My story- Part I- Bud in Joseph’s Sandals- Section 1

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Bud's Book, diary - No Comments


Murder seeped through my every heartbeat and burned my soul as I needed to seek justice, until a new light shine upon me.  The day began anew in one moment I was Mayor in the next I was behind bars all  because of a despicable lie meant to rip apart my very being. The reason that this hideous accusation was made is behind the scope of sanity yet in his twisted mind the idea of being thrown out of the nominating committee of a petty political club was enough to act. Machiavelli would have been proud.

Tom Stevens a name that still holds the scars of injustice in my heart was behind this action.  It was strange because he was the man that helped me escape my insecurities to the security of politics.  I was looking for my own identity and found a part of it in the re-election campaign of Ronald Reagan.  Political philosophy was something I could speak about for hours with the confidence of a surgeon seeking to find the end of a splinter. At a rally for Ronald Reagan,  Tom Steven’s was looking for another  naive young man  with ideals who was willing to jump in the ice cold world of politics even if he couldn’t swim. I grabbed at this life jacket. It would be years later that I found out this life jacket was full of holes and weights.

The connections I believed I had enabled me to move up the Republican ladder. I became President and Founder of Students for Reagan in SUNY Albany and started the Young Republican  Chapter at  SUNY Albany.  Politics already became a bit dirty as the College Republican’s of SUNY Albany were vindictive with a competitive YR chapter even though we both had a handful of members. I attended lavish Young Republican statewide events that Tom Steven’s was responsible for and bits of peculiarity about Mr. Stevens would occasionally slip out but I being loyal to the cause would discard them as just idle gossip.

The distraction from personality instead of cause left me with a bitter  taste that made me decide to drop out of the political world until Amy Carter pulled me back in….




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