More Monies

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I thought I could stop but the paper continues to suck me in! I have enough for my family and even friends but the fear of losing it all continues to push my slots.  Yet my desire for continued wealth creates wealth for others as well as jobs and let’s face even some f-u-n. Maybe I’m trading some good zen time for Hot Chip company yet the desire for relaxation will have to wait till the other desire is fulfilled which just might be never.  When is it enough I don’t know but I know my clock is ticking and when it stops so will this desire to make M-O-R-E.

FOOTNOTE-  Should a person settle for what they have or seek ways to continue to gainmore? If the answer is too gain more than at what cost?

Turtle Testimonial *E*

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On behalf of all my shell friends I just want to say I’m truly sorry.  Honestly, it was only a few turtles that had their heads in the sand that destroyed your enjoyment. Most of us knew that eating plastic straws was not something worthy of one’s diet but a few just kept eating, what morons!  This is almost as stupid as the two-legged inventor of the paper straw. Even we with shell brains know that paper and liquids really don’t mix.  Therefore return to plastic and enjoy your drinking on us.  For, as our tough shells prove it we’ve been around longer than the existence of any straw and plan to keep slowly moving along way past any straw movement.

Breaking The Pact

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Marianne Williamson & Robert F Kennedy should team up to stop Joe Biden from getting the Democratic nomination in a way that’s never occurred in a Presidential campaign before. They should agree that if either one of them is elected to be the Democratic Presidential Candidate the other would automatically be the Vice President. This way the Democratic Voters will have a solid alternate to the fumbling Commander in Chief. They should also agree not to attack each other only the one who can’t find the entrance to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Democratic voters need an alternate in 2024 these changes would enable them to get it.


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I know it’s not Y-O-U.  For, a mother knows when a son has AI writing their text messages. Yes, you’re busy but is a simple text really so hard that another brain has to write it for you?  How do I know well let’s just say your punctation and grammar is far from this brain.  When I’m gone I’m sure you’ll replace me with some AI but until then a simple text can do even with someone as busy as Y-O-U.

FOOTNOTE-  AI might be scary but their images are so cool I had to add a few.

Car Discrimination

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Your car can not part here!  That is what I was told when I tried to enter the garage that I booked. Was it my cars fault it was born a Tesla? Does the parking attendant feel that just because my car is born with some innate traits that it will act a certain way or that those who associate with it will be “more difficult”. Why the hatred! Can’t we be judged by our own character not the car we drive?  Oh, it’s because their insurance company discriminates against all Tesla’s and their car owners.

I’m Insane So What! * E*

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How do you know that you're not insane?

I’m insane so what!!! While you have to deal with your reality mine is constantly changing.  My mind is full of many voices so I’m never truly alone how about Y-O-U?  Your job is consistently doing the same thing over and over again while I’m basically saving the universe. Sometimes people in the “real world” can laugh or hide from me but at least they fear not to bother me.  I’ve dated every major celebrity while you’re still searching on Cupid. Your reality is here while mine is in this insane mind and sometimes after seeing you it’s not a bad place to be.

FOOTNOTE-  Mental illness needs to be treated yet understanding why it’s not can help open our eyes to find ways to help those who don’t realize it.

Maying Nothing

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Maybe just nothing!?  I know everything is going my way but I’m exhausted. Trust me this mirror doesn’t appear the one I saw in my reflection yesterday but right now all I want is a break.  A break from something I love!? What is going on this was supposed to be my Nirvana and now it seems as if that Nirvana can be found with my feet in a hammock wherever that might be. Yes, I’ll get back to being driven but right now this car is parked and just enjoying the view.

The Silo- Not Allowed

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“The Silo” has broken the rules which leaves the viewers truly in “suspense”.  For, main characters appear to be dying off even before an episode ends leaving one to wonder who could be next.  We have always been taught that the protagonist will grow and change over time not just die in-between but Silo has broken the one cardinal rule and I’m loving it!!!  Stay tuned to see if I still love it throughout the season.

FOOTNOTE-  Warning I’ve only watched 2 1/2 episodes and with this unpredictability who knows who or if anyone will return.


Really- My True Story *E*

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WARNING-  This blog post is graphic. Read at your own discretion

It started out like any other morning but it ended in a living hell which I will never forget!! I was bit stuffed up the previous morning and this one was giving me similar problems which unbeknown to me (I’m not a brain surgeon)  even my “best friends” noticed.

I was so excited to have a personal ride in a car but that excitement should have been fear. First, we traveled to a groomer who quickly cut around my butt area (I warned you this would be graphic) then just as I thought I was returning home we took a stop to hell. This lady called a vet started cutting even more narrowly around my “personal space” and then she started to feel around there. How disgusting and I’m like 6 1/2 year old.  This was just too much and I knew she needed to see some teeth so when she tried to get some “knots” out those teeth were bright and snarly.  I will never forget… oh wait those dog biscuits are awesome. What was I saying?


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Really now!!! I mean I should have had at least another 20 -30 years left according to all my doctors and medical advisors yet you’re bringing me home now!  I mean I was the perfect Mr. Health eating enough greens to make the cows jealous. Every morning I’d do my daily meditation to keep my mind calm and worked out to keep the muscles tight and trim.  Everything was going to plan until you changed my clock with an Earthquake out of know-where. How ironic that quake lifted those book square down on me to end this last chapter. I guess you really needed a writer in heaven.  I just wish I could have finished the chapter back at my earthly home 1st.  Well at least the ending will leave everyone in suspense.

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