PINK SLIP for NBC Anchor Brian Williams

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

brian williams


NBC Anchor Brian Williams should be packing his desk tonight if there is an ounce of integrity at NBC news.  How can your leading Anchor fabricate a lie that he repeats over 12 years and only admits fault when the Roosters & Chickens come home to roost?  If this was not enough of a reason for his dismissal he has also fabricated lies during Hurricane Katrina that again were used to bolster his image.  Network news should be some what true or we could all just watch MSNBC.  Brian Williams could still work at NBC maybe as a skit writer for SNL because he has become a total joke.  PLEASE SHARE IF YOU AGREE


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments


It is hard for those trying to raise their family with some traditional values to watch T.V and/or turn on the computer these days until “FAMILY T.V”.  You can’t monitor your children all day long but at least you should be able to control how much violence, sexual gratuity or offensive language they absorb in your own home.   “FAMILY T.V” is the only T.V. and computer system that automatically blocks programs and information that you deem inappropriate for your family.  It’s password protected so that parents can unlock the shows they want to watch or feel is fine for the entire family. It’s time that families raise their children not society, it’s time for “FAMILY T.V”.

Listen to a voice.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments

listening 1

Sometimes some of the greatest advise can come from the most unlikely source and when you open your ears and mind to that  voice the true voice will appear.  Many a scholar will dismiss the advise of “the uneducated” but there is great wisdom found in the streets that can’t be found in any textbook.  We can shun the advise from someone who doesn’t belong to our group but sometimes those from outside can truly see what’s going on inside.  This is what occurred with Moses when Jethro came to see him and advised him to select judges to hear the concerns of many of the people. Jethro believed that it was too much for one person to hear all the complaints, questions and concerns. Moses easily could have ignored the advise believing it came from an outsider but instead followed that advise.  Maybe that is why after this incident G-D called Moses to Mount Sinai to present him with the laws directly. In our own life’s let us not ignore those voices because we never know when one simple thought might lead to a great advance in our destination.

Be Presidential

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments



It’s time the President show respect for the office he holds! When a leader of our  greatest ally is invited to speak in front of Congress by the leader of the legislative body the President should take a few minutes to speak to him as well. Whether the President loves this leader or loathes him personally is not the issue instead it’s  about respect.  Prime Minister Netanyahu was invited to speak he didn’t ask to speak and although he should have probably contacted the White House that doesn’t mean he should have turned down that invitation, especially when so much is it a stake not just for Israel but the entire free world.  Iran, ISIS and other Islamic Extremist are a growing threat in Israel’s backyard and therefore Israel and her Prime Minister know best how to counter them. The President can’t ignore the valuable insight the Prime Minister brings no matter what his ideology might be because that threat continues to grow to (G-D forbid) hit our homeland.  The Presidency itself demands that the President first job is to protect the American people against foreign enemies and if the President let’s petty squabbles interfere with that responsibility he needs to step down.

CFC = Coffee For Computers

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

coffee for computers



 You know you enjoy your morning cup of Coffee to get all the circuits moving in your board well how about your computer? CFC is the coffee that your computer needs to get the sparks moving so it can work at it’s best. Once you download CFC then every morning you’ll watch a cute little video of your computer enjoying it’s one minute drink while it actually cleans your computer from any viruses, spam etc so that it can be optimized for your operations. It’s time that the morning coffee spark comes to your computer, it’s time for CFC.

The Truth

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, Philosophy - No Comments


   Wouldn’t it be great if there was a newspaper that told the news not made the news? A newspaper that would tell the who, what, where and when and then give the reader several options on the why. “THE TRUTH” intends to be such a newspaper where red, white & blue can get the facts without feeling that there is a deeper political motivation within the story.  This newspaper will do deep investigation but look at those investigation from various angles instead of one which the editor approves.  There will be commentary of course but as one side is presented then the other will be as well.  It’s time we build “THE TRUTH” where journalism integrity can be reborn.

Vaccine Yes and No

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments


      I believe it’s important that all children are vaccinated from many illnesses because it has been proven to stop the spread of such illnesses.   It is also important that children cut back on their carbohydrates, eat more vegetables, exercise more and even learn to pray because these also have been proven to help with general health.  Science has also had had to correct many facts that they believe were right such as margarine good and eggs bad. There are also that “one in a million” chance that a child will pick up a deadly disease from such a vaccine and if it was your child it wouldn’t seem so rare. That is why we must educate and even have inducements for parents to vaccinate their children but not mandate with a gun to the head approach.  It’s simple we can either have society raise our children or have the nuclear family raise them. There will be many mistakes made by trusting in the “traditional nuclear family” but with education and inducement those mistakes will be lessened and we won’t lose the liberty we all hold so dear.  PLEASE COMMENT!

No Shoveling Required

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

shoveling snow

Imagine a walkaway and stairs that would never need shoveling from the winter mess that hits you every year yet can be removed when the seasons change. This is the change  “NO SHOVELING REQUIRED” brings to your house or building.  “NO SHOVELING REQUIRED” has special insertions along the walkway and stairway so when winter is about to approach this system can be easily installed.   Bring in the shovel and salt and put in an “NO SHOVELED REQUIRED” system instead. COMING SOON to my house before June and then to the world (at least the cold part).

Whiplash = POWERFUL

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments



Whiplash” is what films should be. It captures the never say die attitude that we see in movies such as “Rocky” and takes it to the dark side as scene in “Black Swan” but with twists and turns that throws the “Hollywood Formula” right where it belongs (please remember to flush).  It is far from PC especially in today’s world which makes it even more refreshing and leaves you with questions way after the viewing such as “How much is really enough”?  The only drawback is it doesn’t hit the emotional peaks as seen in “American Sniper” but I wouldn’t be disappointed if it won best movie of the year.

Ad 1/2 star more for the best drum solo ever recorded in a film

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