Non Profits- Struggle

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

church out of business


In today’s marketplace “Non-Profits” are struggling to keep their finances above water. There are several reasons this is occurring including local governments budget shortfalls, general feelings from the public that they’re taxes should be paying for this, and charities doing the same things to raise monies. It’s time those charities think a bit differently, if they are to raise the monies they need  in today’s marketplace. Here are several suggestions (below) that they can use. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFIT LEADERS.


A.- NASCAR THEME- Utilize as much corporate sponsorship as possible to lower expenses (ex this dinner is sponsored by “McDonald’s)

B. – GREEN ENERGY- Work with your public utilities to see if there are programs to convert to green energy or lower energy costs.

C. COORDINATE WITH OTHERS- Work with other Shul’s and Church’s etc. when buying products or getting services so you buy as a group and therefore lower individual costs.


A. FAIR RENTAL- Utilize your space to rent booths for local theme fairs (Health, Education etc)

B. CLASSES- Have various types of lessons occurring in your building where individual teachers will either rent space and/or share in the profits of such classes.

C. WORK WITH BUSINESSES- Help with logistics (employees, marketing etc) in return for a small portion of the profits.

D. BROADCAST-Find a way for your key speakers to go out to the public to give key speeches or participate in forums and share in the revenue for such actions

E. SELL- Have unique or items in key demand at your local bookstore. Work with an entrepreneur on a consignment deal as well.

F. GARAGE SALE- Use empty spaces to have a garage sale where vendors rent a space or donate a part of the profits back to the non-profit.

G. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS- Allow individuals to become members at various levels. A Gold Plus Level could enable the participant to have special parking rights, payment in advance to all activities, etc while the other levels would give you other benefits.


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