Is this a show yet?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

Street Performers

“Street Performers” are some of the most interesting people in our society. They are willing to stand out in extreme conditions whether it be cold, heat, dirt just to earn a dollar and they’re lucky if they get that.  Yet they continue that combination of true art and entrepreneurial spirit that makes them a wonderful fixture of the American landscape. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a television show that told their stories and then enabled them to compete for true fame? If this show hasn’t already been created shouldn’t we be the ones that make it happen? If it does exist please tell me on what channel and what time.

My dog is so hyper!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


I thought I was type A personality but this dog runs circles around me. They are going to have to form a new medicine just to calm her down. This puppy is a little vacuum that eats everything in her track so if my writing suffers it’s because she ate my homework (seriously). Ok back to play time, yeah (can you hear my sarcasm)

Does this exist?

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Last night I dreamt that I was searching for a Mother’s Day Gift and couldn’t find anything until I saw “Freedom Jeans”.  These were typical jeans but all the profits that these jeans raised was going to fund “conservative freedom type causes”.  Does such a jean exist or was it a sign that I should start it up?

Should this occur?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


Today a Texas judge has  ordered a hospital to remove life support for a pregnant, brain-dead woman.  Here is an example where an unborn baby transplant should be tried.  The unborn baby would be removed from the brain dead woman and  transfered to another woman who would deliver the child.  This way the woman could move on and the child could be born. I’m sure there are many woman who would be willing to carry this child to term and allow a new life to begin. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan…. It’s never enough

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

justin beiber miley

Most of us would love to have lived a part of the “stars” lives. They appear to have everything wealth, fame and true success what else could they want?  Yet despite all they have it appears that they never have enough. Whether it be Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan or even Marilyn Monroe it appear that they are truly unhappy and need more.

It’s strange because you could look at your simple puppy who probably is never going to be famous, rich, or even go to any big parties but seems extremely happy and satisfied.  Maybe we all can learn from the brilliance of this simple creature that it’s not the amount of items or success in life that truly makes us truly happy but the amount of love we receive and give to others or maybe we should just start licking other people.  The truth is it’s great to achieve success but that success doesn’t have to be in the stars it can be helping a friend or even taking care of your dog that is enough … for the moment. Justin, Miley trust me it’s enough, continue to strive for excellence but enjoy the little moments more and you’ll be a lot happier then any of the drugs, fame, or fortune can bring.

Only Pieces

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

pieces of puzzle

Even if we spent our entire life with someone we still would only know pieces of who they truly are. It’s amazing how over time we even discover knew information about ourselves that we either repressed or ignored.  Yet many people believe they know Hash-m/G-D without any real work. Some of us will glance at the good book Torah/Bible to get insight while others will explore the world that the Lord’s created through nature walks or staring at the stores but is that enough?

The truth is just like it is impossible to know the full person it is impossible to know all the facets of Hash-m/G-D but that doesn’t give us an excuse not to continue the search. For everyday we can discover a wonderful fact that brings us closer and we know that G-D put us here because he loves us and wants us to continue the search

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