Rick Perry Indictment

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

rick perry

I believe that if the case against “Rick Perry” is proven to be without merit then those who brought such claims should instead be prosecuted.  Although I don’t know all the facts on the case it appears to stink because from what I’ve heard it’s based on politics not justice. If the indictment is thrown out by the judge then the process of indicting the prosecutions should begin.  For Rick Perry’s indictment doesn’t just hurt him but the political system as a whole because political leaders may fear taking strong stances against the “Political Elite”and suffer the same consequences .  Therefore we must insure that not only we prosecute those accused of crimes but those who bring wrongful prosecution for if we don’t our political system as a whole will suffer.

Movie Bias

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

quiet ones

I watched the movie “The Quiet One’s” with a bit of bias that I believed seeped through the movie. The truth is I love to see movies in which the antagonist is a scientific elite that believes everything can and must be accepted through science only.  It bothers me that there are so many people who are so arrogant to believe that man( if not themselves) can find the answer for everything and that then they will have the power to duplicate it or eliminate it.  Don’t get me wrong I believe it’s important to search and investigate but being humble along the way can only help you find the truth through G-D. For without     G-D’s touch through the very air you breathe the search could not even begin or bear any fruit along the way.

In terms of review “The Quiet One’s” was a decent movie. Slow at points but it had fine acting and the special effects were satisfactory. I must concede  though that there were no real chills of horror along the way. The ending helped put the film together in a tighter package then it initial appeared to be going.

** 1/2 Stars as movie  my bias 3/4 star   = *** 1/4 Stars.

Not ready for President …. yet

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

white house

For those who would consider drafting me for President in 2016 (Cinnamon included) I ask you to reconsider for now. Although I’m flattered for the offer and would love to fly in “Air Force One”, there are a few points (below) that might disqualify me before I even get started.

(1) I’m a crier-  I make John Boehner look strong. I can’t imagine going to a military funeral and not shedding more then a few tears.

(2) I have a Jewish Guilt. It’s even worse then Italian guilt and therefore would have difficulty even getting on the golf course when American citizens are in harms way.

(3) My golf game and basketball game suck! The truth is I think Barrack Obama could take me to the hoop as well.

(4) Classical Music has never been my thing. I’m afraid I might fall asleep to Beethoven 4th or 5th piece.

(5) There are certain sports team’s I wouldn’t want to invite to the White House.

(6) My ability to memorize names is lacking. Therefore everyone in the cabinet will be my friend or buddy.

(7)It’s annoying to smile all the time especially at ugly babies. Yes G-D hasn’t given every baby the good looking gene and some truly have a face only a  mother could love.

(8) I hate asking for other people’s monies and have never been in a deficit spending yet although college bills are a coming my way.

(9) The “White House” needs new color. I would want to be in the beige family with maybe a tint of yellow instead.

Independent Crap

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

sleeping at theater

I apologize in advance for being so blunt but I hate going to Film Festivals that claim to show “Independent Films” that are sub par.   Now before you classify me as a film snob let me explain the basic criteria (below) a film should have before it is permitted it should be labeled “Independent”. If it doesn’t meet these criteria then it should be classified as a “Student Film”, “Amateur Film” or “Film in Progress”. This is not meant to insult the hard work put into those projects but be fair to the viewer who has paid had earned monies and time to watch certain films. One or two mistakes shouldn’t eliminate a film as Independent but more then a few should. Now I’ll have my caviar crackers.

(1) Sound Quality- The film sound should be clear and consistent for the viewer unless an effect needs to be established.  For example background music and sound effects shouldn’t distract from the dialogue that is occurring.

(2) Decent lighting- The image that the viewer sees on the screen should be clear and color corrected.

(3) Story line and script must allow viewer to escape into the film. If the dialogue or script moves into directions without a rhythm or flow then the viewer will instead be looking at his/her smartphone or watch.

(4) Professional Acting.  The characters should deliver lines in a way that actually is believable and not if you were watching a theater performance.

There’s someone missing and that’s good.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

mother bird

Today there is someone special missing from my heart and that’s good.  Like a bird must allow their chick to leave the nest I must allow my daughter to go to college. There is a certain emptiness I fill in my heart that I hope to fill with the knowledge that she is truly happy and successful in her college pursuits but this will take plenty of time and effort. The effort will come from keeping my heart busy with other pursuits and letting a tear reach my eye every once in awhile.  Yet unlike a chick no matter how far more daughter flies away she will always have a place to call home and I will always be there (as long as G-D allows me) to help her in that journey.

When worse is better

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Uncategorized - No Comments


There are times in life when it’s better to have it worse then a little better. These are the moments when the worse allows you to break free from the “what if effect”.  Here are a few examples (below).

(1) It is better to lose the lottery by more numbers then by only one.

(2) Losing a competitive effect by a fraction of a second or an ounce more of an effort can be more painful then coming in last place.

(3) Escaping a really bad relationship is a lot easier then a relationship that has a few bumps along the way.


Short and sweet or at least not bitter.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

The ability to send pictures from this blog has been cut for the moment and although I know others appreciate my words I also realize that words can become too long to look at in a person’s day so here is a brief thought. What happened if the ability to go to sleep was taken away from you or so you thought? Where there was no beginning or end of a day because they would just flow from one to the other? What would our existence be like?

Leaving a bite.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith - No Comments


I believe it’s important to leave a bite from every dish that you eat. It’s not because I’m not hungry for that extra bit but because I realize that every bit comes from G-D above including the ability to eat it. It’s important to me that I not forget that at the beginning of each meal and the end thereof. Therefore I ask you not to be offended if you make a dish for me and I don’t join the clean plate club.

Israeli Victory the only choice!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


Israel must not agree to anymore seize fires with Hamas but have complete victory instead.  Hamas just uses those seize fires to put more missiles into place to attack the innocent or build another tunnel to do the same. Israel must continue these difficult battles until Hamas finally is defeated as a threat to the Jewish State. Below is a list of how Israel must deal with the conflict.

(1) Eliminate all  Hamas leadership whether in the Gaza Strip or hiding anywhere in the world.

(2) Fire a barrage of rockets at any location where a missile is launched against Israel.

(3) Take control of small bites of the Gaza Strip until attacks on Israel are eliminated. Insure that those residence in the areas they control live in peace and prosperity.

(4) Have discussions with Palestinian leaders that are looking for peace and disarmament of groups like Hamas.

(5) Take control of the local media markets insuring that Israel’s story is told to the Palestinian people yet allow a free exchange of ideas and knowledge to be heard.


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