Ferguson Missouri – Needs People Power

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Uncategorized - No Comments



It’s time that the people of Ferguson as well as the good people of Chicago, Detroit and Newark took control of their own neighborhood(s) and kicked the gangsters and opportunist out.  This process will take time and training but it can and  should be done. Here’s a few steps in that process.

(1) Insure that there is a timely and orderly process in which incidents are reported to the community at large and that this blueprint is followed to the key in most cases. If a deviation from this pattern must occur let the community know immediately why this is occurring and when it will be corrected.

(2) Build and/or strengthen Guardian Angles and/or community policing units that have all the means necessary to watch and protect people(s) and property within their community.

(3) Develop community organizers that truly care about the community and not their own political career. That will work with the local police to insure that their neighborhoods are protected as well as the rights of the citizens.

(4) Find ways for those individuals who are unemployed in such communities to work part-time to help secure the neighborhood by reporting incidents to the local police of incidence of possible harm to persons or property.

(5) Ask the police force to become more active in good will gestures in the community and  whether through getting involved in charity activities in the community or going out and meeting with the citizens on a regular basis and listening.

(6) Tell gangsters and rioters that they aren’t welcome in the community and only peaceful protesters are. Insure that the rights of the innocent will be defended in the community if incidents occur in the future.

(7) Insist on programs that bring jobs and help families work together in the community


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