illegal amnesty act but only enforce the laws that are on the book.   Yet if we make such a big deal about what he does he gets the attention he wants like a spoiled child and is drawn to act again.  Here is a better way (below) to deal with this President.

(1) On Friday have the leaders of the New Congress assemble a press conference which the media and the President will assume will be speaking about the President’s illegal action but instead focus on the important pieces of legislation that they intend to push through Congress this year  (Example Energy Independence Act). When the issue of the President act come up tell them that we will seeking a legal remedy to deal with this issue.

(2)  Hold up most of the President’s Appointments in  a quiet fashion (other business has  come up) until the President agrees to follow the law.

(3) Later on pass immigration reform act that deals with protecting the border first with clear markers and then the issue of treatment of illegal immigrants after 2016. This will insure that the next President will have to deal with the law on the books first before Congressional approved modifications will be adopted.

(4) Cut back funding for some of the President’s “Pet Projects” unless he agrees to rescind his actions but blame the deficit for the reasons this action had to occur.

Home moves to heart.

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Throughout different periods of life my heart has taken me to different places and although I didn’t live there in a sense I did.  I initially dreamed about Wall Street during my Alex P Keaton times when the excitement and challenge of the financial world really moved me.  Yet when the financial number crunching got a bit too much I dreamed of the openness of the country where I could ride my horse and listen to Garth Brooks in my head.  My mind continued to find homes in different locations until I read the story of  “Exodus” by Leon Uris. The struggles and the conquest of the Israel’s truly found a special place in my heart and although Wall Street and the Country still reach out to me Israel appears to have a new greater pull. I’m not sure if this will ever be the land that my feet will ever find rest on but at least I know a part of my heart and soul will always remain there.

5 Good People

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5 people

I believe if I had only five talented good people I could truly change the world. Of course these people would have to be fully dedicated to the missions we were working on with mind, body and soul.  Here is a short description of the talent I would need.

(1) LEGAL- We may not follow the letter of the law but we don’t want to waste too much time and effort battling it.

(2) ACCOUNTANT- The numbers don’t have to be exact but they always should be leaning to the positive ledger.

(3) SALES/FINANCE- We would need an individual who could bring in the capital and/or sell the rights to our project at the highest margin possible.

(4) TECHNICIAN- This is the person that will insure that we dot the I’s when needed but allow us to skip the comma if it doesn’t move us ahead.

(5) PUBLICIST- One who is able to bring light and excitement to our projects so they come under the correct exposure.

Israel Fight Back!

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ATTACK 2attack

I’m sick and tired of hearing about innocent people being killed by terrorist attacks in Israel!  It’s time for action to put an end to these vile insidious attacks. Here’s a few ways  (below)Israel can better protect it’s citizens and the tourist who come to the holy land. In our time may G-D truly bring peace to Israel and the world but until that time we must fight for it.

(1) Make it easier for law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons in various locations.

(2) Destroy Hamas Communication Centers (TV, Radio)and install communications centers that promote peace between groups.

(3) Destroy any residence where knowledge of such attacks might have occurred and deport or arrest agitators who might have inspired such actions.

(4) Eliminate all Hamas leaders or other leadership that praise such vile action.

(5) Protect & promote Palestinian groups and individuals that work with Israel to secure peace. Including providing them and their families with the best housing, security and jobs available in their community.

(6) Integrate Eli Cohen type programs in the Palestinian territories,  where individuals dissatisfied with the violence, corruption and poverty  Hamas and Fatah have brought to their community will be able to destroy that leadership from within.

(7) Pay for a joint  (thoroughly routed and trained) Palestinian Israel police force  that will protect Jerusalem from any attacks.


Touching the Shark

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, television - No Comments

touch a shark

How many times have you fallen for a show that breaks your heart with the next episode? You haven’t  yet  “Jumped the Shark” but you started  “Touching the Shark”. This is occurring with the show “Gotham”  where one episode will draw me in while the other episode has me walking slowly out. There are episodes of sheer brilliance where the reading, acting and action hits their marks and other episodes (last night for example “A Soap Opera” ) where you’re wondering isn’t there a football game I should be watching? Next week’s concluding episode for the season will decide whether this show has me jumping or staying in the water till next year. I sure hope the water is hot and no other channels are biting.


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Their is” Basic Respect” that every person deserved and “Earned Respect” which you receive through achievements.  Some of the forms of “Basic Respect” include common courtesy to treat others as you would want to be treated and/or not to act in a way that you wouldn’t want others to act toward you. “Earned Respect” can be achieved through some scholarly pursuit, business achievement and/or social good you do for society. Those who achieve such goals must be listened as if there words come through a strainer. Where ever word may have to be considered or there statement may need further clarification as a whole. They may be entirely wrong but before you assume so you must truly listen to their remarks as a whole and understand where their thinking comes from. Once you find an error in their thinking it is not necessarily to utilize the strainer way of thinking as long as you still listen as a whole.   Those who lack giving proper respect are truly the ones that should be ignored

Might be the best….

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food - No Comments

chocolate Mexicano

” Chocolat Mexicano Super Dark ” might be the best chocolate I’ve ever eaten. The flavor is truly original with the nutty flavor you receive from a Theo chocolate but with rough edge that showcases the poignant flavor.  The chocolate is 85% but there still is a natural sweetness that seeps through. The biggest drawback is the flavor doesn’t leave a long time impact as do other chocolates I’ve eaten. Therefore “Chocolat Mexicano” is my favorite chocolate for the moment but will see if it can hold on to my tongue for the long run

Liberal Nightmare

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Many Liberals believe that the President’s unwillingness to execute the immigration laws as they are written is a good thing but they might instead  be entering a nightmare they’ve closed their eyes to. For when a Conservative President comes to power he/she can use this precedent to decide not to have the IRS enough force the capital gains tax, not enforce the ban on school prayer or refuse to have citizens funds go to groups that oppose his/her philosophy because “Congress didn’t act the way he/she wanted them to act” (Bad Congress).  This act of the President reminds me of a child holding their breath or carrying on until they get what they want. They may initially get what they want but in the end lose more then they were bargaining for.

My posts references to dreams have nothing to do with me getting a poor night sleep…. now can someone get me that coffee.

Beat me to it.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Here is an app I dreamed existed (below) and it truly came true.  Now to test if it works well in the real world.

Click to find out more about this APP

Do you ever wake up wondering what your dream might be trying to tell you? Interpreting dreams can be tricky sometimes and especially for first timers, much practice is needed in order to pinpoint the spiritual messages they’re trying to portray correctly..

Interpret your Dream is an handy dream meaning search application which can help you in understanding your own dreams. With some thorough and some abridged interpretation of dreams, it can provide plenty of information about your unique dreams or can be simply used as an instant dream dictionary book having many options and features. It’s an all-in-one personal dream analysis / dream symbol solving application for your Android device.

Many features include:
1. Type in your dream keywords and choose from the list of words appearing below (autofill).
2. Pick one or hit search button to see more possible keywords related to your dreams.
3. Mark as favorites(stars) on dream keywords to store and view them later.
4. In menu options, “show/hide” to expand dream meanings or hides them in your next search result.

Fan Forum

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

excited tv

How many times have you watched your favorite show and were filled with such a buzz but had nobody to relate those feeling to?  FAN FORUM is the one App that allows you to keep that buzz alive. It allows you to interact with fellow fans of the show either verbally or through texting and even might include a special host (one of the writers, actors). The App also has a place to buy special merchandise from the show and receive important updates you can share with fellow fans.  FAN FORUM the excitement is just beginning after the show ends.

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