Why Faith and/or why Basic Judaism

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Faith, Uncategorized - No Comments

lost in dark 2.3

If you’re preaching Christianity, Traditional Judaism or Islamic (except extreme fundamental) that is great! Yet for too many in todays world these paths appear to dark for them to walk through. They reach out for a faith that has a path that they can walk on to whether it be more bumpy or longer at certain intervals is not there concern as long as they have something to truly hold  a long the path they are satisfied.  Basic Judaism might be one more path for them to hold on to because no matter what path they finally go to they should continue to walk with it. Faith is needed by all for the following reasons.

PURPOSE- We as individuals must find a higher purpose to our existence whether it be in the here and now or at a place in time well into a new lifetime.

FREEDOM-  Faith gives the individual the freedom to do what is right and/or different even if everyone around you appears to be doing the opposite. For this is only place and time in the journey to deal with.

EXCUSE-  With faith you no longer have to stand alone with the principles you hold dear but have G-D in your corner.

STRENGTH- Battles can be fought whether be of the mind, body or soul when you believe your words and emotions are being listened to by a higher authority.

DOGMA- Having certain rules and values fixed builds character that you and the world around you will appreciate it especially when others let them down.

WHO YOU ARE- Knowing that G-D created you as is means that you can proud no matter what it appears others are saying.

SOCIETY-  People of faith understand that they are not meant just to serve themselves but that we are all connected because the creator invented us all.

BETTER- We must continue to strive to be a better person for our time is short and can be extended by the good deeds and character we become.

FORGIVENESS- Those of faith understand that G-D is the final judge and although we never forget we must always we be willing to open a hand to those who seek forgiveness through words or action.

REDEMPTIONS- As long as we can breathe and think we can seek redemptions from our mistakes/sins. The path might be much more difficult but a path will be revealed even if it’s not in a future life.

JUSTICE- We must seek justice but understand even if this world won’t see it done it will occur because G-D who is all good and powerful will see that it occurs at a place in time of the Lord’s time.

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