Helping the mentally ill means helping ourselves

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Law and Justice, medicine, Political, Solutions - No Comments


History doesn’t need to repeat itself but that means we need to make a difference. The killings at the Naval Base in Washington D.C,  Newton Connecticut and Aurora Colorado have one underlining thread, our treatment of the mentally ill is lacking.  Those that are suffering from mental illness are suffering from an illness like anyone else but it is in their head instead of there heart or other parts of the body. When someone has a life threatening disease we in society use almost every means possible to treat, especially if it can hurt other but for some reason there is an exception made for those with mental health issues. There is a solution.

(1) Laws must be enacted so  family Member, friends or even associates can have an individual evaluated even against their will if they deem that person a threat to themselves  or others. Of course safeguards will be instituted so those that file false charges will face repercussions (including fines and/or evaluations themselves).

(2) Social workers, community volunteers must play an active part of a  local community to reach out to those who might be alone and or suffering. They must have the resources and training to deal with these individuals as well.

(3) These evaluations must be conducted in a warm loving environment that seeks to help the individual.

(4) Those that are deemed to need treatment must receive treatment. Again safeguards will be instituted so those that are forced into treatment will have ample opportunity to appeal.

(5) Society needs to promote those individuals that seek treatment instead of stigmatize them or ostracize them.

(6) Police and security officials at facilities will be notified of individuals who are in treatment and be trained how to deal with individuals having a breakdown and at the same time not to stigmatize or isolate those under treatment.

(7) Those under treatment will be persuaded by mental health professionals to have a trusted individual hold their fire-arms, violent video games and or related items that might trigger them to have a violent episode until a steady regiment of treatment is established and instituted.

(8) Group therapy, friendship groups must be part of any therapy so the individual doesn’t feel isolated at anytime and so others can help if need be before any episode gets out of control.

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