Caitlin Marriot APPLIES FOR Job Red Hen Restaurant

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CNN Breaking News 1

Caitlin Marriot, the brave intern who had the strength to utilize strong words against the President as an intern on Capital Hill, has moved up to a managerial position oat Red Hen Restaurant. This was the restaurant that told Sarah Sanders that her and her deplorables could not eat at their fine dining restaurant.  Press Secretary Sanders left the restaurant on her own accord after noting she was not welcome and the owner made sure she knew this was the case after this group left the restaurant.  “I’m delighted that I can work at a place where free speech is truly allowed”, said Caitlin after landing this position.

Fox News 2

Caitlin Marriot was suspended from her position as an intern on Capital Hill after yelling profanity at the President and promptly sought employment at the Red Hen Restaurant which kicked out Sarah Sanders Press Secretary of President Trump. The owner of the restaurant who even after Mrs. Sanders left on her accord verbally assaulted the Press Secretary appears to be accepting Mrs. Marriot for said position.  This is a place which allows those from the “right position” a place for free expression”, said Caitlin after seeking such employment.

FOOTNOTE- Fake news can be found but can you find it?


Seinfeld Understands

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Jerry Seinfeld Roseanne Barr

Jerry Seinfeld understands that sometimes in an effort to find a laugh one can push the line over the edge but that doesn’t mean that they should slide all the way down the mountain.  He understands that humor itself  is a testing ground which can get very low. Of course Mr. Seinfeld understands that Roseanne Barr’s humor was below what should be accepted but that doesn’t mean the person’s career should be destroyed.  For sticks and stones may break thy bones but words should only inflict a cut that can be healed over time.

You Must Listen !!

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You Must Listen To This Song!!!   It is for the same reason you have to do what others tell you to do but also because it’s a pretty good song.  Actually I’m not sure it’s that great a song but since you listen to what others tell you to do then why not listen to this song or will you instead choose to listen to because you want to.  I’ll never know but neither will you or will you?

FOOTNOTE- This post was inspired by an individual who told me she couldn’t  buy clothes at a store because someone else told her not do yet I wonder how many of us subconsciously make such a decision. 

Care Moments

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helping hand 4helping hand

There are times in one’s life when individuals reached out to lend me a helping hand that should be noted. These individuals were there during the most difficult parts in my life and also the greatest times and although I won’t mention their names they will know who they are by the events that are listed. Here’s a quick list that immediately come to mind.

(1) HOSPITAL- There were certain individuals that will forever stay in my mind when my mind and body weren’t feeling up to it.

(2) CRIME & UNJUSTICE- Certain individuals worked extra hard to insure that justice occurred after bars were slammed in an innocent one’s face.

(3) EMOTIONAL UPLIFT- When emotions were less then normal certain individuals help me keep a rational mind set even if the world around me flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

(4) WEDDING UNPLANNER- The weather didn’t hold up but my friendship did as certain individuals drudged through mountains of snow to get there.

(5) FIGHT- Some were willing and able to throw a punch when I was ready to call it quits.

Custom Pillow

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Scientific Experiment Can't Sleep 3

While they are trying to invent just the right mixture why don’t we invent just the right pillow, with CUSTOM PILLOW we surely will.  Just as a tailor makes sure that suit is just right for you’re one day on the road a custom pillow expert will tailorize your pillow to all your visits to the Sandman. Insuring that you have a sleep that feels right just for you.  CUSTOM PILLOW might be a bit more then your standard feathers but with the amount of valuable time you spend sleeping shouldn’t it be. CUSTOM PILLOW it’s time for a pillow that gives you the time and pleasure of shut eye.

ICE -the Show

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Illegal Immigration 1 ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION

Who are the brave men and woman that stand between our border and those who try to enter illegally?  What are the difficulties and dangers they face trying to secure our border while dealing with a human side of the equation?  ICE the show will explore the good, bad and ugly side of these individuals trying to perform their work in an extremely difficult and dangerous environment. How do the ICS agents deal with the drug dealer who wants to keep the supply going, to the young child trying to get sanctuary from an oppressive regime, as well as the MS13 gangbuster, or just a person trying to make monies for the family and how about an ISIS cell trying to come to America.  ICE the show for the story needs to be told between this broken fence.

Starbucks- Closing Before Bell

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Starbucks 3

Last night I had a meeting scheduled with associates and unlike other times we actually ordered beverages only to find out I wouldn’t have time to drink them or continue my meeting.  For out of  know where they decided it was time to close for the night and without warning kicked out all their customers.  I heard it was because they didn’t have the proper staff to continue operations but someone in corporate should have been notified.  I’m pleased though to announce that after contacting the corporate office that it appears this situation will be taken care of so in the future nobody will be forced to leave Starbucks before closing hours especially those who have made a purchase.

**** Stars to the corporate office especially Shannon who appears to be taking care of this matter.

Work to ENJOY…

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Busy working relaxing

If you want to enjoy your leisure then work for it!  Just as if you want to enjoy that bagel only have it once a week.  When someone is deprived of something for a period of time the time that it is received feels as if  a Diamond was placed in their heart rather then a lump of coal.  Vacations sparkling when they’re days long and get more dull as they form into weeks.  Work does pay not only in what you receive but the time you have off.


Bored NOW & T-H-E-N

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alone in a movie theater

Today it appears as if you are totally in charge of your entertainment desires 24/7 with the flick of a remote control or even voice action yet you are still bored.  While in my days not hundreds of years ago but a few decades or so we had choices that were limited to a few channels of what they wanted to show us when they wanted it to appear and we were basically satisfied.  We actually had to wait hours to hear our favorite song whether it would be that moment it was caught on the radio of 6/7 channels  or setting up our record player and then trying to find that one track.  It was a time of patience when it came to entertainment and true excitement when it appeared.  Now you have what you want when you want it and you are bored. Funny how those who have more sometimes appear to have less …. satisfaction.

President Trump the FIGHTER

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President Trump 2 Donald Trump Boxing

President Trump might be the greatest boxer in the world no matter what the belt. The President draws his critics in with remark (s) that appears to leave him open for many punches but once the press and his opponents appear to be winning he hits them with a policy that has them stumbling back.  It happens over and over again here a just a few examples of the his punches.

(1) KOREAN CHOP- The press and his opponents continued to slam the President over his belicose words against this menacing threat but when he held the first actual denuclearazation talks with Kim Jung Un, what they said came out as if they were hit too many times in the head.

(2)  TAX CUT KNOCK OUT- Democrats assummed these scraps which the President hyped up would allow them to continue to fight but with the economy rolling along their frontal assault opened them up to an uppercut that knocked them out of the ring for this battle.

(3) IMMIGRATION KICK- The wall to wall coverage of illegal immigrant children being separated from their children was suddenly smacked down when the President modified his punching style by allowing them to stay with their parents without catch and release. Now the press and it’s allies are trying to find something else to kick.

FOOTNOTE- Next match Tarrifs already opponents are jumping in the ring to fight on this battle front and it appears the President is willing to take some punches. Who knows where this fight will end but the President has the experience in the ring to keep it going well into the 12th round and don’t forget the knockout punch.


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