Imagine – PLEASE SHARE- Save the World

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Imagine 2 Imagine 3


I’ve written probably thousands of posts over 5 years (or so) but this is probably the most important because if it was read and observed it would literally save the world!  The strange thing is I try to be original with my ideas but this is one thread that is written about in all different faiths and even those of little faith yet never fully weaved because many including myself forget the stitch.  “Love others as thy love thyself”.  Imagine if these 6 words were strictly observed we would see just a few of the following (below) and the world would truly be saved.  We should follow all the rules that get us closer to this ideal and I believe we will truly be worthy of the welcoming of the Messiah and G-D’s true message to us all.

1. NO MASS SHOOTINGS-  No one could kill another if they truly loved them as thyself.

2. TRUE LOVE FOR THYSELF-  If we love another then we must truly love our self

3. LOVE ALL LIFE-  From the day of conception of to the day of passing we would cherish all human life and would not allow means to take one away before their time.

4. NO RAPE/SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND IF…  How could we put someone we love through an experience that we wouldn’t want to go through ourselves?

5. END OF BULLYING/RACISM/POLITICISM/PREJUDICE AS A WHOLE- There is no way to hate and to love at the same time.

6. NO SOCIALISM AND NO POVERTY-  People wouldn’t be jealous of another’s success and those with success would truly try to spread the wealth.

7. TRUE FORGIVENESS-  Grudges and vindictiveness would end and we would forgive as we would want to be forgiven.

8. GREATER WEALTH-  For some it would be in their pocketbook but in others it would be in their heart and soul.


FOOTNOTE–   I know for now it is just a dream but if in our own way we all (including myself) did a bit more then this one path would be brighter every day for all those that walked.

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