G-D Spoke Today

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G-D spoke to me today and at first I didn’t listen because I thought maybe it was just a coincidence yet twice was enough to open my eyes. It wasn’t with words that I heard G-D’s voice but through action that the lips moved as I have been blessed to hear many times in my life.  Some of those words have been seen in miracles that I written about in the past (  https://budrebelproductions.com/2015/04/03/miracles-today/  ) and some through paintings I illustrate today.

I woke up at 612 on Shabbos and then went back to sleep only to wake up at 657 and I know you might ask what is the big deal? That is because we are looking at the clock with different eyes and souls.  For 6+12 = 18 and 6+5+7= 18 as well, which in the Jewish faith is 18 or Chai/Life.  On Shabbos I try to separate my life of work which consumes my daily thought to a higher life principle where I’m more open to enjoyment in the avenue’s I leave behind from Monday-Friday.  It might seem a stretch to those who lack faith that this is the word of G-D but my ears are tuned differently.  I hear these words telling me that life isn’t just about what you work for but what you give.  A simple sign/word that G-D wants us to get up and live as we experience the greatness of the journey.

Baseball – Life- & Beyond

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Faith, Uncategorized - No Comments

Mets VS Cincinnatitim-teebow-mets-2

Sports and life have similar threads that one weaves here and G-D willing a higher location.  Everyone is a given a chance at the plate but depending on the coach the outs you are allowed before you sit down might appear unfair.  You can be peforming poorly and then that one hit makes you a sudden hero.  If your performance is lacking though you can be kicked off the team hoping another Manager will pick you up.  Eventually even the greatest player will lose their strength as the outs continue to add up and their game is over.  For those who have earned their stripes they will get to play for the real boss but for those that haven’t they’ll start over again from a different starting postion.

Imagine – PLEASE SHARE- Save the World

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Imagine 2 Imagine 3


I’ve written probably thousands of posts over 5 years (or so) but this is probably the most important because if it was read and observed it would literally save the world!  The strange thing is I try to be original with my ideas but this is one thread that is written about in all different faiths and even those of little faith yet never fully weaved because many including myself forget the stitch.  “Love others as thy love thyself”.  Imagine if these 6 words were strictly observed we would see just a few of the following (below) and the world would truly be saved.  We should follow all the rules that get us closer to this ideal and I believe we will truly be worthy of the welcoming of the Messiah and G-D’s true message to us all.

1. NO MASS SHOOTINGS-  No one could kill another if they truly loved them as thyself.

2. TRUE LOVE FOR THYSELF-  If we love another then we must truly love our self

3. LOVE ALL LIFE-  From the day of conception of to the day of passing we would cherish all human life and would not allow means to take one away before their time.

4. NO RAPE/SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND IF…  How could we put someone we love through an experience that we wouldn’t want to go through ourselves?

5. END OF BULLYING/RACISM/POLITICISM/PREJUDICE AS A WHOLE- There is no way to hate and to love at the same time.

6. NO SOCIALISM AND NO POVERTY-  People wouldn’t be jealous of another’s success and those with success would truly try to spread the wealth.

7. TRUE FORGIVENESS-  Grudges and vindictiveness would end and we would forgive as we would want to be forgiven.

8. GREATER WEALTH-  For some it would be in their pocketbook but in others it would be in their heart and soul.


FOOTNOTE–   I know for now it is just a dream but if in our own way we all (including myself) did a bit more then this one path would be brighter every day for all those that walked.

Chosen Path(s)

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Faith, Uncategorized - No Comments

Different Paths 2

Could all good humans be the chosen people(s) in one of the steps they take which another has walked across? Maybe their faith path appears more bumpy or crooked then ours but somehow leads to another part of the beautiful forest we can’t see from our route?  It is interesting that over 2 Billion people start out following the same path (Christian, Jews and Muslims) as our ancestors come from the same starting path and therein turn could the beginning be enough to get us to a good ending even if it might be at a different spot?  Some might appear to be chosen at one spot only to trip over another spot and then get back on their journey. In the end I believe if we follow these basic rules (below) our chosen peoples will come to the happy, peaceful ending we all earned.

(1) FAITH- Observe the route you’ve been given not forsaking it for fame, fortune or glory.

(2) RESPECT- Understand other journey’s might be quite different from yours and until you’ve heard it directly understand there is only one who can judge.

(3) SPEAK UP- Although you should respect others path it doesn’t give you an excuse to remain silent when you think it could hurt them at any phase. Speak up in a polite and understanding way that states your route without forcing anyone to take those steps by any means.

(4) FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others for not walking or falling down.

(5) SEEK- See the goodness in others even those that are walking miles and miles away especially those who haven’t looked in the mirror.

(6) HUMBLE- Be confident enough to walk not walk over.

(7) PRAY- So you’re falls will only make you stronger, the path will be clearer, and others from all other routes will reach a happy, peaceful and successful ending.

Different Paths 2

Shabbat Extra’s

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Shabbat Candles

There is bit more extra’s of life during Shabbos then you have during the rest of the week. For on this day you have a bit more (lot more) time to enjoy and appreciate then you have for the rest of the 24 hour days. Here are some added benefits  that are an addition to anyone’s life (below) and those around you.

(1) AFFECTION- This is the day hello’s can be longer then goodbye’s. Where a handshake can turn into a hug.

(2) READ- You have much more time to read and discover new worlds right inside your own house.

(3) BREATHE- You can actually take the time to breathe in and smell the snow. It’s been a long winter.

(4) SLEEP- Yes even the most observant can catch up on a bit more rest time.

(5) TASTE- Food can actually be chewed before it’s swallowed and the taste can linger (hopefully a good one) with you way past the time you swallowed it.

(6) THINK- What really is important? Why are you here? What does G-D expect of me? What did they actually put in that Chicken Soup?

(7) LISTEN- Absorb all the noises around you even the one’s your loved one’s make.

Holy – The Rebel Way

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

holy person 1holy-temple-1

The Torah speaks about the tribe being holy by separating themselves from those who would act in a different path. I believe that separation shouldn’t be to exclude yourself from those in your daily lives but in ways that build a sanctuary around your being. Here is the way I try to stay holy while still be engaged in the society around me.

(1) PRAYER- My prayers allow me and others who share the faith to come closer to G-D while others appear unwilling to pursue these moments.

(2) TURN ON /TURN OFF- If something I listen to improves my search for the truth even if it goes in a cumbersome way I will continue to watch while turning off those that start closing the door.

(3) TRADITION- The rituals I follow help to allow my path to continue down those who have preceded me with respect to my ancestors but with my own accents.

(4) PATH- It has it’s own unique curves that some will join me on but other times I proudly walk alone.

True Royality

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Kohen 1

It’s time for a reunion of real royalty the “Kohen” who not only wore special clothes but had the whole world on their shoulders. For the Kohen’s were the judges in the Holy Temple and offered the ritual sacrifices demanded by G-D that kept us all around even today. They didn’t conquer and kill people but through faith observance were able to bring us together instead.  Kohen’s exist from all different countries but have been separated over time. The Kohen reunion needs to occur so that these people can be trained about the rituals of the past, build more a cohesive unit/structure and plan for a future should the holy temple be built in our lifetime.  A true royalty exists and it’s time they come back together.

Sukkot = Jewish Camping

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - 2 Comments


I have a running joke with one of my good non- Jewish friends that Jews don’t camp but to tell you the truth we probably invented it.  For a Sukkot is a primitive dwelling that many eat and rest in through a whole week. I’m not into camping that much so I just eat in it.  During such a period we realize that the structure of our life’s are truly held up not by what we bring but what G-D has brought us. We spend time with loved one and ones we should love more as we get to know each other better without all the technologies that get in our way. Sukkot for Jews do camp as well and it’s a beautiful thing.

September 23rd -World Ends-or is saved by ……

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

September 23rd

If the world doesn’t end on September 23rd as Christian Numerolgist David Meade has predicted I and my fellow Jews would like to get some credit and trust me we will be earning it. For in the next few days we will be asking G-D to forgive our sins and those of others so we can have another year of health, happiness and in David Meade’s case survival. We will be spending hours upon hours in our local Shuls/Synagogues praying for such forgiveness and a new year of peace, wisdom and prosperity.   When millions upon millions of people are praying together well I’m sure it could change any plans G-D might have had for the day and hopefully the year.   Where many of those that aren’t friends of our faith appear to blame “the jews” for everything you hopefully say they helped saved the world.  If David Meade is correct then they’ll be nothing (literally) to talk about but if he’s incorrect (G-D willing) well a thank you would be nice.


FOOTNOTE- I’m sure it couldn’t hurt if others from different faiths decided to add to the faith train whether such a date has an relevancy to the truth or not you’ll know the one worth hearing is listening.

David Mead’s Prediction Based on



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You might believe your thoughts are just between you but G-D is listening too. G-D knows when your actions don’t match your intentions and will add or minus that to your balance sheet.  In the biblical story of Baalam, G-D knew that his intentions was to do harm to the Israelites and stopped him to show who was really in charge of the scenes.  We might similarly think we can get away with it if our actions appear good but truly aren’t but G-D is looking behind our curtain every step of the way as G-D will decide who gets a standing ovation and who will walk away with tomato hair.

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